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How to change jobs to become Hunter Ragnarok Classic

Like other jobs, Archer has two advanced jobs, namely Hunter and Bard. This article will discuss how to change jobs to Hunter Ragnarok Classic.
How to change Job to Hunter
How to change Job to Hunter. Source: TheMupster/Youtube

Like other jobs, Archer also has two advanced job levels, namely Hunter and Bard. This article will discuss how to change Job to Hunter Ragnarok Classic.

Hunter is known as one of the strongest Jobs. He also has partners fight, namely Falcon which is an eagle.

For those of you who want to choose to continue the game as Hunter, you can listen to the article below!

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Also read: How to Change Jobs and Complete Merchant Skill Quests, Easy!

What are Hunters?

Hunter and Falcon
Hunter and Falcon. Source: TheMupster/Youtube

Hunter is very skilled in indirect combat. They can increase ASPD (attack Speed) use a bow which gives them an edge over Archers.

Hunters can also set mines and traps on the ground to catch enemies. This trap will give various status effects to enemies, for example Sandman which can give a sleeping effect.

Apart from that, Hunter also has a strong sub-character, Falcon. Falcon is very effective for providing consistent damage.

They can also help hunters deal damage to several monsters at once.

Hunter's Skills

How to change Job to Hunter Ragnarok Classic - Skill Hunter
Hunter with Blitz Beat skill. Source: TheMupster/Youtube

Hunter has various skills mostly related to traps. The following is a list of Hunter skills:

  • ankles Snares – Using one Trap item to set a trap that will have an effect immobilize on the enemy for a few moments.
  • Beast Bane – Increases ATK against Insect and Brute monster races
  • Blast mine – Sets traps that damage Wind in a 3×3 area
  • Flash Beat – Falcon attacks one enemy and those around it in a 3×3 area.
  • Claymore trap – Set a trap that will explode and cause a fire in an area of 5×5 size
  • detect – Command Falcon to detect hidden enemies within a certain distance
  • Falconry mastery – Hunter can hire and command a Falcon
  • Flasher – Set a trap that can emit a very bright light and cause a Blind effect on enemies
  • Freezing trap – Deals Water damage and freezes enemies when triggered
  • Land mine – A trap that will explode when triggered, dealing Earth damage with a chance to stun the enemy
  • Remove trap – Removing traps set by Hunters and recovering Trap items
  • Sandmand – Sets a trap with Sleep effect on enemies in a 5×5 area
  • shockwaves trap – Set a trap that can reduce the enemy's SP
  • skid trap – Set a trap that can make the enemy slide in a certain direction
  • spring trap – Falcon will remove traps set by friends and foes from afar
  • Steel crows – Increases the damage dealt by Falcon
  • Talkie box – Set a trap that can display a message from the Hunter to anyone who steps on it
Also read: All Informationstill About Rogue Skill Ragnarok Origin

How to Change Jobs to Become a Hunter in Ragnarok Classic

How to change Job to Hunter Ragnarok Classic - Hunter Guild
Hunter Guild in Hugen. Source: TheMupster/Youtube

After getting a glimpse of Hunter and the skills he has, now let's get into the main topic, namely how to change jobs to become Hunters Ragnarok Classic.

Before starting the job change quest, you must at least reach level 40 as an Archer.

Already at level 40? Follow these steps.

First, go to the Hunter Guild in Hugel. Talk to Sherin the Hunter Guildsman to apply to become a Hunter.

How to change Job to Hunter Ragnarok Classic - Sherin
Sherin gave a personality assessment test. Source: TheMupster/Youtube

Sherin will give you three tests before becoming a Hunter. The first test is a personality assessment of 10 questions.

Below are answers to each question:

  1. Wandering alone and looking for a place
  2. Walk with a friend
  3. Hunt in a nearby field
  4. Back to town
  5. Is it possible to cure, please?
  6. Open chat room and wait
  7. Tells someone a good hunting spot
  8. Accompany them to their destination
  9. Watch, then attack if asked to help
  10. Trying to find the owner

After answering all the questions correctly, talk to the Guild Receptionist, the Demon Hunter in the room on the left.

How to change Job to Hunter Ragnarok Classic - Demon Hunter
Demon Hunters. Source: TheMupster/Youtube

Demon Hunters will give the second test, which is to collect one of 7 set items. After you have managed to collect everything, return to the Demon Hunter.

After giving the item, return to Sherin. He will tell you to meet a guild member in Payon to complete the final test.

These guild members can be in two places, namely in a room in the Archer Guild and downtown Payon in a building to the right of the main building.

He will give you 200 Silver Arrows and send you to a waiting room. Step forward and the examiner will explain about the test.

The final test area is a maze filled with Porings, Zombies, Archer Skeletons, and Mummies. The test area also has a lot of standing water.

You are required to complete three missions consecutively within 3 minutes in order to pass the exam. The following is an explanation of its mission.

Kill 4 Monsters Labeled “Job Change Monster”

Ragnarok Classic - Monster labeled Job Change Monster
Monsters labeled Job Change Monster. Source: TheMupster/Youtube

All monsters will die after you reach the target number of monsters that have been required have been met. Here are the 6 monster targets and their locations:

  • 1 Archer Skeleton in the east
  • 1 Mummy in the southwest
  • 1 Poring in the north
  • 3 Zombies with locations in the east, west and center of the test area

Opening the Exit Door and Exiting the Maze

The lever in the middle of the maze
The lever in the middle of the maze. Source: TheMupster/Youtube

To get out, you must activate a lever (switches) located in the center of the maze by clicking on it.

You can activate the lever remotely. Once the lever has been activated, head to the labyrinth exit which is located to the north.

Ragnarok Classic maze exit
The labyrinth exit to the north. Source: TheMupster/Youtube

After completing the final test, you will be given a Necklace of Wisdom. Return to the Hunter Guild, then give the Necklace of Wisdom to Sherin and she will promote you to become a Hunter.

Note that you will fail the test if you kill any monster without a “Job Change Monster” label, step on a puddle, run out of time, or get killed by a monster.

So that's an article on how to change jobs to Hunter in Ragnarok Classic and the guide. It's not difficult is it?

Also read: Forging in Ragnarok: A Blacksmith's Mandatory Activity

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