Want to play solo rank ML, but confused about which hero to use? Then you must read this article to get your best hero in March 2022.
ML rank solo match is a bit risky way, you may have a losing streak and lose some stars, even the rank drop.
To overcome this, you can choose the most reliable hero to bring the noobs on your team. Of the many heroes currently in Mobile Legends, there are five best heroes for solo rank ML in March 2022.
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On this occasion, we will discuss five heroes Mobile Legends best for solo rank ML even though you have been given the nickname 'burden' in your team. Who are the best heroes for ML solo rank in March 2022? Alright, without further ado, let's get straight into the discussion below!
List of the Best ML Rank Solo Heroes

There is a marksman hero who just got back up, Bruno. As we already know, Bruno is a marksman who has enormous critical damage, coupled with high attack speed.
Similar to other MMs, if Bruno can farm calmly until the late game, then Bruno will become a terrible damage machine with enormous damage per second. Bruno is very suitable for solo rank ML.

The most agile marksman hero in Mobile Legends is a fairly independent hero. As long as she can farm calmly, Wanwan can easily become an intimidating marksman, especially if she already has certain items, such as Windtalker or Blade of Despair.
When entering the late game while equipped with the necessary core items, Wanwan will be able to generate an unreasonable amount of damage as well as lightning-fast movements. Therefore, he will be able to carry the team easily if he is able to appear until the late game.
The skill is to have high mobility and unique attack speed. Apart from that, another big advantage of him is his immunity CC skill, which is needed by everyone, especially MM, because it allows for outplays in the game.
Another great thing about Wanwan is her ulti, which destroys enemies without taking damage. What marksmen need is Wanwan, that's why he's a good hero for solo rank.

After Wanwan, there is a mage hero who often gets banned in ranked matches for being too overpowered, Cecilion. Cecilion is the most dominant mage hero in Mobile Legends at the moment because he is capable of producing unreasonable burst damage coupled with a very wide range of attacks.
However, to actually use this hero in a ranked match is a rare thing, because (as we mentioned before) tires. If he somehow manages to get off the ban list, he could just as well be picked up by your opponent.
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There is an annoying assassin in Mobile Legends, Selena. She made it into the March 2022 ML solo rank list because Selena is the best choice for a solo assassin hero.
Selena is capable of dealing significant burst damage with a short skill cooldown, plus, she can stun enemies for 2s if her skill timing is right.
His abilities are extraordinary, because his explosions from the beginning to the end of the game are very deadly, especially for a glass cannon. Also, his unique passive benefits his high damage utility, as it resets the cooldown of the previous skill used.
He also has impressive stun and mobility, making him a great assassin in the game. Specifically, Selena is what you want to use if you want to tilt your enemies badly from the start of the game.

Guinevere is a mage-fighter hero who has been losing popularity lately, but she's still a good hero to use in solo rank ML March 2022.
Guinevere has great damage, a wide attack range, and useful crowd control. He can even lift and drop five enemies at once if you can display his skills properly.
Also read: The Best Guinevere Counter Hero in Mobile Legends, Ms. Violet Can't Move!
That was the list of the 5 best ML solo rank heroes for March 2022. Even though the heroes mentioned above are the best choices for solo players, you still have to have good skills in order to use these heroes properly and correctly in the Land Of Dawn. .