In this list, there are 5 Mid Lane Heroes Dota 2 the most GG and not easy to lose. They are very tough and very suitable for you to use.
Dota 2 mid lane heroes are one of the most difficult tasks. You see, they really need to be ahead on gold as a level to get a team ahead in the game. As fellow Vicigers know, this cross-country skier is the team's most important offensive move.
Therefore, Hero Mid Lane Dota 2 must be chosen in detail, not just the sound. So in the middle lane there are lots of heroes that are very difficult to fight against.
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In this article, we will provide a list of the most difficult Mid Lane Dota 2 heroes to fight against. What kind of heroes are they? Check out the following explanation.
List of the Most Immune Dota 2 Mid Lane Heroes

Zeus is one of Dota 2's Mid Lane Heroes to fight against. This is because Skill 1 Zeus can stick if the distance is not too far. In the landing phase, this skill really annoys the enemy because they have to fight slowly.
Plus Skill 2 which can stun the desired target. In addition, this skill is able to unlock Ward locations that are in enemy areas around you.
Once done, don't expect any deadly enemies to survive. You know, where Zeus's last moves were all over the world. This means that wherever the enemy is, it will automatically interfere when activated. Then it can be even more annoying when you buy Aghanim Scepter.
An additional skill called Nimbus appears in a circle. Eventually, every enemy in the area will be electrocuted and confused. Surprisingly, Zeus can place this Nimbus skill anywhere he wants.
Shadow Fiends

Another hero in the middle of the field is Shadow Fiend. This old hero has the details to qualify and compete together in the middle lane. The reason is, this hero who is in the middle lane of Dota 2 has a number of skills that can easily kill enemies.
The tip has very painful damage if Shadow Enemy can bring it in the middle of an opposing hero. This hero's basic attack also hurts with nothing, because he has a passive ability to collect stacks of basic attacks.
Shadow Fiends often use Silver Edge items to deal damage early in the game. The Aghanim case is also one of the things that can improve his skills in matches.
This hero has the main characteristics of agi as a hero who is very popular among dota 2 players. This hero is a hero that is always used in game by 1 dota 2.
With his necromaster skills, this hero can quickly get a final hit. Many mid-laners use this hero in the mid-range position to increase their final hit abilities.

Even though Invoker is a complex hero, he has great strength. Just imagine, this hero has 10 skill combinations, including Cold Snap, Ghost Walk, Ice Wall, EMP, Tornado, Alacrity, Sun Strike, Forge Spirit, Chaos Meteor, and Deafening Blast.
All have special features and effects and can be used to customize the course of the battle. This makes Invoker difficult to fight. In addition, users will now be able to memorize all skills. You are guaranteed no chance of success if you meet him in the middle of the field.
Invoker is the only hero with the most skills in the dot game. Most heroes in dota have 4 skills, while the summoner has 9 skills and all of these skills are active.
He is often used to fill the position in the middle lane. This hero is very suitable for dota 2 mid-laners who want to increase the speed of skill execution.

When Vicigers' pals hit the middle at the end of the game, this hero has almost no opponents. His Skill 1 and Skill 2 are enough to beat other midfielders.
Especially if there is an ultimatum, it's even more difficult to kill this hero. Due to its maximum speed, it is difficult to catch StormSpirit.
This hero's maximum speed in the middle of the track sometimes wants to roll over the opponent in the middle. You know, Storm Spirit can easily move into opponent's territory. Thanks to this, Storm Spirit is a Mid Lane Dota 2 Hero that is hard to fight against.
Storm Spirit is the only hero in dota 2 that reaches a speed of 2500, while the average hero in dota 2 has a speed of only 500. However, to achieve movement speed, you have to get to the last level 3.
With this movement speed, the enemy can be very difficult to escape from this hero. This hero is often used by mid-partners to practice ganking skills.
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Dota 2 Mid Lane Heroes last hard to beat from Hero Intelligence, Tinker. Skill 1 and Skill 2 of this hero can instantly kill his opponent. In addition, if hit by a combination of skill 3, whole blood can be reduced to attack.
Early in the game, it is likely that Tinker will dominate well in the center of the field. Even in later games, it is very difficult to fight this hero, because the last combination of the Tinker item with Blink can always divide the enemy's formation.
In addition, Tinker has a very high escape rate. It is very difficult to kill, even if the opponent already has the item from the late game. If you don't like reading Tinker's movements, he can move the track freely to push towers at enemies.
Given their strength in the game, it's no surprise that fighting the five heroes is the toughest. Basic specs only speed things up significantly, especially if the game is already running and can complete its flagship item lineup.
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