One of the important things to build character on Ragnarok M: Eternal Love was equipment crafting. However, not all players can get equipment such as katar of quaking, healing staff, Haedonggum, and other equipment.
Well, than you are dizzy farming on and on, but haven't gotten equipment like katar of quaking, healing staff, Haedonggum, and other equipment. It's better to just make the equipment yourself.
The method is quite easy, you only need to meet the Equipment NPC in every city and collect the materials to make equipment such as katar of quaking, healing staff, Haedonggum, and other equipment. So that it will make it easier for you to raise your level.
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So, for those of you who are looking for a complete list of where you can find the materials to make equipment, here are some of the locations.

You can find Equipment Craft in the right corner of Prontera Square, its name is Equipment Craftsman Todak Ugarte.
- Buster : Iron 10, Rotten Bandage 80, Black Magic Ore 10
- Deathcat Shoes : Mandragora 15, Rotten Bandage 125, Iron 6
- Haedonggum : Iron 5, Jellopy 100
- Fullblack Dagger : iron 5, jellopy 100
- Healing staff : mandragora 15, iron 6, jellopy 125
- Piercing staff : iron 5, jellopy 100
- Cross bow : iron 5, jellopy 100
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The next Equipment Craft shop is inside Payon castle. He's just in the middle of the map, on the ceremonial field. His name is Juno Ugarte Equipment Craftsman.
- Sack Teddy Shoes : Mercury 15, Glass Bead 150
- Momo Shoes : Coal 15, Glass beads 150
- Cardo : amethyst 30, mercury 20, evil horn 188
- Windhawk : amethyst 35, antenna 2, mercury 80, slow atk alloy 20
- Calder Dagger : amethyst 10, mercury 25, pearl 1, glass bead 300
- Dessert Twilight : mercury 15, zargon 150
- Waghnak : mercury 20, evil horn 300
- Black wing : amethyst 10, mercury 25, orc claw 1, evil horn 300
- Berdysz : mercury 20, evil horn 300
- Alloy Mail : mercury 15, zargon 300
- Falken blitz : mercury 15, zargon 150

Equipment Craft in Morroc is near the exit of Morroc Castle, in the right corner before the exit. His name is Wulfgar Ugarte Equipment Craftsman.
- Lance : gold sand 15, immortal heart 190
- Cutlus : gold sand 15, scell 185
- Statue of Guardian Angel : gold sand 15, immortal heart 185
- High Heels : gold sand 15, immortal heart 185
- Saint Robe : gold sand 15, immortal heart 165
- Fox Wrist guard : gold sand 15, hard skin 185
- Pole ax : gold sand 15, scell 185
- Golden ornament : gold sand 15, iron 15
- Cleaver : gold sand 40, immortal heart 280, normal precision stone 15, black magic ore 25
- Chain Mail : gold sand 15, steel 15
- Ninja suit Sakura : gold sand 15, hard skin 165
- Poison Knife: gold sand 15, scell 185
- Holy Stick : gold sand 15, scell 185
- Double Bound: gold sand 15, hard skin 185
- Stunch Cape: Topaz 30, hard skin 308, gold sand 25
- Dragon Vest : topaz 30, immortal heart 231, gold sand 15
- Goibne Spauldeers: topaz 30, immortal heart 231, gold sand 15
- Katar of Quaking : topaz 30, gold sand 25, scell 280
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The Equipment Craft shop in Geffen is just in the top corner of the map, near the portal. His name is Juel Ugarte Equipment Craftsman.
- Ragamuffin Manteau : coal 15, rotten bandage 280
- Summoner Coat: coal 15, memento 150
- Tights : coal 15, sticky mucus 150
- Slaughter : coal 35, garlet 200, black magic ore 15
- Coat of Dragon Scale : coal 15, memento 220
- Survivor Manteau : coal 15, feather 280
- Shoes : coal 15, iron 15
- Rogue Clothes : coal 15, sticky mucus 150
- Skull Bracer : coal 15, memento 240
- Soldier Boots : coal 15, steel 15
- Survivor Rod : coal 15, garlet 240
- Gakkung Bow : coal 15 , sticky mucus 240
- Memory Book : zircon 30, memento 300, coal 19
- Attached Sword : zircon 30, coal 20, garlet 280
- Mithril Gown : zircon 30, sticky mucus 150, coal 15
- Release of Wish : zircon 30, coal 20, garlet 280
Izlude Island

Inside Izlude Island, our Crafting Kit is right at the bottom center of the map, near the boat ramp. The name of the NPC is Rurik Ugarte Equipment Craftsman.
- Mink Coat : Rotten Bandage 80, Feather 120
- Safety Boots: Steel 10, Feather 180
- Wooden Mail : Steel 10, Memento 120
- Cotton Shir : Rotten Bandage 100, Feather 180
- Round Buckler : Steel 10, Iron 10
- Lord's Clothes : Feather 200, Warm Dish 2, Scarlet Dyestuff
- Statue Of Judgment : Steel 10, Memento 160
- Mage Coat : Feather 80, Rotten Bandage 180
- Floral Bracelet : Aquamarine 15, Steel 13, Memento 150
- Scapulare : Rotten Bandage 80, Feather 180
- Magic Bible Vol 1 : Aquamarin 10, Steel 13, Memento 150
- Manteau : Feather 100, Rotten Bandage 180
- Sword Mace : Steel 10, Memento 160
- Orcish Ax : Steel 20, Memento 180, Black Magic ore 20
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So, that's our discussion this time about how to meet NPC Equipment in every city and collect materials to make equipment such as katar of quaking, healing staff, Haedonggum, and other equipment.
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