Because the kit is mediocre, here's the list of heroes MLBB weakest March 2022 version of VCGamers. Of all these weak heroes, it turns out that there is Minsitthar.
Of the hundreds of heroes in Mobile Legends, some stand out from the others, while others remain mediocre. Couldn't break through the META due to their mediocre kit. On this occasion, we would like to provide a list of the weakest MLBB heroes in March 2022.
So, which heroes haven't played in this year's META Mobile Legends? Without further ado, let's look at the review below.
List of Weakest MLBB Heroes

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Minsitthar is a Mobile Legends Fighter who has solid CC. Minsitthar can attract targets like Franco and has an Ultimate that will limit targets, making them unable to use Dash or Flicker skills.
However, Minsitthar also suffers from a clunky kit as he doesn't have high damage or defense, and has slow cast skills.
Minsitthar's special capacity also comes with other consequences. He is one of the relatively slow fighters because he doesn't have a good escape mechanism. The only mechanism that Minsitthar escapes is in the Ulti skill. He leapt forward before unleashing his blocking zone ability.
However, he felt it would be a shame if he released Ulti to escape. Actually, you can escape with the effect of adding movement speed and knocking down skill 2. Minsitthar can run fast. However, this won't last long if the enemy is more agile or has remote control capacity.

Vexana is a Mage who has decent CC and can deal quite a lot of damage. However, Vexana clearly lacks range, and her skills require experience from players.
Vexana's weakness in ML is that it was relatively weak during the last match. It's true that, in fact, Vexana was very weak in the game and died in the early game.
During war, the game will end with the Hero Marksman, so he has excellent skills in several ways, therefore, you have to play it safe when playing the late game with this hero.
Therefore, Vexana is one of the weakest MLBB heroes and she is rarely picked in Ranked Matches or major tournaments.

Next, we have Faramis, her support with a unique kit. With his Ultimate, Faramis can revive his allies, but his other skills don't really matter in team fights. One might say that Faramis has a clunky kit for Support, and there are much better options.
He is also less desirable because this hero has minimal CC skills, this makes him non-lethal, cannot be relied upon to lock the opponent's hero movements and makes Faramis unable to protect the core hero very well.

In 2021, there are so many changes that increase the effectiveness of most of the Marksmen. But, Irithel is still lagging behind in the current META. Irithel cannot compete with other MM heroes because she doesn't have anything that can make her stand out.
The main weakness of this hero is that it has very low durability, this weakness makes it very easy to kill during war.
In fact, he is very weak in the early game, so you have to start farming as early as possible. In fact, he is the weakest MM hero from other MMs in the early game. At least he has to reach level 11 or have 4 items for him to become OP.

The next weakest MLBB hero is Vale. Yes, this mage hero is included in the weak heroes in Mobile Legends. How come? Because Vale has the same HP and is too easy to die. However, the damage from the attack is great for killing enemies at any time.
In addition, Vale can be used to run away from enemy hero attacks, for example an enemy hero is an salty Hero like Lancelо. Valle would be a great suggestion for these heroes. That is the reason why Valle is included in the list of weak heroes in Mobile Legends here.
Also read: The Strongest Counter Vale Hero in Mobile Legends 2022

The next hero that is included in the list of the weakest MLBB heroes is the Assassin role hero. Saber is a hero with very severe attack damage, especially this ultimate. Hero Marksman and Mаge are good suggestions for Saber when using his ultimate.
But behind his attacks with enormous damage, Saber is a dead hero. When used in team fights, Saber is rendered useless. Because actually his only job is to check support heroes like Mаge and Mark.
Even though he really excels in single target high damage. But other than that Saber doesn't have any tools anymore because it's too weak and easy to kill. Even ordinary damage feels burst by him.
Also read: The Best Counter Saber Hero in Mobile Legends, Just Choose This Hero!
So, that was the list of the weakest MLBB heroes for March 2022 according to VCGames. Look forward to more game info, and don't forget to follow us on social media for the latest updates.
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