Hero split push in Mobile Legends of course it becomes a kind of "trump card" for a team when they are being pressured by opponents simultaneously.
That is, when your opponent tries to surround your team, there is one heroes who can escape supervision and can do solo push alone. When your opponent realizes that one of your teams is still free, their focus will automatically be on you heroes the.
From this situation, usually what you can do is counter push with tactics split push or tactics ganking to chase the heroes hunting opponent hero split push your team.
Criteria heroes the one that can split push usually in addition to having to have MOBILE PHONE thick, they also have skills passive for regen, blink skills, fast movement, and ability CC the good one.
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10 heroes below are options heroes which you can choose when your team wants to perform split push. Some of them have good endurance as well as agility combo attacks which varies.
10 Most Popular Split Push Heroes That Can Make Your Opponents Go Crazy

Hero split push first fell on Lylia, si mage small but have skills which is quite "tickle". The reason was, Lylia really liked toying with her targets because too much skillsetits troublesome heroes who chased him.
This is also exacerbated by ultimate Lylia who can quickly return whereso full again, then you can go straight spam skills 1 and 2 more after that.
skills Lylia's passive is also very important, because it can change skillset Lylia as a bonus addition speed-his. That is, the more often you spam skills, Lylia was getting faster and faster.
That ability can be relied on when Lylia does it split push. He could quickly move towards lanes the lonely guard, bulldoze minions with skill combos 1 and 2, as well as create whereit's full again as before.

Come on seasons 23 is still often used by para player in ranked matches because almost all skillsetits easy to use and has a great effect for split push.
Plus, Akai also has one MOBILE PHONE which is thick enough, even can be added shields because skills passive. Akai with build the right one will be very tough especially in late game.
To do split push with Akai, you can play as offlane or jungler in order to threaten the opposing team from the sidelines lanes. Akai's job is to ring false alarms or pretending to make a threat when he just poke turret just a little.
Once your opponent's attention is on Akai, your teammates can start attacking from mid or bottom lane and keep your opponent distracted on push the.
When Akai is free from the opponent's attention, you can jump right into him turret who is not awake. Use skills 1st and basic attacks, do not forget to ultimate also so turret quickly destroyed.
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You can make Popol as hero split push when your team needs it counterattack quickly, or "bait" to distract the opposing team that can rotate quickly.
Style of play This Popol is almost the same as how to use Lylia, because it is by relying on it ultimateher, Popol can get a bonus attack speed and faster movement.
Apart from that, Popol also has one skillset which could give an effect like stun and slow, especially when the opponent is hit skills 3 Popol in the form of traps placed in the arena.
Most of Popol's attacks rely on his wolf named Kupa, and Kupa can also transform into forms alpha. In that form, Kupa will give a lot of status effects in the form of stun and airborne.
It was Popol's ability that made him so good at doing it split push, what's more, you can also set traps so that Popol is not distracted from destroying them turret opponent.

Sun which had dimmed in seasons 22 is now starting to glance again by player because Lunar Year Festival skinsits cool. Heroes This monkey king will be the mainstay of your team to carry out split push, because Sun will really "split" himself to do this.
Skillsets Sun will all engage his shadow moves to confuse heroes opponent. Plus, the more you double Sun, the more confused your opponent will be.
By doubling himself, of course Sun has the advantage of outwitting opponents for a few moments while he focuses on destroying turret. If you want damage bigger, then use it skills 3 that all Sun's imitations strike their staffs.
Even better if turret the opponent is unguarded, the clone Sun along with the real Sun can quickly bulldoze minions and turret fight with damage which doubled.

