Minecraft known as games which is iconic with various unique elements in it, one of which is the composter.
A composter is a block that can convert some biological material into Bone Meal, which is a material that can be used as fertilizer for most plants and fungi.
How to make a composter in Minecraft? For those of you who need it items on this one, let's follow the article until the end!
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How to Make a Composter in Minecraft

To make a composter in Minecraft is quite easy, you only need to prepare wooden slabs of any type.
First, you need 6 wooden planks which will later be used to make wooden slabs for the composter. To make 4 wood planks, place the wood on any square in the crafting grid 2 x 2.

Next, make 7 wooden slabs to make compost items. Use the wooden board that has been created on the menu crafting 3 x 3 in the following order:
2 wooden planks at the bottom left, 2 wooden planks in the bottom middle, and the last 2 wooden planks at the bottom right.

The final step is to make the composter. Composting is also carried out crafting grid with dimensions 3 x 3.
Place the wooden slab you got in the empty slot so that it forms a U shape, then click on the composter that appears in the resulting slot.
Done, now you have got a composter that is ready to be used for production bone meal for your plants.
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Functions of Using a Composter in Minecraft

The composter can be used to recycle food and plant items except bamboo, poisonous potatoes, withered bushes, meat and fish into Bone Meal.
To do this, you need to use selected items on the composter. Here is a list of items that can be used:
Item with percentage 30%
The items on this list will fill the capacity of a composter of 30%. Here is the list:
- Beetroot Seeds
- Dried Kelp
- grass
- Kelp
- Leaves
- Melon Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Saplings
- Sea Grass
- Sweet Berries
- Wheat Seeds
Item with percentage 50%
The items on this list will fill the capacity of a composter of 50%. Here is the list:
- Cactus
- Dried Kelp Block
- Melon Slice
- Sugar Cane
- Tall Grass
- Vines
Item with percentage 65%
The items on this list will fill the capacity of the composter as much as 65%. Here is the list:
- apples
- Beetroot
- carrots
- Cocoa Beans
- Ferns/Tall Grass
- Flowers
- Lily Pad
- Melon
- Mushrooms
- potatoes
- Pumpkins
- Sea Pickles
- Wheat
Item with percentage 85%
The items on this list will fill the capacity of the composter as much as 85%. Here is the list:
- Baked Potatoes
- bread
- Cookies
- Hey Bale
- Mushroom Blocks
Item with percentage 100%
The items on this list will fill the capacity of the composter by 100%. Here is the list:
- Cake
- Pumpkin Pie
Each time an item is placed in the composter, there is a chance the composter will appear slightly fuller than before.
The higher the percentage of items you use, the faster the composter will produce Bone Meal.
When the composter has reached its maximum capacity, adding one more item to it will make a Bone Meal appear. If this happens, the composter will empty again.
Residents who work as farmers use composter blocks while working in their agricultural fields.
If there is a composter block in a village but no one is a farmer, then the villagers without jobs will automatically work as farmers.
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So, those are the steps for making a composter in Minecraft and how to use them. How, easy isn't it?
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