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How to Make Lines in Word Without Hassle

How to make lines in word can be done easily and simply. For example, you can use the autoformat feature.
how to make a line in word
How to Make Lines in Word Easily and Simply. Source: 100 Logos

How to Make Lines in Word Without Hassle

Microsoft Word is an application that is often used in various fields of work. Not only work, but also by school students and college students.

One of the things you can create in Word is a line. Well, the way to create it is quite easy. Let's see the review!

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How to Make a Line in Word

how to make a line in word
How to Make Lines in Word Without Hassle. Source: Logo Wine

Here are some easy and simple ways that you can do to make lines in Word:

Autoformat Feature

how to make a line in word
Autoformat Feature. Source: VCGamers

The first and easiest way, you can create a line with the autoformat feature in Microsoft Word. Here are the steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Word;
  2. Select the section you want to fill with lines;
  3. Type three minus signs ( – – – ) without spaces in sequence, then press enter'
  4. Automatically, the three minus signs will become horizontal lines.

However, you can use other combinations such as three equal signs ( = = = ) for a double line, three underscores ( _ _ ) for a thick line, three asterisks ( * * * ) for a dotted line with a pattern, and three hash marks ( # # # ) for a line containing a combination of thick and thin.

Shapes Features

how to make a line in word
Shapes Feature. Source: VCGamers

If you want to freely adjust the length and position of the line, you can use the shapes feature, here's how:

  1. Open Mircosoft Word;
  2. Click the “Insert” tab;
  3. Select the “Shapes” menu
  4. In the “Lines” section, select the “Line” option;
  5. Select the place where you want to draw the line.

Border in Paragraph

how to make a line in word
Border Feature in Paragraph. Source: VCGamers

Alternatively, you can also add lines using paragraph borders. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open Microsoft Word;
  2. Select the “Home” tab;
  3. In the “Paragraph” group, select the “Borders” option;
  4. After that, select “Bottom Border” to create a line below the paragraph.

Header and Footer Features

how to make a line in word
Header and Footer Features. Source: VCGamers

To create a line that always appears at the top or bottom of the page, you can use this feature. Here's how:

  1. Double-click on the “Header” (for the top of the page) or “Footer” (for the bottom of the page) area;
  2. After entering Header/Footer mode, select the “Design” tab;
  3. Select the “Borders” option;
  4. Select the “Bottom Border” option to add a line below the header, or “Top Border” for the Footer section.

Table Features

how to make a line in word
Table Features. Source: VCGamers

Who would have thought, you can also create a combination of horizontal or vertical lines using the table feature. Here's how:

  1. Open the “Insert” tab;
  2. Select the “Table” option;
  3. Determine how many columns and rows you need;
  4. Once the table is created, you can immediately adjust the border by right-clicking on the table.
  5. Select “Border and Shading”;
  6. Define lines for which sides you want to display.

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