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Similar! These are the Similarities Between Hero Support and ML Tanks

Hero Tank ML and Support are two hero roles in Mobile Legends that have many similarities in their duties.
The Most Agile Tank Hero
ML Combo Heroes

As a core hero in Mobile Legends, it turns out that this is the similarity between hero support and ML Tanks that you need to know. The two hero roles are very similar.

There are many types of heroes in Mobile Legends. Of the many existing heroes, each has different skills and uniqueness. There are heroes who are good at close range, there are also heroes who are good at long distance. Some have strong physical strength and many are weak.

Not all heroes in Mobile Legends are the same. Everyone has their own specialist and role in the game. That's why he is known in Mobile Legends with many terms such as Tank and Support.

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Tanks and Support heroes are the choices for Mobile Legends game roles, these two roles have different hero selection options. However, the two roles share a lot in common. This deal doesn't just happen with heroes, but with everything you know.

Instead of exploring further, let's look at the five similarities that exist in this ML and Support Tank hero.

Similarity of ML Hero Tanks and Support

Both Are Responsible For Protecting The Hero's Core

ML tanks
Hero Tank Mobile Legends

Support is a hero with special skills designed to help teammates, whether it's attacking opponents or saving friends.

Special forms of skills to support heroes can be in the form of helping to replenish the blood of friends, buffs, having friends, dragging friends to a safe place, eliminating the effects of attacks on opponents and so on.

The first agreement is that both of them have a duty to protect the team's core heroes. This noble task must be carried out by all players who use Tank ML and Support heroes, if ignored, the consequences will be read by teammates. You may ask why?

The answer is Tank ML and Support heroes have crowd control, stun, and high resilience that can be used to protect teammates from all enemy attacks. What role do you want to protect? 

Both are equipped with CC skills

ML tanks

The second similarity between Tank ML and Support heroes is that both are equipped with limitations to control and control the host. You can control it yourself, all the heroes in the Tank and Support roles have lots of control skills and host control.

This stunning skill and crowd control is very useful for stopping the opponent's movements or protecting teammates. However, the stun ability obtained by the support hero is more lethal than the tank hero. 

A tank is a hero that functions as a protector/shield and is always at the forefront when a battle occurs. Due to this trait, heroes must use defensive items in this role to have high blood pressure and physical resistance to attack enemies in the form of physical and magical attacks. What do you think?

Cannot Lead a Team

ML tanks

The third thing that Tank and Support heroes have in common is that they can't lead a team. Why? This is because the Tank and Support heroes don't do much damage, can't kill enemy heroes directly, don't push towers straight away, and can't kill the Lord himself.

Only main characters can hire teams such as: Marksman, Assassin, and some Mage heroes. However, Hero Tank has advantages that the main character doesn't have, such as: the ability to open battles, block opponent movements, and adjust the rhythm of the game. Don't underestimate Tank and Support heroes!

Less Interested When Solo Rank

ML tanks
Solo Ranks

The fourth similarity between tank heroes and Support are both do not have solo ranks. The third point explains that tank and support heroes cannot lead a team, which means that most solo players are less interested in tank and support heroes because they don't want to greet others for their victory. Unlike playing with friends, Tank and Support heroes are mandatory in every game. 

Apart from that, this hero user must dare to die for the good of the team. Because the role is only to protect teammates, this type of hero is often less attractive to users because they are rarely able to kill enemies.

He believes that using a tank hero can only make his teammates happy, even if using a tank hero is not bad and can still get MVP from several assists (assist to kill).

Using Tank Hero is indeed the thing that needs to be done. Especially if you play Epic Rank and above, each team must have at least 1 hero tank. What do you want to do with solo charts?

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Both Use Roam Objects

ML tanks

The final agreement between the tank and support heroes is that they will use both Roam items. This is because they have a duty to help core heroes.

If they don't use Roam items, then the gold and exp gained from killing Minions and Creeps will be divided as a result of the core heroes that help you become real. So don't be surprised if there is an emotional main character, because he is accompanied by a tank or support hero, but does not use Roam items.

From the explanation above, at least you understand the function of the hero from the paper label. But before you finish this article, you should also know that 1 hero can have 2 different roles, or crossbreeds.

The hero's abilities and uniqueness are related to the two roles involved. So you have to choose what role you want to play if you use a mixed-blood hero.

Also read: Recommended Hero Duet ML Support Carry, Auto GG!

Those are five similarities between Tanks and Support, very similar right? Even though both are the same, they still have differences, you know, one of which is the strength of the tank hero which is stronger than the supporting hero.

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