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How to Get Troll Boogers in Hogwarts Legacy

Troll Boogers or Troll Bogeys are an important component in the side quest Professor Onai's Assignment in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to get Troll Boogers
How to get Troll Boogers. Source: ConCon/Youtube

Troll Boogers or Troll Bogeys are an important component in the side quest Professor Onai's Assignment in Hogwarts Legacy.

By finishing quests Here, you will get a prize in the form of the Descendo spell which you can add to your collection.

How to get Troll Boogers in Hogwarts Legacy? Come on, let's see guide full details in the article below!

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Guide to Completing the Side Quest Professor Onai's Assignment

Professor Onai's Assignment
Professor Onai's Assignment Quest. Source: ConCon/Youtube

Hogwarts Legacy has various unique quests that you can try to complete. One of them is a quest from Professor Onai.

Before starting this quest, you must complete the Percival Rackham's Trial quest first. How to complete Professor Onai's quest?

By completing this side quest, you will get a prize of 100 XP and can learn the Descendo spell.

In this quest, there are two objectives that you must complete. The first is to collect Troll Boogers and the second is to cast Levioso and Depulso spells on a target.

To meet the Troll, go to South Sea Bog. When you arrive at this location, go down to Coast Cavern.

There you will find a medium-sized bandit campsite with a troll inside. Defeat all the bandits inside while occasionally attacking the Trolls.

Defeating Trolls
Defeating Trolls. Source: ConCon/Youtube

When you successfully defeat this large creature, he will give you an item, namely Troll Boogers.

The second and final objective is to find a target to cast the Levioso spell which is the second objective in this quest.

The second objective in the quest Professor Onai's Assignment.
The second objective in the quest Professor Onai's Assignment. Source: ConCon/Youtube

After collecting the Troll Boogers, now is the time for you to return to Hogwarts and attend Divination Class in the morning.

If you arrive at Hogwarts at night, you can go to class and wait until night turns to morning.

A scene trailer will play while you are attending class. After that, you can talk to Professor Onai to teach you the Descendo spell.

You will learn this spell after completing the mini game. Done, now you can use Depulso.

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How to Get Troll Boogers in Hogwarts Legacy

There are several ways to get this item. Both methods require you to travel from Hogwarts.

Therefore, always remember to activate Floo Flames when walking near it. This serves to make it easier for you to move places easily.

Getting this item is not difficult. Here's how to get Troll Boogers in Hogwarts Legacy!

Buy Troll Boogers in Hogsmeade

J Pippins Potions hogwarts legacy troll boogers
Buy Troll Boogers in Hogsmeade. Source: Shark R/Youtube

The first way is to buy Troll Boogers from J. Pippins Potions which is located in the Hogsmeade area.

You can buy each of these materials for 100 Galleons. Although not very expensive, Trolls Boogers has very limited stock.

You can only buy a maximum of five Troll Boogers from J. Pippins Potions at a time.

Get Troll Boogers Independently

Trolls Boogers hogwarts legacy locations
Trolls Boogers Locations. Source: ConCon/Youtube

The second way to get Troll Boogers is to look for this material by exploring various inner areas games.

To find them, you can open the map and Troll Boogers will be marked on the map with an icon that looks like a cave.

This material can be found in Feldcroft, Marunweem Lake, Glagmar Coast, Coast Cavern, and many more.

Also read: How to Raise the Maximum Level in Hogwarts Legacy

So, that's a brief description of how to get Troll Boogers in Hogwarts Legacy. What do you think?

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