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5 DOTA 2 Hard Support Heroes in Patch 7.31c

In the latest patch, there are several DOTA 2 Hard Support heroes that you can use to increase your winning percentage.
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In the latest patch 7.31c, there are several hard support heroes DOTA 2 which you should use to improve your gameplay in the game.

Although DOTA 2's popularity has faltered recently, MOBA still has a large player base and lively competition. Valve recently rocked the game with Patch 7.31.

The patch not only brings several rework and changes to gameplay mechanics, but also marks the arrival of Primal Beasts. One of them is the presence of DOTA 2 hard support heroes.

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There are changes in the meta with each patch that players are slowly getting to know. Patch 7.31 brought a rework to Techies, a new hero called Primal Beast, and changes to creeps and neutral items. Apart from that, there are changes to DOTA 2 hard support heroes that players need to adjust for matches.

List of DOTA 2 Hard Support Heroes

DOTA 2 hard support heroes are an integral part of the team composition. Oftentimes, they would keep someone's position in the early stages of a match while purchasing wards and other items needed to help their team defend and win fights.

While support roles don't usually have the flashy or glamorous play that nature brings, they are vital to a team's success. The following five DOTA 2 hard support heroes are some of the best supports to choose this patch for players to secure victory.

Keeper of the Light

Hard Support DOTA 2

Although a frail old man on a mount with stick in hand, the Keeper of the Light is a force to be reckoned with and one who has once again found relevance in the latest patch.

This team fight-oriented DOTA 2 hero is a nuisance to handle in good hands with abilities like Illuminate, Solar Bind, and Chakra Magic.

The former, which must be channeled, can be used to dish out a large amount of damage, stack creep, or clear a wave.

Chakra Magic can perfectly pair with other heroes in the Keeper of the Light team by recovering mana and reducing the cooldown of abilities that are currently on cooldown.

Treant Protectors

Hard Support DOTA 2

One with the forest, Rooftrellen, or Treant Protector, is an excellent DOTA 2 hard support hero who can significantly affect the outcome of a match.

The Treant Protector can be played at position four or five in DOTA 2. This hero provides a large amount of healing. He also has the option to heal buildings which is sure to frustrate enemies.

The Treant Protector can frustrate DOTA 2 players with Nature's Grasp as he can walk through trees with a movement speed bonus. This passive ability makes him a difficult hero to catch while Treants try to clear waves of creeps.

Players can purchase Aghanim's Shards to upgrade their abilities and have the option to become invisible while Tree Walking.

His global regeneration armor and healing abilities also ensure that his carry sustains the fight anywhere on the map. Players can also choose to heal any building, especially towers, to delay boosts from the enemy team.

Shadow Shamans

Hard Support DOTA 2

Rhasta, Shadow Shamans, is a nightmare to deal with right now in DOTA 2. His high base damage makes him a tough hero to deal with during the laning phase, where opposing players have to spend gold on consumables to defend.

This hero has two deactivation skills Hex and Shackles, which with the right itemizing will spell doom even to bring the enemy team later in a match.

Additionally, Shadow Shaman's ultimate ability, Mass Serpent Ward, is excellent at dealing massive amounts of damage to heroes and buildings even when Shadow Shaman himself drops out of the fight. 

This hero is a formidable ally to have on any team and offers a high win rate.


Hard Support DOTA 2

In a match, Almighty Dirge is a disruptive support, especially early in the laning phase. Herald of the Dead God, Undying, was tasked with spreading the Dirge across the land, and he did the same through his abilities. From the start, Tombstone was a terrifying ability to deal with.

Tombstone allows zombies to appear on enemy units and attack them. Their attacks will slow down the target, and if the target is below a certain health level, the zombies have their attack slowed down, and movement speed increases.

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Hard Support DOTA 2

Pugna shone brightly from Nether Reaches at the recently concluded ESL One Stockholm DOTA 2 Major. Heroes are one of the most popular choices and have a 58 percent win percentage throughout the tournament. Team Tundra did wonders with the hero, though patch 7.31c DOTA 2 got him nerfed.

This hero deals a lot of magical damage with various abilities. Pugna can Decrepify units, making them unable to attack or be attacked while taking more magic damage.

Nether Blast's low cooldown can be spammed to deal a large amount of damage to target units and even buildings.

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Pugna is currently an excellent support to have in DOTA 2. He can deal massive amounts of magic damage and further exacerbate situations through precise itemization and positioning.

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