Tech & Gadget

How to Make Bold Text on WA, Easy and Fast

Published by
Sukmadara Arianti

How to Make Bold Text on WA, Easy and Fast

WhatsApp is one of the popular messaging applications used by users all over the world.

This application provides various interesting features, one of which is a feature to change text to bold, italics or strikethrough easily.

The method is also quite easy, you don't need to download additional applications to change the text. However, you only need to enter certain symbols at the beginning and end of the word.

In this article, we will discuss how to make bold, italic or strikethrough text on WA easily!

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WA Text Format Features

Bold Text. Source: ElectronicHubs/Youtube

Below is some information about the format text in WhatsApp namely:

Bold (Thick)

Bold format can highlight WhatsApp text so that it looks more prominent and attracts readers.

With this feature, you can emphasize words or phrases that are easy for the recipient to understand and remember.

Untuk membuatnya, kamu hanya perlu menambahkan tanda bintang (*) di awal dan di akhir kata yang ingin ditebalkan. Selain itu, kamu juga bisa memblok kata lalu klik ‘Titik Tiga’ dan pilih opsi ‘Bold’.

Later, the bolded text will automatically appear in bold format.

By bolding certain words or phrases, you can highlight important information or make it easier for readers to find important things.


This Italic format serves to convey messages effectively. To make it you only need to type an underscore (_) at the beginning and end of the word you want to italicize.

Kamu juga bisa memblok kata lalu klik ‘Titik Tiga’ dan pilih opsi ‘Italic’ yang nantinya akan menampilkan format teks miring secara otomatis.

Strikethrough (Strikethrough)

This format serves to give a humorous impression, a statement of disagreement or to mark information that has been worked on or is no longer relevant.

To make it very easy, you just type the tilde (~) at the beginning and end of the sentence you want to strikethrough.

Bisa juga memblok kata lalu klik ‘Titik Tiga’ dan pilih opsi ‘Strikethrough’ yang nantinya akan menampilkan format teks dicoret secara otomatis.


With the Monospace format, each letter will have the same width to make the text look neater and more professional.

In addition, it also functions to make messages more formal and technical in nature with a clear appearance.

Untuk membuatnya, kamu hanya perlu mengetik 3 tanda backtick (“`) di awal dan di akhir kalimat.

Bisa juga memblok kata lalu klik ‘Titik Tiga’ dan pilih opsi ‘Monospace’ yang nantinya akan menampilkan format teks dicoret secara otomatis.

Bulleted List (Points)

WhatsApp allows its users to create bullets or points in a message that will be sent.

In addition, Bulleted Lists are commonly used to describe steps or processes such as shopping lists, tasks, or other information.

The method is very simple, you just type an asterisk (*) or a hyphen (-), a space and text at the beginning of each list and it will turn into a bullet point list.

Numbered List (Numbered List)

The Numbered List functions to record the sequence of certain things such as instructions, lists of activities and so on in the form of numbers.

To create it, you just type the number, space and text. The text will then turn into a list of numbers.

Block Quote

This Block Quote format functions to highlight messages that are considered important so that they are easy to read or more visible to the recipient.

To make it, you just type the right arrow or angled brackets (>), a space and the text. Later, it will change to Block Quote.

Inline Code

The Inline Code format functions to differentiate more specific information in a message.

Untuk membuatnya, kamu hanya mengetik tanda backtick (“) dengan teks diantara keduanya dan tanpa spasi.

How to Make Bold Text on WA

How to Make Bold Text in WA. Source: ElectronicHubs/Youtube

Below is how to make bold writing on WA, namely as follows:


  • Open the Whatsapp application.
  • Klik ikon ‘Plus (+)’ yang berada di kanan bawah atau kamu juga bisa mencarinya melalui fitur ‘Search Bar’ yang berada di bagian paling atas.
  • After that, select the contact you want to send the chat to.
  • Write the message first.
  • Then, add an asterisk (*) at the end and at the beginning of the word. Example: *How to make a pancake*.
  • Done.

Bold Italic

  • Open the Whatsapp application.
  • Klik ikon ‘Plus (+)’ yang berada di kanan bawah atau kamu juga bisa mencarinya melalui fitur ‘Search Bar’ yang berada di bagian paling atas.
  • After that, select the contact you want to send the chat to.
  • Write the message first.
  • Then, add an asterisk (*) and an underline (_) or vice versa without spaces at the beginning and end of the word. Example: *_How to make a Pancake_* or _*How to make a Pancake*_.
  • Done.

Bold Strikethrough

  • Open the Whatsapp application.
  • Klik ikon ‘Plus (+)’ yang berada di kanan bawah atau kamu juga bisa mencarinya melalui fitur ‘Search Bar’ yang berada di bagian paling atas.
  • After that, select the contact you want to send the chat to.
  • Write the message first.
  • Then, add an asterisk (*) and a tilde (~) without spaces or vice versa at the beginning and end of the word. Example: *_How to make a pancake_* or _*How to make a pancake*_.
  • Done.

Bold Italic Strikethrough

  • Open the Whatsapp application.
  • Klik ikon ‘Plus (+)’ yang berada di kanan bawah atau kamu juga bisa mencarinya melalui fitur ‘Search Bar’ yang berada di bagian paling atas.
  • After that, select the contact you want to send the chat to.
  • Write the message first.
  • Then, add an asterisk (*), underline (_) and tilde without spaces at the beginning and end of the word. Example: *~_How to make a pancake_~*.
  • Done.


  • Open the Whatsapp application.
  • Klik ikon ‘Plus (+)’ yang berada di kanan bawah atau kamu juga bisa mencarinya melalui fitur ‘Search Bar’ yang berada di bagian paling atas.
  • After that, select the contact you want to send the chat to.
  • Write the message first.
  • Lalu, tambahkan 3 tanda backtick (“`) di awal dan di akhir kata. Contoh: “`How to make a pancake“`.
  • Done.

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Sukmadara Arianti