Hola Vicigers! Hero Ruby is one heroes fighters Mobile Legends: Bang Bang at a time tank which has the privilege of physical lifestealits very high.
In game heroes Ruby can be used as heroes tank guard core heroes or it could also be heroes fighters guard offlaner.
Wow, great isn't it? This is because heroes Ruby has damage very big don't forget crowd control skills which is very deadly. Ruby also has good initiation abilities and is very strong when joining deep teamfight.
Ruby Hero Skills

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Passive skills which is owned heroes this is let's dance, have 10% effect physical lifesteal and derived her 115% effect physical lifesteal from equipment.
Heroes this too can do blink after using skills anything and also can improve physical defense and magical defense in no time. Besides skills passive, heroes Ruby also has three skills active include: skills one or Be good.
Heroes Ruby can do slash towards the front and gives 80 (+65% total physical attacks) but it also gives damage to the enemy before him 80 (65% total physical attacks). Targets that get damage will have an effect slow 40% for two seconds.
Next skills two know Don't run, wolf king! Which one heroes Ruby will spin her sword and give 60 (+55% total physical attacks) which will cause the effect stun for 0.5 seconds.
Final skills three or I'm offended, heroes Ruby attacks in front of the enemy then pulls all opponents towards her and gives an effect stun 0.5 seconds, also 200 (+200% total physical attacks).
Ruby Item Builds

The next is build! The most important thing in the Mobile Legends game that must be used properly and correctly in order to get a win and not miss a beat.
builds it hurts that is recommended to make heroes Ruby overpowered and easier to win the game is warrior boots, blade of despair, endless battle, queens wings, oracle, and haas's claws.
Heroes Ruby must use Warrior Boots if the opponent faced has physical damage. Warrior Boots this will give +22 physical defense as well as increasing 40 movement speed.
Furthermore, Haas's Claws build it is perfect for heroes Very relying Ruby lifesteal when fighting. This gives +70 physical attacks with +20% physical lifesteal and +10% physical lifesteal moment MOBILE PHONE was under 40%.
Eendless Battle gives +65 physical attack, five where's regene, 250 MOBILE PHONE, 10% cooldown reduction, 5% movement speed and 10% physical lifesteal. builds it has a unique passive which is three seconds after using skills, basic attacks next will give truedamage 60% of the total physical attacks which is owned.
Queen's Wings will give you an additional 15 physical attack, 1000 MOBILE PHONE and 10% cooldown reduction. Then Oracles will give an additional +850 MOBILE PHONE, 42 magical defense and 10% cooldown reduction. And also Blade of Despair will give you an additional 160 physical attacks and also 5% movement speed.
Game by using heroes Ruby must be careful and don't play it carelessly because it will become a burden on the team and suffer defeat. At the time on early game must focus farming to enrich, help the fighting team and protect turret then destroy it turret opponent.
Upon entering late game heroes Ruby will have damage large size and high durability. this phase heroes Ruby focuses on helping the team fight, then commits open map. Stay objective to destroy turret and kill lord.
Tips at the time before doing open war is to make sure it's always there backup damage big one from behind. Then don't lock it first heroes tank when fighting, always aim heroes cores opponent. Most importantly make sure heroes Ruby already has damage great for fighting.
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Next hero skill combos Ruby namely use skills one to give slow effect then use skills ultimate and flicker towards the back then the last use skills two and basic attacks to kill enemies.
How? Crazy is not strength heroes These rubies? Good luck! Hopefully heroes Your Ruby is getting better and invincible!