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Check Out 3 MLBB Heroes That Are Rarely Picked in Rank Mode!

3 Hero Mlbb jarang di-pick

Aloha Vicigers! You guys Do you know? In using heroes MLBB (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang) as a games who will compete against you on line oppose player others in the same arena with the aim to destroy each turret opponent, it turns out there are rare picked in mode rank, you know!

In addition, this game has a level or sequence of ranks that will continue to rise to the highest level, namely, Glorius Mythic. To reach the highest level, you have to get stars in every game ranked matches

When you first play MLBB (Mobile Legends Bang Bang) you guys will be in warrior rank. However, you will not be able to play immediately ranked matches this. This rank can be played if you have reached levels 8 and have 5 heroes.

On rank warrior until grandmasters you will not find much difference how to play mode classic. You guys choose heroes that will be used and you are given the opportunity to change heroes before countdown finished. 

Every level rank will show the quality of how to play player who are inside rank the same, in rank Your GM will begin to meet with player who understand the strategy of playing in a team and not noob as in rank previously.

After you get the last star on rank GM, you will enter epic ranks. rank it is often called rank hell, because you guys will play with a different system. In fact, not a few have gone up and down from GM to epic and vice versa.

The system that you will play is Draft Pick, every team is going for banned as much as 3 heroes opponents, for a total of 6 heroes Unplayable MLBB, usually heroes  which in banned is heroes  who was considered OP in that season.

The difference in this system is also visible from heroes used, you will lose if you master only a few heroes just. Therefore, you are advised to practice at classic mode to play heroes what you have.

Besides that, collecting heroes very important for player in epic rank mode because when heroes you in-pick opponent, then you have to choose heroes else, and will not be able to play heroes same with player another in one match. 

Every Season, will have update accordingly updates done by Moonton developers. Usually, there will be heroes who will subscribe to the banned because it can be meta in new patch.

Besides there heroes which in banned, in S21 there are several heroes which are rarely encountered, or not widely used by the player MLBB (Mobile Legends Bang Bang).

The following VCGamers has summarized heroes MLBB which is rarely used in Season 21.

3 MLBB Heroes Rarely Get Picked in Rank Mode


Vexana is one of them hero mage whose existence is being forgotten. How come? Vexana lost the competition with hero mage more from skills nor the fighting ability to deliver damage big on opponents.

As a mage hero, Vexana should be able to play a role and provide damage big on early game. In addition to the ability to provide damage, mage also generally have skills for escape.

Because Vexana didn't choose either of them, it was eliminated to be used as one mage, well it's on classic nor rank.

However, for player professionals use Vexana, of course heroes MLBB will still be his top choice.


Carmilla is one hero support which seems to be rarely used in mode anywhere. When compared support On the other hand, Carmilla can be categorized in  heroes weak.

If seen from the other side, Carmilla is typical melee heroes meaning Carmilla does close combat, it will be very difficult if heroes this must be confronted with ranged heroes.

Not only that, if you look crowd control from skills two Carmilla, it only targeted one heroes just. However, it all depends on player who plays heroes this.


Heroes Next, which is rarely played in pick mode is Minishittar. This hero describes a hero from Myanmar. Heroes MLBB this one is also included in role fighter, whose job it is to open war to the opponent.

However, if you look skills Minishittar, it seems heroes this is very less can provide damage big for one fighters. Heroes MLBB tends to wait for the opponent to act war,  and use skills it at the right time.

So, there you have it heroes MLBB which is rarely used player MLBB in seasons 21.

With great hope, Moonton canrevamp heroes in order to be able to compete again heroes Another MLBB on new patch which will come.

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