This 2022 lousy and weak mobility ML hero is not recommended for use in rank mode in the Mobile Legends Bang Bang (MLBB) game.
It is known that not all heroes have good performance. At least, there are as many as 5 ml heroes with bad mobility and very weak.
Hero with poor mobility in Mobile Legends is an unattractive thing. There must be advantages and disadvantages among the heroes of Mobile Legends. Most ml heroes with poor mobility are Marksman and Mage heroes with low HP, so they die easily.
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So, in this discussion, we will try to categorize all the bad mobility ml heroes that fall into the weak MLBB hero category.
Who is the bad mobility ml hero? So read on to the end of this discussion.
Also read: Death Duet! Here are 5 Hero Combo Vale in Mobile Legends
5 Bad Mobility ML Heroes
The heroes described below are those whose popularity has decreased due to the presence of new heroes or those who have not been enthusiastic about Moonton for a long time.
Not all of the heroes mentioned in this list are old heroes. However, there are also new heroes who are less fortunate because they are rarely chosen.
Each hero is reported to have the lowest utilization rate and percentage, as stated on the official Mobile Legends website.
First Bad Mobility ML Hero: Vale

The first poor mobility ML hero is Vale. Yes, this hero is a weaker hero in Mobile Legends. how did this happen? Because Vale has a thin HP and dies easily. However, the damage from the attack is large enough to kill the enemy suddenly.
In addition, it is difficult for Vale to escape enemy hero attacks, especially when enemy heroes kill heroes like Lancelot and Hayabusa. Vale can be an easy target for these heroes. That's why Vale is one of the weakest heroes in Mobile Legends at the moment.

The second poor mobility ml hero on this list is still in the Mage hero role. Odette is another weak MLBB hero that we will talk about. Odette has great pain and damage when attacking, so this hero is often used in combination with Johnson.
But Odette has low HP and Odette's highest skill called channeling is very easy to stop enemies. Usually this will require several strong heroes to protect Odette, whether it's a fighter or a tank.

Grock's inclusion in the list of poor mobility ml heroes is indeed surprising. The reason is, this giant rock hero is famous and often used in league mode.
Grock was also always the protagonist of Yurino “Donkey” Putra when he was still playing for EVOS Esports. Barbarian style of ass play is considered suitable for Grock's temperament, which moves quickly when close to the wall.
Grock can be very dangerous when used with the right hands. Another case if the user does not have an aggressive mentality like Donkey. In some cases, many players who use Grock play passively. In fact, Grock suffered painful injuries due to his skills. Especially in the early part of the game.
As a result, Grock became the team's only burden because he refused to deal damage to the enemy. This allows Grock to circumvent the rating regime, especially at Epic levels and below.
In particular, Mobile Legends players now prefer to use Johnson or Hylos, who are more grateful than Grock.

Like Grock, this hero is famous and has even been a meta support in rank mode. His ability to deal damage as a CC is the main donna of hero support users. Apart from that, his "unlimited" abilities also make Diggie a good hero in Hard Support.
Unfortunately, Mobile Legends players tend to kill rather than win, which is why they are definitely not used. Diggie has a skill with high damage. However, this skill is indirect and requires rest, so it can be easily avoided as a casting skill.
In epic, low-value modes, Diggie tends to avoid them. Players at this level often prefer to play solo rather than in teams. This means they also choose heroes that are more suitable for solo play, such as Alucard, Karina or Lesley. Choosing Diggie or other support heroes is considered tantamount to suicide.
Also read: 5 Advantages of Hero Diggie in Mobile Legends, Lively!

Chang'e has the same fate as some bad mobility ml heroes. However, Chang'e and Valir lack any escape skills, which makes them fast targets for more agile enemy heroes.
Compared to Valir, Chang'e actually has less damage from his skills. His first skill has a good effect on CC. However, many Chang'e users often don't benefit from this skill by combining it with Skill 2 or Ulti if the enemy is included in the skill area.
Apart from that, his Ulti skill also does not cause direct damage, even though it is very painful in one-on-one situations. Thanks to the distribution of attack skills, Ulti is less effective when the team is fighting because it can't kill enemies in an instant.
Remember, the list of poor mobility ml heroes is based on data quoted from the official Mobile Legends website. In your opinion, are the five heroes that you rarely use so problematic that they are rarely used? Or do you have other heroes besides the heroes above that you rarely see on the battlefield in the Land of Dawn?
Also read: 5 Advantages of Hero Chang'e in Mobile Legends
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