It won't be long until season 24 Mobile Legends will end, for you fighter hero users you can really use this hero to push ML ranks at the end of the season.
For those of you who want to quickly get Mythic in Mobile Legends season 24, you need to maximize the potential of today's strongest Fighter heroes to push ML ranks!
In Mobile Legends, Hero Fighter seems to play an important role in battle. This means that many Hero Fighter players are in a push position. The reason is simple. The reason is, this role has a balance of power between attack and defense.
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In the game itself in Mobile Legends, there are many lines as positions that players must pass. Many players use the term “Push Rank ML” when ranking games.
This ML push rank activity might be a bit complicated because when we play, we will face opponents with different skills. To win, you have to master many things, including one of them, namely choosing the strongest ML hero who will shift the rating.
For more details, we will share a list of the five Hero Fighters who most fulfill the requirements for the ML push rank. Of course the selection of this list is based on their specifications and level of strength in the game. The chance of winning is greater if Vicigers friends use it to "hunt for stars".
List of the Best Fighters for Push Rank ML

With its current capacity, Ruby is a fighter that is much sought after by Mythic class players. Its presence can be very threatening, especially when in the hands of the right user. Ruby's crowd control is known to be annoying, especially since her damage has gotten worse in the last update.
Besides having a large capacity as an offline, Ruby can also be used as a roamer/tank. Their high strength due to their life-threatening skill effects makes Ruby very difficult to beat.
When fighting in a team, Ruby is definitely a threat, because the enemy is completely powerless for her when she is hit by a deadly combo.
He is one of the tank/fighter initiator heroes who can catch his opponent through the pruning he uses. This Ruby has a relatively small crowd damage specialist compared to other fighter or tank heroes.

Because of his potential, known as a jungler, Barats' prestige immediately entered the ranks. Considering that this hero has good endurance and attack, there is no doubt that players in the game will eventually rely on him. Instead of using a skinny killer, Barats becomes more usable as a jungler during the ML push rank.
Who dares to come when he already has a large stack? Even its huge body is a threat, especially if it is swallowed up and trampled by the West.
Admittedly, Barats is now a major threat to the game. If anyone uses it then mixes it up with Estes or Angela, keep in mind that the submit button is in the settings section.
The Hero Tank/Fighter OP is actually a jungler tank, aka hyper tank. As a jungler, Hyper Barats has an advantage. Damage and power hurts from the start of the game if you maintain a stack of passive skills – Big Guy.

This hero is now gone because professional players no longer use his services as roamers. The thing is that experts prefer hard rock tanks, which are very difficult to withstand enemy attacks during team battles. But that doesn't mean he isn't as effective as a roamer, you're not listening Silvanna.
This is potentially very deadly when used as a second job. In golden orbit, Silvanna does things very quickly.
In addition, this hero was placed in the typical category in the first game, so you can easily control his path. Silvanna only needs two levels to complete her journey.
The problem is that the combination of stunning and pain is mostly the two turns of the skill. Many Mobile Legends players have difficulty dealing with pain due to injuries.
Not only that, the best skill you have to catch and intimidate your opponent is a nightmare for basic Hero users.

Esmeralda is a Mage with solid health like a tank. As one of the most powerful mages, Esmeralda has a strong endurance ability that allows her to survive being attacked by many enemies.
In addition, this hero's attacks are very painful, so it's better to rely on push ranks.
Apart from that, Esmeralda can also be used as a counterattack or to offend your opponent. The journey to Mythic will be much smoother if you manage Esmeralda correctly and accurately during the ML rank push.
Also read: Do not use! This Hero is Weak With Esmeralda ML's Skill

One of the strongest heroes in the killer class in Mobile Legends is a hero named Ling. He has very powerful moves with lethal abilities. This will prevent your opponent from moving when it comes to fighting Ling.
You can also use Ling's ability to escape through walls in tight situations where your opponent catches you. Ling also handles the entire map and can dig himself.
It's also difficult to kill Ling because he has great speed. However, he can easily chase down enemies and flatten his opponents or foes until they become beasts.
Also read: Counter Hero Carmilla ML Most GG Season 24, Auto Lose!
That's the most painful ML fighter hero for ML rank push at the end of season 24 that you can consider.