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Hogwarts Legacy PS4: Spells and Their Functions

Hogwarts Legacy PS4 was just released last May after being delayed for several months.
hogwarts legacy ps4

Hogwarts Legacy The PS4 was just released last May after being delayed for several months.

Hogwarts Legacy is a genre game RPGs open-world which is set at the Hogwarts wizarding academy that was first introduced in the Harry Potter books.

Games It is set in the 1800's and you will play as a student who holds the key to an ancient secret that will endanger the wizarding world.

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Just like in books and movies, Hogwarts Legacy PS4 also features famous magic spells such as Wingardium Leviosa and Stupefy.

This article will discuss how to get spells in the Hogwarts Legacy PS4 game and their functions.

Let's see the review!

Also read: Ghost of Our Love Hogwarts Legacy Mission Guide

Existing Spells Within Hogwarts Legacy

There are seven types of spells in Hogwarts Legacy namely Essential, utilities, control, force, damage, Transfiguration, and Unforgivable Curse.


Hogwarts Legacy PS4 Spell - Protego
Protego Spell. Source: Gamology/Youtube
  • Alohomora – This spell is used to grant access to many types of locked rooms and containers all over the game.
  • AncientMagic – When any segment of the Ancient Magic Meter is full, players can use this spell to deal massive damage and destroy Shield Charms.
  • Ancient Magic Throw  – Make the player summon a special item and throw it at the target. This spell is useful for breaking through Shield Charms.
  • Basic Cast – Arresto Momentum is a spell that can give a Slow effect to objects or enemies.
  • Petrificus Totalus – Strong to permanently bind multiple enemies. Enemies with a higher level will receive less damage and more quickly free from binding effects.
  • Protego – Protection spells that can be used to protect yourself from various types of attacks such as spells, weapons, and so on.
  • Revelio – This spell is very useful for highlighting various targets such as hidden objects, puzzle items, enemies and so on making them easy to find.
  • Stupefy – Useful for stunning enemies, making them easy targets for the next spell.


Hogwarts Legacy PS4 Spell - Lumos
Lumos Spell. Source: Gamology/Youtube
  • Beast Feed – Give food to animals.
  • Beast Petting Brush – Bring up a brush to do grooming on animals.
  • Disillusionment – This spell will make the player to blend in with the surrounding environment so that it is difficult for others to see.
  • Lumos – A spell that can help players see in dark areas. This spell can also be used to solve puzzles that require additional light.
  • Nab-Sack – A magic bag that players can use to save animals or save them.
  • Reparo – Make repairs to a damaged or destroyed object and restore them to their original form.
  • Wingardium Leviosa – Make an object float and move it to another place.


Hogwarts Legacy PS4 Spell - Levioso
Levioso. Source: Gamology/Youtube
  • Arresto momentum – Slows down an object or enemy.
  • Glacius – Gives the enemy a Freeze effect and increases the damage they will receive afterwards.
  • Levioso – Make objects and enemies float in the air. Levioso is also useful for solving puzzles.
  • transformation – Changing objects or enemies into other forms that are not dangerous or to solve puzzles.


Hogwarts Legacy PS4 Spell - Descendo
Descendo. Source: Gamology/Youtube
  • Accio – Summons various types of objects and enemies to approach.
  • Descendo – Deals direct damage, but objects or enemies that are slammed to the ground will take considerable damage.
  • Depulso – Depulso can repel various types of objects and powerful enemies.
  • Flipendo – This spell is used to flip objects and enemies up and back.


Hogwarts Legacy PS4 Spell - Confringo
Confringo Spell. Source: Gamology/Youtube
  • Bombarda – Deals massive damage accompanied by an explosion that can destroy heavy objects and hit enemies around the player.
  • Confringo – Unleash a ranged electric attack and set enemies on fire.
  • Diffindo – Useful for slashing an object or enemy from a distance with great damage.
  • Expelliarmus – Disarm the magic wand or other weapons from the hands of the enemy. This spell will also deal damage even if the enemy is not carrying a weapon.
  • Incendio – Inflicts significant damage and can burn certain items. However, Incendio has a short attack range.


 Conjuring Spells
Conjuring Spells. Source: Gamology/Youtube
  • Altering Spells – This spell can change the physical shape and features of items when used together with Room of Equipment.
  • Conjuring Spells – Brings up the physical form of the item when used in conjunction with Room of Equipment.
  • Evanesco – Removes items and restores moonstones when used in conjunction with Room of Equipment.

Unforgivable Curse

Avada Kedavra
Avada Kedavra. Source: Gamology/Youtube
  • Avada Kedavra – One of the most dangerous spells in the wizarding world, Avada Kedavra can kill enemies instantly.
  • Crucio – Makes most enemies suffer from continuous damage.
  • Empire – Temporarily forces the enemy to fight as the player's partner. Enemies will receive reduced damage so they can become players' partners longer.
Also read: How to Solve the Door Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

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