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Here's How to Use Nana Full Damage!

hero nana

A Glance About Hero Nana and Her Skills

Hola Vicigers! Heroes Nana is one heroes the deadliest in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, it is because of the many skills stun and crowd control which he has. Heroes this can make the enemy immobile with the ability it has.

Same as heroes other, heroes even this has skills passive and 3 skills active. skills passive or Molina's gift, which if heroes this killed eating skills This passive will transform heroes this for two seconds.

Provide additions movement speed 70% and make heroes this immune for all effects crowd control.

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then skills one heroes this or what is often called magic boomerang, when heroes this throws the boomerang forward and adds 200 (+100% total magic power) and cause effect slow 


skills dua tau which is often called molina smooch, when heroes this throws the doll towards the target, then the enemy gets closer then heroes it will turn into dummy and add 250 (50% total magic power) and make heroes it can not use skills up to 1.5 seconds. 

The last one is skills three or often referred to as skills molina blitz, when heroes it attacks the target 3 times, it will give 409 (180% total magic power), causes an effect slow 50% to two seconds and effect stun 1 second if the target is hit skills this continuously.

Item Build Recommendations

The next is build! One of the most important things in the game Mobile Legends is played properly to win the match.


builds it hurts that is recommended to make heroes this overpowered and easier to win the game isEnchanted Talisman, Arcane Boots, Necklace of Durance, Lightning Truncheon, Holy Crystal and Divine Glaive.

Heroes this as heroes support still has to play carefully so that there is no defeat, during the early game heroes it is mandatory to use roam items and stay focused on helping and protecting heroes cores.

In early games Heroes This Nana can quickly kill opponents because she has damage Very large. damage this is deadly because heno Nana is heroes which mage has damage with magic type. This magic is damage strongest during the early game compared to physical because in this phase the enemy has not used magic defense items.

When in the late game heroes Nana still has to stay focused on protecting heroes cores, even had to be ready to die to save them. It would be nice if you use skills two heroes Nana to open maps and keep helping teams that are competing.

Heroes This Nana has skills two are very lethal, therefore must be used properly to match the target. The trick is to save skills two heroes Nana in the bush area, then use it skills two to do open map and also always use skills this is only when there is an attack from the enemy but use it in a closed place and don't let it be seen by other enemies because it will be useless.

Combo skills which must also be considered in use heroes Nana, combos skills Nana of course is on skills two that make the target a dummy. Use skills two lalau skills ultimate to give burst damage very large, and use spam skills one also basic attack on the enemy continuously to conquer the opponent.

Don't forget to take advantage of the advantages heroes Nana is owned skills crowd control deadly as hell, with this ability heroes Nana can easilylock enemy movement while fighting.

From all over skills owned active heroes Nana, whole skills it can have an effect crowd control. skills one or magic boomerang gives a slow effect to the opponent, skills uda or molina smooch makes the target a dummy and skills three gives a slow effect.

So, that's the explanation heroes This great Nana. Good luck! Hopefully heroes Your Nana is getting stronger and invincible!

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