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Reasons the Hero Beastmaster is Frequently Used in (TI) 11 Dota 2!

Beastmaster became one of Dota 2's offlaner heroes that was often used during The International (TI) 11 yesterday. Here's why!
Hero Dota 2 Beastmaster TI 11
Wallpaper Hero Dota 2 Beastmaster (Valve Art). Source: Dotawallpaper

Beastmaster became one of Dota 2's offlaner heroes that was often used during The International (TI) 11 yesterday. Although not the most frequent, but his presence really helps the team.

What do you think the reason is? Check it out below!

Karroch, the Beastmaster

Hero Dota 2 Beastmaster TI 11
Dota 2 Beastmaster Hero Wallpapers (Valve Art). Source: Dotawallpaper

Beastmaster is one of the heroes in Dota 2 who can summon several animals to help him. He is described as a large man with weapons in the form of two axes.

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According to Lore, Karroch was an orphan, a descendant of the King of Slom, who lived among the king's pets. He grew up while surrounded by beasts.

One day, there was a unique and talking animal. He was mistreated by the king, but Karroch always nursed his wounds and gave him food. Karroch was slowly able to talk to all the animals.

One time, the animal died and made Karroch very angry. He ordered all the animals to rebel and get out of the Palace. The king was killed in the incident.

With his courage, all animals bowed to Karroch. They also made Karroch a Beastmaster, a warrior of nature who is able to speak to animals.

Based on Post and Role, Beastmaster gets post 3 (Offlaner) with Initiator, Nuker, Disabler and Durable roles.

Reasons for Dota 2 Beastmaster Hero Often Chosen

Hero Dota 2 Beastmaster TI 11
Dota 2 Hero Wallpapers Beastmaster Relics of the Dynasty. Source: Dotawallpaper.

Beastmaster became one of the Offlaners currently used by Tundra Esports Grand Finals TI 11 yesterday. Even according Liquipedia, during the TI 11 tournament, the Beastmaster has been selected 33 times (order number 21).

This figure is quite a lot if you look at the comparison of other heroes. Then, what is the reason that Beastmaster can be chosen 33 times?

To answer this, the authors have collected data from various sources. These sources start from the results of pro player match research, playing experience, and important information from Liquipedia or Dotabuffs.

To make things shorter, the writer will explain the skills of the Beastmaster along with the answers later. Can not wait? Here's why!

Animals As Reinforcements

Display Skill Call of The Wild Boar and Hawk Hero Dota 2 Beastmaster. Source: VCGamers.

If you like playing with micros, like Chen, Enchantress, and Enigma, I think you'll love it. The Beastmaster can summon Boars and Hawks to help him fight enemies.

The Boar that the Beastmaster summons has relatively low attack damage, but is capable of providing poison and slow movement. Meanwhile, you can only direct Hawk according to the location you want on the entire Map.

You can use the Boar to join you against the enemy. Meanwhile, you can use Hawk like "wards", giving vision when an enemy passes under it.

You can also buy Aghanim's Shard to strengthen Hawk. If an enemy crosses within its radius, it will crash itself into the enemy, dealing 250 Magic Damage.

Wild Axes and Inner Beast, Source of Power for Hero Dota 2 Beastmaster

Display of Skill Wild Axes Beastmaster Hero Dota 2. Source: VCGamers.

To strengthen the Beastmaster and his animals, you can upgrade Wild Axes and Inner Beasts.

Wild Axes was the Beastmaster's first skill. He will throw two axes that will return like boomerangs. The ax will destroy the trees in its lane and also every ax that hits an enemy gives 40/70/100/130 magical damage.

If the enemy is hit by the axe, he will get a 6%/8%/10%/12% damage amplification debuff. This effect only affects the Beastmaster and his units.

Then the third skill, Inner Beast, Beastmaster emits an aura that can add Attack Speed for the surrounding teammates. If the Beastmaster maximizes these two skills, the damage he gives will be very painful.

Primal Roar: Ultimate Hero Dota 2 Beastmaster That Translucent BKB

Hero Dota 2 Beastmaster TI 11
Primal Roar Hero Skill Display Dota 2 Beastmaster Translucent BKB. Source: VCGamers.

This is the ultimate skill of the Beastmaster, Primal Roar. Beastmaster will scream with a cone-shaped area to one of the enemies.

The target enemy will be silent and stunned for 4 seconds. Meanwhile, enemies around him who are hit by Primal Roar are also stunned for 1 second and move away. Primal Roar produces 150/225/300 magical damage.

The thing that attracted him the most was that Primal Roar penetrated the Black King Bar (BKB). However, only the targeted enemy is affected.

You need to know that BKB have duration 9/8/7/6 seconds with a cooldown of 90 seconds. By using Primal Roar, you can cut the duration of the enemy's BKB usage.

Let's just say the duration of the enemy's BKB is still 8 seconds long. He uses BKB, 1-2 seconds to attack, then you Primal Roar and is stunned for 4 seconds. Then the duration is only 2 seconds left!

During the stun, you and your teammates can beat him up with the help of the Inner Beast. Or, you can also use Primal Roar to create a safe space for teammates to escape.

Conclusion Hero Dota 2 Beastmaster: Scout and Stunner

From the explanation above, Beastmaster turns out to be quite good and very useful for strengthening teammates. Not only that, as an Offlaner summoner, he can use it to spy on enemy Safelaners in the Jungle or guard against Ganking.

Interested in using Beastmaster? Have a try~

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