Hero split push this one also has gameplay which is okay when you want to outwit the opposing team. Helcurt has plenty skills to slow down the opponent's movement and reduce their visibility.
For example, skills 1 you can use when Helcurt starts to be targeted while doing split push. He can teleport to a quieter area, while giving damage and effects slow for opponents in the area.
skills 2 Helcurt also has the same effect, but use it skills this is only when you are in a one on one situation with the enemy.
skills ultimate It is Helcurt who can be a mainstay to do split push, because it can narrow the field of view player opponent, giving Helcurt a bonus attacks and movement speed large enough.
Spam skills and attack the opponent when Helcurt uses ultimate-his. It is guaranteed that various obstacles can be immediately cleared up, especially when turret opponent is not well guarded.
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Heroes that can change shape so this car is already a lot of trouble player from the start of its release. You see, besides MOBILE PHONEits thick, skills 1 and 2 Johnson also have magic damage sick.
To do split push using Johnson means will take advantage skills ultimateher to pass turret opponent while crashing into the opponent that is blocking it.
When Johnson crashes heroes opponent, then the target will be hit stun and damage which is pretty bad. Even if the target is still standing, Johnson can go straight ganking helped with heroes colleague who rode in the car with him.
If you want heroes opponent hit stun longer, just use it skills the 1st. in this way, ganking can be more effective because the opponent does not move at all.
Split push with Johnson you can also do to bring one of your teammates to pass turret and immediately attack the opponent's base. But, do this when heroes your team already full upgrade.

The challenge of using Fanny as hero split push is the capability of the user. Most player quite frustrated with Fanny's energy that runs out quickly because it does heroes this one is needed spam skills 2 for faster movement.
However, when player can already master skills 2nd, then play as Fanny for split push can be a lot of fun.
Heroes which is again famous for anime skinsthis one can even slay opponents with skills 2, followed by skills 1st and ultimateif the energy is still sufficient.
Do split push by wearing skills 2 Fanny to pass turret and attack the opponent from behind. When you have enough PeDe, you can spam skills 2 to slaughter opponents in the arena from all directions.
The advantage is that Fanny can escape faster from the opponent's pursuit, but she is vulnerable to them burst skills or CC. As much as possible use skills 2 to outwit the opponent only and split push while poke when heroes most opponents have skills CC and bursts.
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Lancelot is heroes which will easily become your favorite when used for split push. After all, he has a lot of them skillset who can provide damage successively with no small amount as well.
Lancelot can too damage stack and would be a pain in the midgame because upgradesthere are many and Lancelot's level is higher. Do not forget farming EXP or buff first before split push.
Then, skills 2nd and ultimateHis can make Lancelot invulnerable for a few moments so he won't be bothered by the opponent's attacks.
When Lancelot had full upgrade, you can quickly collapse 2 turret on the edge lanes. If there is an opponent who is chasing you, you can use it ultimate to run away for a while.

Heroes Bane is no longer as popular as it used to be because there are lots of metas fighters with better abilities. However, when it comes to demolition turret, Bane is the expert.
If you do split push by using Bane, you will take advantage ultimatewho can give damage specifically to turret of 40%. This can speed up the process of tricking your opponent so that your teammates can attack turret other so that the opponent's formation was chaotic.
Bane also has skills 2 for heal or to attack. skills Bane's passive will also strengthen basic attacks-his.
Every time he attacks the opponent with skillshis, then basic attacks Bane will increase. So, if Bane has to fight mechanics, he can be superior as long as they are used correctly.

Heroes tough who also have skills reduce and add MOBILE PHONEit will be effectively used as hero split push because have damage which is pretty okay.
Masha can earn damage sick with skills 1, but it will also lose capacity MOBILE PHONE the maximum is up to 3%. Even so, he also had skills special that can return MOBILE PHONEit's back to the way it was.
With combos skills 1st and basic attacksher, Masha will be able to fight mechanics with heroes guarding opponent turret edge. Ulti Masha also freed him from CC so that he would be very suitable to be "bait" for heroes opponent.
When your opponent's attention is diverted to Masha, it's your teammate's turn to respond push from lanes another.
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Heroes split push actually not only used for solo push and role as offlaner only, but also about how to build good communication and tactics to outwit your opponent. So, add experience split pushso that you can continue to win, Vicigers!