Hard to face Eudora in Mobile Legends 2022? Try to use one of Eudora's counter heroes to gain an edge over the lightning master!
Eudora is a Mage in Mobile Legends who has recently been on the rise because of her effectiveness. Given his sudden awakening, not many players know exactly how to fight him in the Land of Dawn. So, on this occasion, we will provide a list of the five strongest Eudora counter heroes in Mobile Legends.
So, who are the best counter picks that you can use against them in Mobile Legends? Without further ado, let's look at the review below.
List of Eudora MLBB Hero Counters

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Starting from number one, we have Aurora, one of the strongest Eudora counter heroes in Mobile Legends. Aurora has very similar skills (and combos) to her as it allows her to Stun her targets, which she can then follow up with her Ultimate.
Selecting Aurora to fight her can be a bit tricky as it requires you to respond quickly to her attacks, fighting her to freeze her, stopping her from making follow-up attacks.
Aurora is a typical hero stack and burst damage where she can kill her enemies quickly, with just one attack with her combo skill.

Apart from Aurora, Benedetta also has a skill that can block CC Eudora. With her An Eye For An Eye, Benedetta doesn't need to worry about being stun by her combo because she can immediately counter it with this skill, dealing considerable damage before killing her with a follow-up attack.
The ability to disable and high Burst Damage is a must-have ability for these counter heroes. Benedetta is fairly strong. With his painful blink and Burst Damage abilities, he can finish off his enemies very quickly and effectively.
Unfortunately, this assassin hero is quite difficult to play because you have to have agility in using his passive. This hero will be optimal when the user is able to maximize his passive.

Another hero that you can choose to counter Eudora is Chou, a fighter who has a lot to offer the team.
One of them is an ability that grants immunity to CC, meaning it can block its stun. It's no secret that Chou can counter almost all heroes in Mobile Legends because of this one skill.
In addition to his immunity to CC, Chou also has an Ultimate that can be used to separate him from his teammates.

The next hero counter to Eudora, we have Natalia, an Assassin who is also a scourge for every Mage or Marksman hero in Mobile Legends because of her ability to make herself disappear before sneaking. attack.
Natalia can also silence her targets, which you can use to stop her from using her abilities against you.
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Another assassin you should consider choosing when dealing with Eudora is Lancelot. As we know, Lancelot has an iframe skill that makes him unable to be targeted for a while.
By making use of this iframe skill, Lancelot can easily dodge one of them while also dealing a large amount of damage, even killing him instantly.
This one hero has very good popularity and is also widely played. Lancelot is an assassin hero who has excellent abilities when it comes to ambushing opponents. His attacks have high speed and are capable of dealing great damage.
Also read: The Strongest Counter Hero Hanabi in Mobile Legends 2022
So, those are the five strongest Eudora counter heroes in Mobile Legends. By using one of the five heroes above, you won't have any trouble dealing with him.
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