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Dota 2's Best Off Lane Hero Recommendations

There are lots of Dota 2's best Off Lane Heroes that can be used by players and put these heroes in the perfect position
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Dota 2

Offlane role in Dota 2 known as the most difficult lane and role in the Dota 2 game. This is because Dota 2's Best Off Lane role provides many impacts for the team such as providing initiation, crowd control, to utility.

Therefore not just any player can play this role, it takes precision, patience, and high knowledge about the heroes that will be used for this offline role.

There are lots of heroes who can fill this offlane role which can be adjusted to the skills of each hero and the comfort of the wearer. Through this article, VCGamers will recommend you the best Dota 2 off lane heroes.

Dota 2's Best Off Lane Heroes

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Mid-Lane or Offlaner is a role that has the main task of having to help any lane that seems to be going very badly and needs help. This role requires players to do solo lane and will reach level 6 the fastest among other roles.

In addition, offlaners can usually strengthen their farm and get early kills in the side lanes. An offlaner is also tasked with gaining XP, level and Gold as quickly as possible.

Here are recommendations for the best Off Lane Hero in Dota 2:

Primal Beasts

best offlane dota 2
Primal Beasts

Actually, Primal Beast was a very disappointing hero when it was released in patch 7.31, but the heroes have win rates that increase rapidly to high-forties range. Even today it is only slightly below the 49,92% mark.

Shortly after release, Primal Beast received several stealth buffs to Trample and get an increased Uproar stack duration.

Using its Onslaught skill, the Primal Beast can perform excellent initiation with its built-in stun, and its range makes it good for counter-initiation as well. Pulverize is also very valuable because of its low cooldown but can deal high damage.

In the current metagame, hitting a big kill streak is a surefire way to start a comeback. Similar to Bane and Fiend's Grip, Pulverize is excellent for locking on to one target and bursting before the team can respond.

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best offlane dota 2
Tidehunter (Source: GoodFon)


Tidehunter is one of the heroes that is suitable for close combat, especially when this hero is dealing with heroes of the 'Tidehunter' type.melee heroes'. This hero can also deal little or no damage by laning carry because the Anchor Smash and Base Armor skills of this hero are quite high.

Because of that, the enemies would be better off ignoring this one hero when they meet. Besides that, the Kraken Shell makes it quite difficult for enemies to kill this one hero.

Besides having high Base Armor, Anchor Smash from Tidehunter can also reduce base damage which is the majority of the enemy hero's auto-attack damage.

And lastly, Gush's upgraded Aghanim's Scepter can slow down and reduce the armor of all enemy heroes.

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best offlane dota 2

Enigma has one skill, namely being able to control the crowd, which is definitely a must if players want to gather an elite squad of enemy heroes who can be a threat in the game. Enigma has The Black Hole skill which is one of the most famous skills in Dota 2.

The Black Hole skill is an AoE lockdown that can deal painful damage and anyone caught in it will find it difficult to get out unless assisted by a teammate

If most offlaners need support, this one Hero doesn't really need it because he can reject creeps to maintain the balance of the lanes on his side. Because of this he can also keep enemy support busy trying to pull back into the lane and allows Enigma to hold off two opposing support heroes temporarily and will have room to help others.

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The next hero is Magnus, this hero can be chosen first because he can be repaired and can be played on any lane. Magnus can be a scary hero offline because he can compete and easily take out his enemies with the power he has.

In the late-game phase, Magnus relies more on spells and levels compared to farming, because all it takes is one Blink Dagger that can break the enemy's tempo. A successful Blitz skill to RP followed up by his team can guarantee a game win.

Besides that, Magnus doesn't need much either farming when it's in use and it has incredible crowd control.

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It should be realized that the majority offlaner role players prefer to counterattack whenever the opportunity arises, but in this case Ax is able to attack first. This is because he is equipped with all the items he needs for farming and can put pressure on enemy safelaners.

Given how weak the carry was during the early game, dealing with Ax can be a somewhat challenging task which can also force the carry into the jungle or swapping lanes with another. What makes Ax great is his ability to farming quickly.

Because of this, Ax was able to start making space around the map through ganking other routes. In addition, the Berserker's Call skill can help lock several enemy heroes at once.

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