5 Ways to Check Personal Data Leaks on the Dark Web, Protect Your Data!

There are several ways to check personal data that has been leaked on the dark web, namely through Google, Check Data, Have I Been Pwned, F-Secure, and DeHashed
How to Check Leaked Personal Data on the Dark Web
Here are 5 Ways to Check Personal Data Leaks on the Dark Web! (Source: Kompas.com)

Knowing how to check for leaked personal data on the dark web is very important for all internet users so that important data and privacy remain safe.

In this digital era, leakage of your personal data is a serious threat. Leaked data can be misused by irresponsible parties.

Generally, data that can be leaked includes email addresses, geographic locations, full names, passwords, telephone numbers, banking profiles, and much more.

If you find signs of a data leak, such as receiving lots of calls from unknown numbers or suspicious activity on important accounts, immediately take the following steps as an initial step.

In this article, we will discuss how to check for personal data that has been leaked on the dark web. Below is the complete explanation!

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How to Check Leaked Personal Data on the Dark Web

Here are several ways you can try to find out whether your personal data has been leaked on the dark web:

Checking Leaked Data Via Google

 How to Check Leaked Personal Data on the Dark Web
Gmail (Source: UMSU)

The first way you can do it is quite easy. You can check for data leaks via Google by checking your personal Gmail account.

  • Open your Gmail account
  • In the menu above, click the 'Manage your Google Account' button
  • Move to the Security menu and look for the 'See if your email address is on the dark web' option
  • Click 'Run Scan'
  • If your data is leaked, the scan results will display accounts that are indicated to have been leaked on the dark web.
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Check via the Official Checkdata Site

CheckData site display (Source: CheckData)

Another way to check personal data leaks on the dark web that you can try is to check personal data leaks via the official Kuncidata website.

  • Visit the page Checkdata via cellphone or PC browser
  • Enter your email address in the column provided
  • Click 'Check Now'
  • This site will display information on whether your data has been leaked or not.

Checking Through the Have I Been Pwned Website 

Have I Been Pwned
Have I Been Pwned (Source: Malwarebytes)

Next, you can use the Have I Been Pwned site to find out whether your data has been leaked on the dark web.

  • Open the website page Have I Been Pwned
  • Enter the email address you use
  • Click 'Search'
  • Follow the verification steps and wait a few moments
  • If your data is leaked, this site will display a list of accounts.
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Checking Through F-Secure

 How to Check Leaked Personal Data on the Dark Web
How to Check Leaked Personal Data on the Dark Web (Source: Passwork Blog)

You can also check whether your personal data has been leaked on the dark web via the F-Secure site. Don't worry, the emails you track on this site will not be stored in F-Secure.

  • Open F-Secure Identity Theft Checker in your device's browser
  • Enter email and press 'Check for Breaches'
  • Check 'I'm not a robot'
  • F-Secure will tell you how many personal data leaks have occurred.

Check Via the DeHashed Site

 How to Check Leaked Personal Data on the Dark Web
How to Check Leaked Personal Data on the Dark Web Via DeHashed (Source: Passwork Blog)

Finally, you can track personal data that has been leaked on the internet by entering your email, username, IP, name, address and telephone number in DeHashed.

Tracking on DeHashed also allows you to find out if your name appears on the hacked list. You can also see the passwords in any account list.

  • Open DeHashed in your device's browser
  • Enter email, username, IP, name, address or telephone number and press 'Search'
  • DeHashed will tell you whether your personal data has been leaked on the internet or not.

Remember, in the digital world, your personal data is a very valuable asset. So, protect all your important data to prevent further attacks from cybercriminals.

If you find signs of a leak, don't panic. Immediately change passwords, contact the relevant service provider, and consider 'freezing' important accounts such as banking.

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