Blacksmith is one of the advanced jobs of Merchants. How to change job to Blacksmith in Ragnarok Classic? Listen here!
All basic Jobs have two advanced options, for example Merchant who has advanced Job options as Blacksmith or Alchemist.
For those of you who want to choose Blacksmiths as an advanced job, here's how to change jobs to Blacksmith.
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How to change jobs to Blacksmith Ragnarok Classic

Blacksmith is someone who seeks rock minerals (ore) to be refined and made into weapons. A job that relies on perseverance in work.
How to change Job to Blacksmith? So, the way to change Job to Blacksmith, players must be at least level 40. To start the quest, you can go to the Blacksmith Guild in the southeastern part of Einborch.
After arriving at the Blacksmith Guild, talk to a guild member behind the counter.
He will tell you to search Geschuppenschte at a hardware store located in Einborch. You can take the train to go see him.

After meeting the Geschupenschte, you will be given 10 questions, all of which you must answer correctly.
There are two different sets of questions, one of which will be randomly assigned to the player. Below are the questions for each set and the answers.
Questions and Answers Set 1
- Which region was wrongly matched with the special item? B. Alberta-Sword Mace
- What statuses can be inflicted with the Hammer Fall skill? A. Stun
- What skills can Merchants not do? D. Increased AGI
- Where can you find a shop that sells Blue Gemstones? C. Geffen
- Where is the location tools dealers in Geffen? A. 8 o'clock direction from the town square
- Which weapons cannot be used by Merchants? D. Bible
- Which has the highest level of defense? B. Mink Coat
- For level 3 weapons, where is the safe limit to upgrade? C. Maximum +5
- What items can be made using Trunks items? A. Sakkat
- What is the most important thing as a Merchant? All answers are correct.
Questions and Answers Set 2
- Which region was wrongly matched with the special item? B. Aldebaran – Hammer
- How much Zeny to spend on one Jellopy? C. 3z
- What does a Merchant need to use the Vending skill? A. Must have Cart
- Where can you change your Job to a Merchant? A. Alberta
- Where is the location of the Weapons Dealer in Morroc? D. 5 o'clock direction from the town square
- What weapons cannot be used by Merchants? B. Claymore
- Which of the following has the highest level of defense? B. Mink Coat
- For level 3 weapons, where is the safe limit to upgrade? C. Maximum +4 (The real answer is +5, but due to an error in the game, you have to choose +4)
- What monster doesn't take Iron One down? D. Anolian
- What is the most important thing as a Merchant? All answers are correct.
After successfully answering the questions above, you will be asked to bring 8 Iron, 20 Green Herbs, 2 Animal Skins, and 1 Ring Pommel Saber.
When you have given all the items above, Geschupenschte will forge the weapon and tell you to send the results to Bismarc.

The weapon given to Bismarc turns out to contain Green Herbs so he can cure the poison and will then give you a voucher.
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After delivering the weapons, return to the Geschupenschte for a receipt. Then return to the Blacksmith Guild to talk to Altiregen again.
He will direct you to come Mitehmaeuh, a female blacksmith behind the Blacksmith Guild building.

Mitehmaeeuh will again give you questions like Geschupenschte, but now there are only 5 of them.
Set 1 Questions and Answers
- What skills are needed to learn Discount skills? A. Enlarge Weight Limit Level 3
- When attacking with Hammer Fall, what status effect will it have on the enemy? A. Stun
- How much Zeny is spent attacking enemies with the mastered Mammonite skill? A. 1000 Zeny
- How many discounts do you get when the Discount skill is mastered? A. 24%
- What is the maximum percentage of item prices that can be increased for NPCs when they have mastered the Overcharge skill? A. 23%
Set 2 and the Answers
- Which monster dropped Steel? A. Skel Worker
- Which stones can be made from Red Bloods? A. Flame Heart
- Which of the following stones do you have the most in Kafra's storage? A. All Answers are Correct
- In general, which of the following properties takes the most damage from the Wind weapon attribute? A. Water Property
- How much Iron Ore is needed to make 1 Steel? A. 5
Set 3 and the Answers
- What do you do when you meet a random person on the street? A. Ask what they need
- In which village can you learn Crazy Uproar and Change Cart? A. Alberta
- From the center of Einbroch, where is the location of the Blacksmith Guild? A.5 o'clock
- In which city can you find a lot of Blacksmiths? A. Einbroch
- Which of the following statuses affect your skills as a Blacksmith? A.DEX
After you have answered all the questions, Mitehmaeeuh will give you a Hammer of Blacksmith to give to Altigeren.
When Altigeren has got the hammer, he will change your job to Blacksmith. He will give you a bonus of 30 Steel if you are a level 50 Merchant.
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