The Best ML Jungler Heroes for Season 24, Check Here!


Check here for recommendations Jungler ML heroes the best in season 24. You must choose one of these heroes in the team.

Jungler ML heroes must clear jungle camps such as monsters, turtles and lords while also looking for other paths. A good ML Jungler hero can benefit by stealing enemy jungle camps.

Junglers are the heart of any team and require a good understanding of the map to be effective. Here are the best ML Jungler Heroes in the game.

Jungler ML heroes are heroes who collect gold by killing forest creeps in MLBB. In the game, they have the most important role.

They are usually the carriers of the game. You can quickly rank up in ML solo if you play carry. So, if you are curious who are the best ML Jungler Heroes in season 24, then here is a list of the best ML Jungler Heroes that you can use.

List of the Painful Jungler ML Heroes


Jungler ML heroes

Lancelot has always been a pretty strong assassin, especially after his skill revamp was received but now, he's just a threat. The rework makes his dash easy enough that he can stack up to do insane damage.

His 2nd skill is also very strong which makes him immune from all damage and cc and can also spam after several cooldown reduction items such as War Ax, Endless Battle, and Hunter Strike.

Lancelot is a very good jungler in ML because of his high early game damage. He can farm in the jungle very quickly. So, his first dash skill gives Lancelot extra mobility to travel the map very fast.

Also, he can dive into enemy lines easily. The second skill just got nerfed, but he's still pretty good.


Jungler ML heroes

Ling received quite a bit of love from the developers in Patch Update 1.6.66 as a lot of his mobility has been shifted to his damage dealing abilities.

The energy cost of his skills has been lowered and now deals more damage. Ling also gets double crit chance from all sources be it emblems or items.

He still needs help early in the game despite his buffs but is pretty strong now in mid to late matches.

Ling is one of the best assassins since he came out. He's been nerfed quite a bit, but he's still going strong. He can jump on the wall too, can attack the enemy's back line from the wall easily.

The late-game damage is crazy too. Ling can also escape from battle easily with his jumps. That's why players often choose him from the Jungler list in MLBB.


Jungler ML heroes

Gusion is a popular choice for the jungler role at every level in MLBB (Mobile Legends Bang Bang). High burst damage and very low CD for his ultimate can clear forests very quickly.

He has excellent mobility skills. His skill set is very effective for killing the enemy's backline. If you have fast hands, you should try Gusion.

Gusion is one of the most popular heroes in Mobile Legends since its inception. He is a pretty broken/overpowered hero for a long time.

Developers nerf or make some skill adjustments a few times. Despite all these nerfs and adjustments, he is a very strong and high level assassin in the current Meta.


Jungler ML heroes

Among all the Junglers in Mobile Legends (MLBB), Hanzo is the fastest hero because his first skill devours creeps directly. Also, you can use it to steal enemy buffs or creeps. The ultimate is the main thing.

Hanzo's soul exits his body and can move through anything that can deal damage, and even if the soul dies, he doesn't. This way, Hanzo wouldn't have to go to the battlefield himself.

Yi Sun Shin

Jungler ML heroes
Yi Sun Shin

Yi Sun-Shin is an Assassin/Marksman. He has HP both as a marksman and assassin in MLBB. His damage in the early game is lower than other assassins, but he has high late-game damage as a marksman. His first skill gives CC immunity. So if you are looking for hyper late-game, you can choose it.

Yi Sun-shin is currently the strongest Marksman in Mobile Legends, after getting revamped in the last patch. For those who want to play this hero, especially in Ranked Match, you can use it.

Also read: Best Yi Sun Shin Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends 2022


Jungler ML heroes

Alucard is a hero that you can get at the beginning of the game. He is a fighter as well as an assassin. He is easy to use. But Alucard is one of the strongest ML jungler heroes out there who can easily win in 1v1 MLBB battles.

He has high early game damage and is very difficult to kill in a teamfight if you don't have CC in your team.

As previously discussed, Alucard is one of the strongest early game heroes in Mobile Legends. An excellent choice for ranked play, Alucard is definitely a good choice for the current meta.

Alucard is a very strong assassin class hero because of his high damage and high lifesteal. He is a jungler hero like Hanzo and granger and is great if you know how to play him.

Also read: 5 Advantages of Hero Alucard in Mobile Legends 2022

Those were some of the best ML jungler heroes in season 24 that you can use to win lots of matches with your team. However, if you have your own special hero, write it down in the comments column.

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