Easy! How to Exit ColorOS Recovery Without Wiping Data
How to exit ColorOS Recovery without deleting data has become a 'regular' topic for smartphone users. Oppo. Yep, 'potato phones' (low-entry devices) are often a source of concern for their users.
Some of them can 'heal' on their own, but there are also some that need further treatment. Well, if Vicigers one of those who also often experiences this issue, let's just read the following review!
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How to Exit ColorOS Recovery Without Wiping Data

Now without further ado, let's get straight to the main discussion, namely how to exit ColorOS Recovery without deleting the data you have on your smartphone. Oppo-nya here.
So that you are not confused, VCGamers will try to explain from the very beginning, namely from entering the Recovery mode itself. That way, hopefully Vicigers can better understand the problems you are experiencing:

- First of all, make sure your device is turned off (but it must still have power, don't let it run out of battery) first;
- Then, to enter ColorOS Recovery mode, Vicigers need to operate two buttons: Power and Volume Down. Press both simultaneously for a few seconds until your device turns on and the Oppo logo appears, then release both buttons;
- If you did it right, your device will automatically enter ColorOS Recovery mode. The opening menu is the language selection settings. Make sure you select the 'English' option, or 'Bahasa Indonesia' (if available), to make it easier;
- Finally, five options will appear. Now, if you want to exit this Recovery mode without having to delete data, make sure you choose the “Online update keep data” or “Reboot” option. DON'T until you select the “Wipe data” option because that will actually delete your data.
And done, you will immediately exit ColorOS Recovery mode without having to delete smartphone data. However, if this method does not solve the issue you are experiencing, read the part below carefully.
Issues Related to ColorOS Recovery Mode

It is likely that the issue you are experiencing cannot be resolved by relying on articles on this keyword. However, to know the problem, you must first diagnose the 'disease'.
For that, you can pay attention to the following two points, in case there are similarities with what you are experiencing:
1. The device often enters ColorOS Recovery mode by itself
Diagnosis: The device is on/off, but often enters Recovery mode by itself. Possible hardware problems with the buttons, either just stuck or there is a damaged partition.
2. Bootloop
Diagnosis: Stuck in Recovery mode (either intentionally entered or due to phenomena such as point 1), then reluctant to exit; continuously returns to this mode; freezes or loops on the word “Oppo”; cannot be turned off.
This is usually a software issue, either due to a firmware crash, OS bug, presence/use of malware apps, rooting side effects, etc. It can also occur due to hardware issues, particularly with the SoC partition.
If the diagnosis of both conditions is similar to what you are experiencing, VCGamers strongly recommends that you seek service assistance. The above issues are not simple and generally require the assistance of a technician.
This is so that the issues you are facing do not get worse and can be resolved immediately. And VCGamers also reminds you to choose a trusted service provider, so that the data on your device is not misused.
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