Hero Skills Lylia
Hola Vicigers! Hero Lylia is a black magicians that will deliver magic damage serially using gloom monsters which he has. Besides that heroes it can also play time with ultimate-his. So you can fight once again with full HP.
Lylia is hero mage capable enough to fight from early game until late game. Heroes Mobile Legends: Bang Bang This was released in July 2019. Heroes it has considerable potential to awaken meta Mage.
Heroes petite and cute this is one hero mage the best that you can use in Mobile Legends. As for skills owned by Lylia are as follows:
Angry Gloom

Passive skills Lylia's hero can improve movement speed by 15% each time Lylia upgrades glow this. glow this will also increase his level when ShadowEnergy generated by Magic Shockwave Lylia is up to five times maximum.
skills this is the main of magic damage owned by Lylia. Because with skills this Lylia was able to clean up lanes also do poke quickly and also done at a safe distance. So no need to worry about enemy attacks.
Magic Shockwave

skills it can deliver magic damage also to the enemy. Besides that skills this can cause an effect slow to the opponent by 40%. When glow touch Shadow Energy, Glow this will engulf him and detonate his energy.

skills Lylia's hero will give magic damage to all opponents in the surrounding area glow placed. Apart from that, in that area there will also be an effect slow to the enemy by 80%. glow will explode after devouring ShadowEnergy and this will deliver damage on the enemies around him.
Black Shoe

skills Lylia's hero will improve movement speed up to 40% for 2 seconds. Besides that skills this can also regenerate HP to the maximum.
When using skills this time Lylia would instantly return to position Black Shoe be there for a few seconds. After that Lylia will get stacks maximum to be able to use ShadowEnergy.
skills it is suitable for using StackGlooms which are used interchangeably. skills it will deliver explosivedamage high when fighting with the team.
Suitable Lane for Lylia

Lylia fits in well midlane along with tank or support. Heroes it's just like Selena or Harley, heroes it can do solo buff quickly and easily.
At the start of the game Lylia can clean waves first. Then after that you can go straight to buff.
When tank or support already killed monsters forest to collect gold. Then at that time you can go straight to Crab Lake to get gold buff.
Once you reach levels 4, you guys can do roaming to lanes others to help your team. Do not be provoked when you see core heroes alone. Make sure core heroes it did off side when a teammate is on lanes other.
Lylia must always be present in every event teamfights. This will deliver AoE damage which is very large and the enemy is difficult to avoid.
Use it too ultimateits to get stack Gloom which is more. Moment late game Lylia will have damage which is great, but will be vulnerable as well heroes another to kill you.
So don't go too far ahead. Make sure you guys are at the back tank or support and let them open the way for you.
Item Recommendations

When using heroes Lylia use items Magic Shoes, Glowing Wand, Ice Queen Wand, Necklace of Durance, Genius Wand, Blood Wings
Tactics to Gain Instant Kills
Heroes Lylia is one heroes inclined barbarian. This is because skills 1 and 2 when combined will be more than enough to kill the enemy.
But even though damageit really hurts heroes it is also very vulnerable. Lylia's defense was very thin. If you wanna play barbarian then you have to be careful.
You have to play regularly and tidier so that where not wasteful. You also have to play rotation because this is one of the main keys to use heroes this.
You have to observe the enemy's position when you are going to use it skills. If met disabler heroes like Kaja, Chou, and Franco you better step back and be more vigilant.
When using heroes you can combine these skills 1 and 2 first then take advantage skills 3 of you. Because skills 3 or ultimate skill-it can travel back in time four seconds before.
Moment ultimate skill-is used then the HP, mana, skill cooldown and stack Angry Bloom will return to the full four seconds before.
Also read: If Hero Grock hits once, the opponent will KO!
If can use ultimate skills do this well at the right time then you will beat the game. But be patient and don't panic easily ultimate skills it's not useless.
You can learn more about kidnapping heroes This Lylia from the video para pro player. Good luck.