Counter hero Tigreal Mobile Legends in 2022 you need to pay attention to be able to stem it. Pick and counter is important in Land Of Dawn.
With the right pick or counter, even a game that hasn't started yet can tell who will win. Like a guessing game, the pick and counter can be seen quite clearly.
Tigreal is a natural tank that is very strong thanks to its passive skills and basic build items. It is a very thick tank, the longer it is in teamfight the deadlier it will be. It is very difficult to keep him quiet because Tigreal will always be at the forefront and destroy all opponents.
This hero that cannot be underestimated can certainly cause a lot of trouble for the entire opposing team. Without the right counter, he can continue playing without stopping and disrupting the opponent's movements with his myriad CC.
List of Counter Tigreal MLBB Heroes
Let's see who are Tigreal's counter heroes in Mobile Legends. This one hero cannot be underestimated even though he is only a tank.

Just like Hanzo, Lesley will often be at the back of his team. Tigreal, which is very difficult to enter, will give Lesley free damage from a distance and position that is in his advantage. Not only that, Lesley's very high crit damage can destroy her easily.
Lesley is one of the deadliest MM heroes in Mobile Legends, this hero has very deadly damage. Unfortunately he is less attractive to players, this hero is rarely picked at high ranks.
Until now, it can be said that there is no other MM whose quality is on par with Lesley. He has enormous single damage, especially when the game has entered the late game phase.

The next Tigreal counter hero is Khufra which is a tanker hero that you can use as a Tigreal counter hero in Mobile Legends. Khufra's hero abilities are fairly easy to thwart his attacks.
You can use a bouncing ball which can complicate the movement so that the hero will continue to be covered making it difficult to initiate, with Khufra you can handle it easily.
Has high durability since the early game. Has a deadly crowd control. He has a very far range of skills. Can protect the Hero core very well.

Next is the Akai hero who is a tanker hero who has the best abilities for counter Tigreal heroes. With Akai's abilities, you can easily keep him away from the team.
When he stops, you can use Akai's ultimate which can rotate and attack your opponent, so you can easily keep him away from your comrades. So that your team can freely attack your opponent.

Next is Diggie who is one of the best Tigreal counter heroes that you can use. Diggie's ability to release opponent's attacks easily is very good in defeating him.
When he initiates an opponent, Diggie can easily release the opponent's attack that he has caught. You can use the Diggie ulti and release all captured teams.
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The weakness of the Tank hero above is that it is a tank that doesn't have high mobility. Against Hanzo who was left far behind, he could only watch himself or against Hanzo's ultimate ghosts. It's really hard against Hanzo, especially his poke which annoys him a lot.
Hanzo is one of the formidable assassin heroes in MLBB, his best ability is Ninjutsu which provides attacks from a distance, for those of you who want to try Hanzo.
Apart from that, the damage that is released from Hanzo's skills is also quite painful. So that it can cause death to the enemy it faces.
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Use the Tigreal Mobile Legends hero counter above so you don't get in trouble or get confused anymore when fighting him.
He is one of the tanks in Mobile Legends that can be considered quite a hit, you will definitely meet him often when playing later.