Has the same concept as match Mobile Legends usually, Magic Chess mode also requires ML carry heroes as the foundation of your victory. The following are the 6 strongest.
The Magic Chess Mobile Legends game mode is a mode similar to the chess theme, in which there are pieces and pawns that must be adjusted so that the match can be won.
Same with Mobile Legends in general, in Magic Chess you also need the right composition of heroes, where there must be a magic burst hero, moreover there must also be a hero that produces the biggest damage, namely the ML carry hero.
So, on this occasion, VCGamers will provide some recommendations for ML carry heroes in Magic Chess that are guaranteed to make you win. Immediately, see more details in the review below.
List of the Best ML Carry Heroes in Magic Chess 2022

In Mobile Legends, only the hero Karina is a reliable carry hero, that's because the damage from Karina is quite large as an assassin hero.
In Magic Chess mode itself, Karina is the right choice of carry hero, because Karina is an Astro Power type hero that can make her get additional damage and sustain. Not only that, the bonus assassin can give him an additional 3 times the basic attack true damage.
Because Karina got the renovation, actually, Karina doesn't need very high damage. Liability, Karina deals high cell damage that doesn't climb with magical attacks.
This liability that has no damage is a counter for all heroes, including tanks. But apart from the very high base damage, it doesn't need any other damage elements because it will excel.

Even though it's expensive for 5 gold, Ling is quite worth it in Magic Chess. Ling's advantage lies in his ultimate, he can spam ultimates many times in a short time.
In addition, Ling has the bonus of a Swordsman. But you need to know that Ling usually pairs alone, that's because he's strong enough. But unfortunately Ling rarely comes out, and this is the reason many players are confused about buying Ling or not.
This hero is the most dangerous assassin hero because it has very painful burst damage. Since the last patch, this hero has increased damage and cooldown time, Mobile Legends Update Patch Note 1.4.86.
With his flashing ability to jump from wall to wall, Ling is a very agile and fast roaming hero. Ling is the best choice to be an ML carry hero in this mode because he can easily kill or assist enemy sniper heroes instantly.
Even if Ling is a banned hero, if he is released, your team should get him to make it easier to win the game.

The next best ML carry hero in Magic Chess 2022 is Freya. If you activate Northern Vale's synergy, it will trigger Freya to maximize her potential.
The synergy effect will immediately activate Franco's ultimate (must have Franco), as well as Aurora. With this ultimate, Freya can immediately get bonus defense and damage, along with several damage and defense items. To further strengthen Freya, accompany it with the synergy of Wrestler, Abyss and Weapon Master.
This hero has high endurance with the ability to control a very deadly multitude. Freya's hero game style is actually very barbaric and brutal, this hero is not afraid to hit the crowd when the last ability is active.

The big damage explosion on his 2nd skill is the main reason why it is suitable for convening. Because the average hero used on this track has a continuous type of damage.
Of course, this is the advantage of being able to get out quickly without having to fear damage from the opponent. Apart from that, this hero has one goal which can really be used to repel enemies.
Of all, the three wire skills are the key to success dominating the lanes. Through this ability to clear minions, it becomes faster because it can be activated twice.
Also, if any enemy tries to suppress them, you can immediately kill them through skill combinations and along with battle spell remuneration.
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Even though he's not an ordinary ML carry hero, in fact Chang'e is an ML carry hero in Magic Chess. Chang'e is a flexible hero in terms of items, but in terms of damage he is quite big.
Good items recommended to Chang'e are Enchanted Talisman, Concentrated Energy, and Glowing Wand. However, other items such as Truncheon and Golden Staff are also suitable, especially for Ultimate.
Despite his adorable appearance, Chang'e is one of the best mage heroes in Mobile Legends because he has a CC (Crowd Control) ability that can slow down enemy units. Apart from maximizing his burst ability, skill combos such as skill two plus skill one and ultimate will also help.

Use Lunox in Magic Chess, because this hero is an Astro Power-Elementalis type hero. Make sure to use magic damage items such as Glowing Wand, Enchanted Talisman, Winter Truncheon and others when using Lunox in Magic Chess.
You need to know and understand, Ultimate Lunox can move places and then release a series of high penetration shots, and after that you must immediately activate Ultimate Lunox.
Also read: 5 Counter Heroes for Gusion in Mobile Legends, Make Him Emotional!
So, that's an interesting article regarding the 6 strongest ML carry hero recommendations in Magic Chess 2022. Wait for further information about this game and don't forget to follow VCGamers on Instagram.