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How much Damage M1887? It's Really Hard Bro!

How much Damage M1887? Find the answer in the full review in this article. You can also find some tips on using it.
the best weapon in free fire

Surely many of you are asking how much damage the M1887 is, right? Among the Shotguns in Free Fire, M1887 is probably the strongest. Even in one shot can kill the enemy.

This shotgun has great damage potential, even though shotguns are often underestimated in Free Fire because of their low range. M1887 is probably the strongest, and can kill you in seconds. 

How much Damage M1887?

How much damage M1887

M1887 is the strongest shotgun in Free Fire when in the hands of a good player. It's not surprising that many players ask how much damage the M1887 has. 

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The M1887 was explicitly designed for short range combat. These firearms generally have high damage, accuracy, and movement speed. Indeed, this weapon is very deadly for the enemy if handled properly.

The M1887 shotgun damage statistics are 100 or greater than AWM. well, for those of you who are still asking how much damage the M1887 has, the answer is 100 and it is indeed very high.

Tips for Using the M1887 Shotgun

Once you know the damage from this weapon, you also have to know how to use it. Shotgun is an excellent weapon in Free Fire. In close combat, they excel in damaging enemies. Although their range is limited, they are deadly in the right hands.

Mastering this class of weapons will take time and practice. However, by following some of these tips, you can better understand how to use a gun properly.

Shoot Within Effective Range

How much damage M1887

This weapon has an effective range in Free Fire. The farther the player is from the target, the less damage will be dealt to them. While this is not an issue in the game as ammo can easily be found, players will have to reload more frequently during battle.

To avoid this scenario, it is always best to approach the target before firing. This conserves ammo, reduces reload times, and ensures that targets can be eliminated quickly.

In an intense confrontation, most players don't remember the range of the rifle used and start shooting bullets even at medium and long distances. This will end up wasting bullets and getting players into trouble if they are out in the open, which they shouldn't be.

The M1887 only works at very close range. They offer a negligible amount of damage in medium and long range combat. Therefore, users must always prepare an Assault Rifle, Sniper or SMG to shoot.

Use Hayato Yagami's 'Bushido' Ability

How much damage M1887

Hayato Yagami's 'Bushido' ability is perfect for players who like close combat. Although there are risks involved, the rewards outweigh them. At max level, his ability increases armor penetration by 10 percent to lose 10 percent of total HP.

In essence, the lower the total HP, the higher the armor penetration. If the player can be skilled enough, one precise shot to the head will seal the fate of any opponent. Not even a level four helmet would be able to save them.

Do a Rotation

How much damage M1887

You have to master drag rotation to get accurate headshots. While it's possible to hit headshots in the normal way, rotational drag allows for more freedom and flexibility.

Mastering this skill in Free Fire will take time but will be well worth the effort. The main thing that players need to keep in mind is the rotational speed of the drag. Once that has been perfected, other factors will fall into place.

M1887 is best shotgun in-game. Despite its small magazine size, it makes up for it with high armor penetration and damage. The main drawback with this weapon is that players have to reload after two shots.

The jump-shot technique is one of the common tricks in the Free Fire MAX community, especially among esports athletes. To perform this trick, the user must first wait for the enemy to approach and then press the jump button while moving the camera angle to the enemy and immediately attack them.

The accuracy of the shot tends to increase when performing this particular procedure. Gamers can get an impressive headshot percentage after mastering the jump-shot trick.

However, that doesn't mean they will only give one-tap headshots. Players may have to spray multiple bullets to take down their enemies.

Also read: Free Fire Pro Player Control Settings For Headshots

Aim for the Enemy's Head

How much damage M1887

All weapons in Free Fire have a headshot multiplier. This means that the damage is amplified when shooting the opponent's head. Players can use this mechanic to maximize the damage they inflict.

Headshots drag and tap is a famous way to hit the enemy in Free Fire MAX. However, making this type of shot is very challenging. Gamers need to connect accurate shots to the head to quickly eliminate their enemies.

A large number of players in the community take headshots while in a crouched position. They boast a comfortable and steady stroke in this posture.

All gun users need to do is keep the fire button slightly lower and smaller in size (in the HUD). Whenever an enemy comes in front of you, crouch down and drag the switch towards their head.

Also read: 5 Best Free Fire M1887 Skins to Use in 2022

Furthermore, if that weapon also has a higher rate of fire, you shouldn't think about other weapons. However, you can only unlock this M1887 skin through various events that require diamonds.

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