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Too OP! Here are 5 Hero Counter Wanwan

The following is a female counter that you can use as a reference when you play Mobile Legends. Let's take a look at the following article!
Skin Collector Wanwan – Pixel Blast is okay
Skin Collector Wanwan. Source: Mobile Legends

Wanwan is one of the marksman heroes that is quite difficult to catch. Of course you have to know what counters you can use. Because this marksman is quite agile and can make it difficult for you to catch and instant kill this one hero.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is one of the best-selling MOBA Mobile games that you can play right now, this game has a fairly high mechanism compared to other games. Because this game always prioritizes the fun of its players.

Counter wanwan is very good for you to use because in this latest patch wanwan gets a buff which is quite annoying for you when you face an opponent, so let's take a look at the following article!

Overview of Wanwan


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Before following up on this quite epic Wanwan counter, of course you have to know a few things that you can use as a reference for managing this one hero. Come on, take a peek

Tiger Pace – Passive

Wanwan revealed the Weakness and position of the enemy hero who was hit by her weapon for 6 seconds. He deals 55 (+3 × Hero Level) True Damage when hitting their Weakness. If he hits all of the target's Weaknesses, he will increase the damage dealt to the target by 40% for 6 seconds.

Wanwan can move a short distance when she throws a Sleeve Dart. This movement speed increases with his Attack Speed.

Skills 1 – Shallow's Path

Wanwan throws Fire Swallow in the specified direction, dealing 120–220 (+40% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies along the path and triggering Tiger Pace. For every [0.5 seconds].

Wanwan takes the Swallow Dagger from the Fire Swallow, dealing 60–120 (+65% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies in its path and slowing them by 30% for 1.5 seconds. Enemies hit by Swallow Dagger twice will be stunned for 0.5 seconds

Skills 2 – Needles In Flowers

Wanwan immediately removes all crowd control effects from herself, triggers Tiger Pace and releases deadly needles at nearby enemies, dealing 150–250 (+60% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage.

Ultimate – Crosbow Of Tang 

Wanwan activates her crossbow and shoots arrows at the [enemy hero] for 2.5 seconds. Each arrow deals 70–90 (+40% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage. While her arrows are activated, if Wanwan kills an enemy hero, she will switch to attacking another target, activating her arrows for an extra 1 second (limited to 3 times [, up to 5.5 seconds]), and increasing her Attack Speed by 30% .

When Wanwan retrieves her arrow or she kills an enemy hero, Tiger Pace will be triggered.

The Crossbow of Tang can only be cast when the enemy's Weaknesses are all hit.
Crossbow of Tang shooting will be considered as Basic Attack. And the number of arrows he fired with his Attack Speed.

5 Hero Counter Wanwan

Counter Hero Wanwan Mobile Legends

You can carry out their duties properly after knowing what skills you can get from animals. This will certainly be your strength to explore further the role of marksman.

However, back to the topic of discussion, here are 5 of the best female counters and they are sure to be one of the heroes that you should choose in season 24.


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You can make this hero roamers and sidelines, surely the presence of this one assassin can haunt women. Once hit by an ambush, a woman can be subdued easily.

You should research again when you've figured out some of the plots you can get by using some pretty brilliant animals. Natalia is a pretty slick female counter hero.


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You often use midlaner heroes like Yve, Lunox, Kagura, and so on. Pharsa is one of the most dominant midlaners. The use of the ultimate can paralyze the animal in one go.

Make sure you choose this one hero so you can carry out their duties properly. You also have to be even more skilled in using this one mage hero.


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You're a marksman user and gold laner who want to limit the movement of women? This Wanwan Counter is very efficient for you to use. Because Claude is a pretty brilliant moment hero when you use this marksman. Because this claude has its own charm.

You can combine this one hero with several other heroes. Of course you win the laning pace first. So, because of that, you will also be even braver in playing marksman.


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Tank users in general will issue Grock as a very good tank hero to subvert women. However, make no mistake to limit the movement of the animal area. Franco is the most appropriate choice for you to choose as a hero tank counter woman.

Because the ultimate of this one hero can overcome the movements of opponents and women so they don't issue a crossbow of tang. You will be more effective in maximizing your gameplay later in the game.



The last hero you can play to counter women is mathilda. Wanwan is very agile, but as a support user and the best healer. This one hero can also be very agile to trick women.

So far mathilda is the best female counter that can bump into you.

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