Mobile Legend's Strongest MM Hero in Mid Lane

Mobile Legend's Strongest MM

Hero Marksman is one of the strongest roles in Mobile Legends. Hero shooter has many abilities and very painful damage. However, there are only a few mm strongest mobile legends for the current mid lane position.

Usually a Marksman hero will fill the Gold Lane position, but of course many of the strongest mm mobile legend heroes can be trusted to fill the Mid Lane position. Want to know who is the strongest mm hero in mobile legend in the mid lane? Read this article to the end!

List of the Strongest MM Heroes in Mobile Legend for Mid Lane

Marksman is one of the classes chosen by Mobile Legends to be used as a team mover because it can deal great damage later in the game.

Especially if you try to increase it with Attack Speed ​​​​​​Boost Spell Inspire. Of the many existing Marksman heroes, here are some of the strongest MM heroes in the mobile legend version of VCgamers.

According to Vicigers friends, who is this hero? Instead of being curious, let's see the discussion below, bro!


Mobile Legend's Strongest MM

Beatrix is the strongest mobile legend, the first mm you can trust to fill the mid lane position in the game. Beatrix has 4 weapons with different abilities. With this ability, Beatrix is able to attack Mid Lane heroes.

Beatrix's popularity resumed this month. Beatrix is a very flexible Marksman hero in Mobile Legends because of the many choices of weapons used.

Due to her versatility, Beatrix is a very popular hero and is often used in rating matches and major tournaments.


Mobile Legend's Strongest MM

Natan is another Marksman hero who has a great chance of occupying the mid lane position. Even though he was nervous to keep him away, Natan now has a buff that makes his attacks even more deadly.

If you want to get this hero, you must complete the Mobile Legends diamond first. Because to get this hero you need to exchange lots of diamonds as battle points.

Until now Nathan is still one of the best Marksman heroes in Mobile Legends. This marksman has several advantages, one of which is the high damage it produces.

Not only that, Nathan also has the ability to control people whose function is similar to Flameshot, which can be used to prevent enemies from coming.


Mobile Legend's Strongest MM

Melissa is a Marksman hero who is still new to Mobile Legends and looks a little overwhelmed by the many facilities she has. Melissa can do a lot of damage, is very agile, and has the highest skills that can save her from being ganked.

When used in the wrong hands, Melissa can become a burden because the difficulty level of this hero is quite high. Apart from that, the selection of this hero build is also different. However, after a long time since this hero was released, we finally found the best build option for this single hero. 


Mobile Legend's Strongest MM

The strongest mobile legend mm hero who deserves to occupy the mid lane position is Claude. By being in the Mid Lane, Claude can easily get a stack.

Even compared to Beatrix, Claude is more suitable to fill the mid lane because he turns around easily and maintains his stack easily. You can rely on this best Marksman hero to fill the mid lane position in Mobile Legends.

Claude can do a lot of damage with his basic attacks. Apart from that, Claude also has very agile movements because of his Battle Mirror Image skill.

This skill allows Claude to move according to the shadow placed in a position. Claude also has a Blazing Duet with a large area and high damage. The combination of Battle Mirror Image and Blazing Duet is one of the deadliest combos.

Claude can do a lot of damage with his basic attacks. Apart from that, Claude also has very agile movements due to his skill in Battle Mirror Image (2).

This skill allows Claude to move according to the shadow he places in a position. Claude also has a Blazing Duet (ultimate) with a large enough area and high damage.

The combination of Battle Mirror Image and Blazing Duet is one of Cloud's deadly combos. Do you have a favorite hero or not? 

Also read: Build Hero Claude in Season 24 Mobile Legends, Crazy Damage!


Mobile Legend's Strongest MM

The next best marksman hero is Granger, a hero with an extraordinary level of explosive damage. Granger is a Marksman hero who is often used as a jungler because of his strong farming abilities and can handle them well.

Granger's other strengths are that he can use the impatient Rhapsody and Death Sonata skills and has sufficient range.

Granger's Rondo and Rhapsody skill effects can fire pain bullets with much higher physical damage. Later in the game, his Death Sonata can drop Super Bullets with pain effects. This Burst Damage special hero is usually used in MPL Season 7.

Also read: Prepare Funds! This is the price for Skin Legend Granger

The pro players Granger and his WR have used among others RRQ Albert 5 times (80 percent), ONIC Sanz 8 times (62.5 percent), EVOS Ferxiic 9 times (55 percent), BTR Branz 13 times (53 percent), and AE Celiboy 7 times (42 percent).

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