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How to Make a Toilet Skibidi in Infinite Craft

How to make a toilet skibidi in Infinite Craft is quite easy, you need three basic elements, namely Ski, Bid, and Bii.
How to make a Skibidi Toilet in Infinite Craft
How to Make a Toilet Skibidi in Infinite Craft. Source: Tech Tricks Tutorial/Youtube

How to Make a Toilet Skibidi in Infinite Craft

Once trending because of the meme and song, now there is a way to make a Skibidi Toilet in InfiniteCraft. Curious?

Infinite Craft is sandbox games popular that allows its users to create anything without limits, including fictional and non-fictional characters.

To create something, players must combine two different combinations of elements. Until now, there are thousands of elements that will continue to be updated by game developers.

Skibidi Toilet You can get it yourself by combining the elements of Skibidi and Talking Toilet. Well, this time we will learn how to make it in the following article!

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How to Make a Skibidi in Infinite Craft

Before you start making Skibidi Toilet, you have to make Skibidi elements first. To make it you need three basic elements, namely Ski, Bid, and Bii. How to get all three?

How to Make Skis

Ski. Source: Infinite Craft

Skiing requires two elements, Plane and Snow, to make it. First, you can make a Plane first with the following combination:

  • Water + Fire = Steam
  • Fire + Steam = Engine
  • Water + Steam = Cloud
  • Engine + Cloud = Jet
  • Water + Jet = Plane

After getting the Plane element, you can put it aside for now and continue to make the next element, namely Snow. Here's how to make it:

  • Earth + Earth = Mountain
  • Mountain + Wind = Avalanche
  • Avalanche + Avalanche = Snow

Well, now you have Plane and Snow. Next, just combine them to get a new element, Ski.

How to Make Bii

Bii. Source: Infinite Craft

To create a Bii element, you need to combine two Bi elements. Here is the fastest way to get this element:

  • Water + Fire = Steam
  • Steam + Steam = Cloud
  • Water + Cloud = Rain
  • Water + Rain = Rainbow
  • Fire + Fire = Volcano
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Lake + Volcano = Island
  • Island + Island = Continent
  • Continent + Lake = America
  • Volcano + Island = Hawaii
  • America + Hawaii = Obama
  • Obama + America = change

Once you have successfully obtained Change, separate the elements first to create the advanced elements that you will later combine. Now you can follow these steps:

  • Earth + Water = Plants
  • Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  • Plant + Dandelion = Weed
  • Water + Dandelion = Wine
  • Wine + Water = Holy Water
  • Wine + Holy Water = Catholic Church
  • Rainbow + Catholic Church = Gay
  • Gay + Change = Straight
  • Straight + Gay = Bi
  • Bi + Bi = Bii

How to Make a Bid

How to make a Skibidi Toilet in Infinite Craft
Bid. Source: Infinite Craft

The next element you need to get to make Skibidi Toilet is Bid. To make it, you need to combine the elements Bi and D. Here is the guide:

  • Water + Fire = Steam
  • Steam + Steam = Cloud
  • Cloud + Water = Rain
  • Rain + Rain = Rainbow
  • Water + Water = Lake
  • Lake + Lake = Ocean
  • Ocean + Earth = Island
  • Island + Island = Continent
  • Rainbow + Continent = America
  • America + Continent = North America
  • North America + Water = Canada
  • Canada + Sea = C
  • Change + C = D
  • Bi + D = Bid

After collecting all three elements, now combine the Bid and Bii elements to produce Bidibi. Next, combine the Bidibi element with Ski to get Skibidi.

How to Make a Talking Toilet in Infinite Craft

When you have the Skibidi element, now you just have to make one more element, namely Talking Toilet. To make it, you need two elements, namely Toilet and Talking Head. Here is a guide to making it:

How to Make a Toilet

How to make a Skibidi Toilet in Infinite Craft
Toilet. Source: InfiniteCraft

The first element you need is the Toilet. This element is the result of a combination of Clean and Venus Flytrap. Here is a more detailed explanation:

  • Water + Plants = Swamp
  • Swam + Plant = Venus Flytrap
  • Plant + Dandelion = Weed
  • Earth + Wind = Dust
  • Dust + Weed = Clean
  • Clean + Venus Flytrap = Toilet

How to Make a Talking Head

How to make a Skibidi Toilet in Infinite Craft - Talking Head
Talking Heads. Source: InfiniteCraft

Next you need to create the Talking Head element. This element has a longer combination process than the Toilet. To make it easier, here is a guide to making it:

  • Plant + Plant = Tree
  • Water + Tree = River
  • Earth + River = Delta
  • Tree + River = Paper
  • Paper + Paper = Book
  • Delta + Book = Alphabet
  • Alphabet + Alphabet = Word
  • Word + Mountain = Mouth
  • Fire + Earth = Lava
  • Lava + Water = Stone
  • Lava + Stone = Obsidian
  • Obsidian + Stone = Blade
  • Stone + Blade = Axe
  • Stone + Axe = Head
  • Mouth + Word = Talk
  • Talk + Head = Chatterbox
  • Chatterbox + Head = Talking Head

After getting the Toilet and Talking Head, you just need to combine the two to produce the Talking Toilet element.

How to Make a Toilet Skibidi in Infinite Craft

How to make a Skibidi Toilet in Infinite Craft
Skibidi Toilet. Source: InfiniteCraft

Now you have the two main elements needed to create Skibidi Toilet. To get this unique half-toilet, half-human character, simply combine Skibidi and Talking Toilet.

To make it easier to understand, here is a brief summary of how to make a Skibidi Toilet in the Infinite Craft game easily:

  • Mouth + Word = Talk
  • Talk + Head = Chatterbox
  • Head + Chatterbox = Talking Head
  • Talking Head + Toilet = Talking Toilet
  • Talking Toilet + Skibidi = Skibidi Toilet

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Well, that's the article on how to create a Skibidi Toilet meme character in the sandbox game Infinite Craft. Hopefully it can help!

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