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Holy Crystal, Green Crystal to Increase Combat Power of Hero Mage

holy crystal cover 1

Holy Crystals is often the best and most efficient option used by player Mobile Legends specialist hero mage. Why not, there are many advantages to using this green gemstone.

Actually, there are many items another additive magic power presented by Moonton as a strength booster hero mage which can produce magic damage. There are certain reasons from Holy Crystals crowned items exclusive hero mage GGd by players.

Check out the following details so you understand the importance Holy Crystals, its use with items others as well hero mage suitable use items this.

Holy Crystals, Green Precious Stones The Players Grab On Mid Game

Default State Holy Crystals

Innate status holy crystal

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Items classed as tier 3 in the category items in Mobile Legends this has the ability to upgrade magic power the number of users is 100, which previously was only 90.

At first glance, this effect does look trivial and not that important. However, para player specialist hero mage aiming for the passive abilities of items this.

Passive Effect Holy Crystals

holy crystal passive effect

The passive effect of this green crystal has undergone changes, especially at the time patches version 1.3.88. There are passive effects that are removed and replaced with new ones.

Before patches the, Hero Crystals has a passive effect in the form of additional 25% magic attacks for heroes by attack or skills magic. However, in the current version, items this gives extra magic attacks of 21 to 35% which will increase according to the level heroes.

If discussed in more detail, before patches you will get extra magic attacks by 100 and 25% from the passive effect items this. That is, there will be an increase in attacks magic only 125.

However, those 125 points will influence magic items, talents and emblems what you use it for hero mage you, or heroes with mage emblem. That's quite a lot, right?

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In the current version, the passive effect Holy Crystals will add extra magic attacks in a scale of 21 to 35% according to level heroes. Hence, you will be required to leveling in order to get more additional points (35%).

This can also be you stack with effects and buff from items or support another. You can buy items this costs 2180, and is suitable to be bought before midgame.

Combination Items Other With Holy Crystals

Combination With Blood Wings

holy crystals and blood wings

If you want damage who are sick, you can combine this green crystal with Blood Wings. Passive effect Blood Wings will add to the chaos magic power of 200% which can respawn once every 30 seconds.

User Blood Wings also got extra magic power by 150 and 500 MOBILE PHONE, so there will be additions magic power equal to 250 plus 200% passive effect Blood Wings.

The illustration, if Selena with magic power for 1500, then he will get 3000 magic power so that it will destroy the opponent instantly. However, this will only happen every 30 seconds. Use this combination to eliminate your opponent with one hit.

Combination With Clock Of Destiny

holy crystal and clock of destiny

Items this will give an additional 615 MOBILE PHONE, magic power of 60 and additional where of 600. Uniquely, Clock of Destiny has two passive effects.

The first passive effect, once every 20 seconds the user will get an additional 25 MOBILE PHONE and 4 magic power up to 12 times. Meanwhile, another passive effect is a bonus of 300 where and 5% magic power if time reach stack maximum.

Use this combination when you use heroes specialist late game like Gusion and Vale. Guaranteed both will be cores scary for your opponent.

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Combination With Calamity Reapers

holy crystal and calamity reaper

Holy Crystals and Calamity Reapers will be a difficult combination to counter because of the passive effect it will give heroes who use it truedamage or damage that will penetrate shields, buffs, or other hindrance.

Calamity Reapers also can add where users by 400 and also additional magic power by 70. skills heroes users will also be reduced CDit is 10%.

If paired with this green crystal, then strength heroes users will increase by 155% plus 170 points magic attacks. Imagine if heroes Selena you have magic attacks of 1500, then Selena will have a destructive power of 2495.

With those points, Selena would be able to one hit knockout heroes opponent yet full upgrade, or attack heroes with MOBILE PHONE only 3 times thick. Creepy, right?

Combination With Necklace of Durance

holy crystal and necklace of durability

If you combine Holy Crystals with Necklace of Durance, then you will get extra magic power by 60, a reduction CD as many as 5% and there is a capacity of 10% lifesteal magic.

