Hero Tanks Mobile Legends You can find the best for beginners in 2021 in this article. The tank hero in the Mobile Legends game is very helpful in the defense system for other heroes.
In choosing a tank hero, you need to pay attention to heroes who are very durable in battle and can easily absorb a lot of damage from enemies.
So, do vicigers friends already know what are the best tank heroes in Mobile Legends for beginners? Below are recommendations for the best Mobile legends tank heroes for beginners in 2021.
List of the Best Mobile Legends Tank Heroes for Beginners

Esmeralda is able to manipulate shields and pack hybrid punches with her moves that deal Physical and Magical damage, making it difficult for the opposing team to handle.
As a hero who gives shields to her enemies, Esmeralda needs to coordinate with her team and have awareness about the right time to engage so she doesn't accidentally save the enemy's life by popping up and giving them a shield.

Khufra is famous for his skills that allow him to control enemies, stop enemy movements and heal himself, making him a great frontline tank and can start a fight. Forcing the enemy to deal with it, while his team safely hits them from a distance.
Due to his durable nature as a tank hero, Khufra can safely travel around the map early, helping friends cross paths and attacking enemies early.

If you become a team offlaner you are securing your own lane, trying to get an advantage over enemy offlaners, and rotating to the mid lane if a teammate is ganking on another sidelane. As Gatotkaca, you can use Blast Iron Fist to quickly kill minions.
During mid-game, you should ask your teammates to gank. Once the gank is successful, you should make it a priority to take down the Outer and Inner Turrets on your way.
In the late game, you should push the lane until there is no or only 1 turret left. Gatotkaca had to start the fight as an offlaner.

If you are the only tank hero on the team using Tigreal, then buy a wooden mask. Unlock skill 2 first, help your carry to take the buff.
After picking up the buff, look at the minimap and if you have a chance to attack an enemy buff, do it with your carry. Use skill 2 correctly to prevent enemies. Don't just guard one lane, roam in the bush to gank the enemy.
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Try protecting your squishy hero from enemies during the mid game. Always be in front of the carry, if the enemy is ganking, use skill 2 to push them back.
Help teammates by giving them attacks. Maximize the wooden mask to attack the enemy. After completing the outer turret set, try to take the enemy's turtle and gank carry.
Hide yourself when attacking enemies, even though the wooden mask has a longer cooldown. In the late game, don't just use the ultimate, wait for the right moment.

When you use Gloo, help carry to get the buff. If you are the only tank hero in your team then buy a wooden mask, prioritize boot. Try to attack the enemy to activate your passive skill.
Don't be afraid to do a turret drive once you reach level 4, you have enough HP to knock out the enemies in the turret.
This tank hero is very easy to use, just like the tank hero we mentioned above. The Gloo tank hero is very useful during the mid game to win the match.
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Tanks are front line heroes who can last a long time and help lock up enemies. Tanks are usually used to lead attacks, choosing the right time and situation to start a fight.
Coordination between the tank and several other heroes in the match is the main key to win the match. It's useless to have a good tank hero, but there is no coordination between the teams.