Beacons are one of the rare items in Minecraft that affect nearby players, so many players are looking for ways to make Beacons in Minecraft 1.19.
This time, VCGamers will discuss how to make Beacons along with its use for players who make these rare items. Curious what materials are needed? Come on, see the discussion below!
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How to Make Beacons in Minecraft
Before knowing how to make a Beacon, you need to know what materials are needed and how to get these materials in Minecraft.
The following is how to collect the materials needed to make Beacon and its recipe:
Collect Materials

The materials you need to have to make Beacons in Minecraft are Glass, Obsidian, and Nether Star.
For Glass, players can burn Sand in the Furnace with any fuel and after a while, Glass will be created.
Second, there is Obsidian which players can get as a result of a combination of water and lava. However, use the Diamond Pickaxe to destroy the Obsidian Block and get it.
The last item for Beacon is a fairly rare item. The reason is, getting this item is not easy.
First, players have to find three Wither Skeleton Skulls that were dropped by the Wither Skeletons. The Drop Chance that this item has is also not big.
Players can only meet the Wither Skeleton in the Nether Fortress. After obtaining three Wither Skeleton Skulls, new players can meet the Wither.
Second, players must summon the Wither by building four Soul Blocks in a T shape and 3 Wither Skeleton Skulls.
Then, the Wither will appear and players must kill it to get the Nether Star. Be careful with the Wither because its attacks are very strong.
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Use the Beacon Recipe

After getting all the materials needed, namely five Glass, three Obdisian, and one Nether Star, you can follow the recipe above to get a Beacon.
Each recipe, players will only get one Beacon. Therefore, Beacon is a fairly rare item but has extraordinary power.
This rarity comes from the Nether Star which must be obtained from the Wither. The only source of Nether Star is from Wither, so players need quite a long time.
With that, players can see the recipe in the image above to make Beacons in the world of Minecraft Singleplayer or Multiplayer.
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Uses of Beacons in Minecraft

After making Beacons, you need to know what and how to use Beacons for your survival needs in Minecraft.
Previously, you needed to activate Beacon with the following conditions:
- Beacon requires a view of the sky to work. Transparent blocks such as glass, water, etc. are still allowed.
- The beacon must be at the top of the pyramid it is made of diamond blocks, netherite blocks, iron blocks, gold blocks, or emerald blocks.
The pyramid is the structure needed to activate Beacons. There are four tiers of pyramids that you can make.
The higher the pyramid, the more power available and the larger the area covered.
The type of pyramid (diamond blocks, gold blocks, etc.) does not affect Beacons and is only cosmetic.
After the Beacon emits a laser, this item can be given an iron ingot, gold ingot, emerald, diamond, or netherite ingot to choose the status effect given to the player.
There are five main strengths provided by the beacon, namely:
- Speed I: Increase movement speed.
- Haste I: Increases mining and attack speed.
- Resistance I: Decrease damage received (requires 2 level pyramid)
- Jump Boost I: Increases jump distance and height (requires 2 level pyramid)
- Strength I: Increases damage from melee (requires 3 level pyramid)
In addition, there are also power-ups available when the player builds a 4-level pyramid for Beacon:
- Regeneration I: HP Regeneration.
- Increases main strength to level II.
Thus the discussion on how to make Beacons and their uses, hopefully this is useful.
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