Passive effect of Necklace of Durance also can make heroes moderate opponent HP reset reduced in effectiveness by 50%.

With this passive effect, you can defeat heroes fight with heroes mage which have attack speed tall like Harith, Eudora and Chang'e.

However, you must remain vigilant against counterattacks heroes that's because regene items usually used by fighters and tankers.

Also read: How to Play Chang'e Mobile Legends, Auto GG Bro!

6 Heroes Mage Meta Seasons 23 As User Holy Crystals


holy crystal selena hero mage

Due to its ability to shapeshift from mode elves to abyss mode, Selena being one mage meta in this season that you can complete with Holy Crystals along with their combinations.

skills 1 mode elvesit will be more optimal and sick when you want stack abyss mark for heroes fight you. In addition, with a combination Blood Wings, skills 2 Selena can also be a nightmare for your opponents in the arena, especially the ones hiding in the bushes.

When you use Abyss mode also, Selena will be free to use skills Its 1st and 2nd to create damage hurts ever.


holy crystal valentina hero mage

Heroes mage this one will increasingly overwhelm the opponent because of its ability to imitate their form. However, if you equip it with this green crystal stone, skills 1 and 2 will be stronger.

skills 1 Valentina has a passive effect that makes her opponent silent for 0.7 seconds so you can use it to attack her with skills 2.

If you imitate heroes mage another with Valentina, guaranteed a combination of crystals with Blood Wings or Calamity Reapers will be more GG. Not only can it disrupt the formation, the opponent will also be hit damage tall one.


holy crystal pharsa hero mage

Pharsa's ability to slow down opponents stun they will be more awesome with Hero Crystals as well as their combinations. Even though it's under threat tier, skillsetit's still somewhat troublesome.

In early game, maybe you will use a lot skills 1st and basic skills. However, starting from midgame until late game added with items this, you will be pleased with spam skills 2nd and ultimate to create damage sick.

Anticipation spam skills Phrases with items adder where like Clock of Destiny.

With Items combined with the green crystal, Pharsa can maximize her attacks skills 2nd and ultimate-his.

Also read: The Painful Build of Pharsa in Mobile Legends


holy crystal cecilion hero mage

Heroes Vampires this will also be greatly helped by using a combination of green crystals and Blood Wings specifically. You can upgrade stack skills passive and skills 2 Cecilion to be a nightmare for heroes opponent.

skills Cecilion's passive will add up whereit quickly, so you don't have to worry about running out where and can focus on offensive attacks.

skills The 2 that can attract opponents can also be immediately followed up with skills ultimateits which is burst skills with the effect of slowing down the opponent. If you use a combination Holy Crystals and Blood Wings or Calamity Reapers, damage Cecilion was guaranteed to be very sick.


holy crystal harith hero mage

Mage who likes to trap opponents with the power of time control is also compatible with the green enhancer crystal magic power.

The option you can use is to give it a combination with Clock of Destiny or Blood Wings.

Combination with Blood Wings will increase the crushing power skills 1 and 2 especially in midgame, but if you choose a combination with Clock of Destiny, then Harith will be mage with supply where big enough to play tag with opponents.

You can do combos ultimate with skills 2 in order to reduce Skills CD 1 and clone Harith to attack the opponent.


holy crystal luo yi hero mage

Just like Harith, Luo Yi could also be used as a trapper with skills passive and given items this green precious stone.

A good recommendation for offensive tactics is to use combinations with Blood Wings or Calamity Reapers. If you want to play casually, then Clock of Destiny so the right choice.

You will be more stable in trapping your opponent with strength Yin-Yang from skills Luo Yi, then spam skills 2 if you use Clock of Destiny.

Normally, Luo Yi was used to poke and will bring his partner's teleportation with ultimate-his. So you can poke while kill when playing offensively, and poke only when playing defensively.

Also read: Wow! If Luo Yi and Johnson Duet, Flat Enemies!

Those are the details items Hero Crystals which you can combine with magic items others and recommendations hero mage meta seasons This is so that it becomes more savage in the arena. Do not forget farming gold before buying items This is Vicigers!

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