If you are a beginner and just started playing this game, you must know how to practice aim valorant so you can aim properly at the enemy.
Valorant Riot Games presents Agents equipped with unique abilities to face enemies. But regardless of which Agent is used, the game values skillful shooting play above all else and demands impeccable aiming skills to do well in a match.
Many players, especially those new to the first-person shooter (FPS) genre, find it difficult to aim properly in tense firefights.
Many players often make mistakes and end up with a low kill rate in the game. This happens because many players don't know how to practice aim valorant.
How to Train Aim Valorant
This article discusses some tips and how to practice aim valorant to help players increase their aim in the game.
Practice Before Playing the Game

One could never perfect their aim in a day; it takes a lot of practice. Valorant comes with a practice map called Range just for players to practice their in-game skills.
In this map, players can not only test their Agent's unique abilities but also hone their shooting skills. The range includes training bots, where players can test their aim.
You can also practice various in-game mechanics such as counter-strafing, one-tap shots and many more, which will help improve your aim in the game.
Stand Still and Shoot

The best way to practice aim valorant for beginners is to stand still and shoot. Apart from practicing, players need to learn tactics to be more accurate and consistent in the game. Standing still and shooting is one of the basics that players need to remember during battle.
The 'run and gun' method can help produce a lucky kill but guarantees nothing. Movement while shooting can affect crosshair placement and reduce aiming accuracy, so standing still while shooting is recommended.
call of duty and Battlefield have taught us a lot of skills that wouldn't be very helpful in this game. Running across the map, shooting SMGs is nothing more than a fantasy when you fall into a game of Valorant.
Bshots will look wild and inaccurate when shooting on the move, even if you shoot downwards. Take some time with those angles and plant your feet. You can shoot someone with a heavy shield, but only if you're aiming for the head.
Adjust Mouse Sensitivity

Mouse sensitivity and DPI settings play a major factor in improving aim. Players can experiment and arrive at the right settings according to their comfort and playing style.
You can check and try different sensitivity settings or follow the mouse settings of professional Valorant players.
However, you should adjust their own sensitivity and DPI settings according to their comfort and ability. You can also choose to get a gaming mouse for a better in-game experience and aiming accuracy.
Perfect Crosshair Setting

Valorant allows players to customize their aim in the game. There are various crosshairs, from a small dot to a large reticle. Depending on the weapon used and the player's viewing preference, the right crosshair can help improve aim.
Small crosshairs increase the chances of a perfect head shot as they are easy to control. However, players can also see the crosshair settings of professional Valorant players.
Get the Placement of the Crosshair Right

Many players are new to the genre FPS getting crosshair placement wrong, and this is mostly due to movement.
To do it properly, one must keep the crosshairs at head height. This will increase the game's shooting accuracy. Getting a one tap headshot would be easy if one gets the crosshair placement right in the game.
If your crosshair is at head height, then you only need to cover a (relatively small) horizontal distance. It will take time, and dedication to kick some bad habits.
This applies to both of you aiming for the floor and those of you aiming for the clouds: Work on changing this style of play and you will see the game improve with discipline.
Also read: Complete Valorant Rankings, Valorant Players Must Know!
Be warned, there will have to be a conscious effort to change your playstyle, but it will help you make big leaps forward in Valorant.
All of these ways to train aim valorant will be wasted if you don't set it up properly, so, for many people who find this very basic, here's for some who may not know.
Valorant is a slower paced game than most, so the lower sensitivity is more forgiving. Adjust the DPI to something comfortable for all games, then adjust the sensitivity as best you can.
You can find several converters online to find out your preferred settings for Valorant and all your other favorite games while you're at it.
Also read: How to Easily Increase Valorant FPS
Most pro gamers find themselves at 400 or 800 DPI, but find what works for you and a game-appropriate mouse to keep your edge.