Hero Alpha is a very important fighter and you can use it well. Because this one hero is one of the best options for offlaners. You are also more able to use it so that you are even more skilled in its use.
This one hero is a good hero for you to use. Mobile Legends is one of the Mobile Moba games which is definitely very good and very skilled for you to play.
Let's take a closer look at this one alpha hero!
Overview Hero Alpha

Alpha is a hero with four general skill sets one passive and three active. In this Alpha guide, let's take a look at his abilities in Mobile Legends, and when you can use which skills to get the most out of him.
Beta Advance – Passive
Whenever Alpha uses a skill to attack an enemy, she also marks the target with her Beta gadget, and after reaching 2 stacks, Beta will attack the marked target three times. The first two attacks each deal 50 true damage and slow their movement speed, while the third deals 50 true AoE damage to the target.
Skill 1 – Rotary Impact (CC,AoE)
Alpha swipes her staff in the specified direction and slows the enemy by 40% for 1 second while dealing 200/220/240/260/280/300 total physical damage. After swiping the stick, the beta will follow the path while dealing 100/110/120/130/140/150 total physical damage.
Skill 2 – Force Swing (Aoe, Heal)
When casting this skill, alpha attacks in a fan-shaped area and deals 250/300/350/400/450/500 total physical damage while each hit recovers 100/120/140/160/180/200 of his life. In this case, Beta also attacks the marked targets while dealing 125/135/145/155/165/175 total physical damage.
Skill 3 – Alpha Charge (Blink, CC)
This is the most important skill for revamped alpha. When using Beta, stun enemies for 1 second and deal 100 physical damage to them. Alpha jump to the sky deals 50/75/100 physical damage on its way while dealing 200 physical damage to airborne targets and slowing them by 40% for the next 1 second. Upon landing, Beta launches 5 consecutive AoE attacks while each dealing 125 total physical damage.
Alpha Strengths and Weaknesses

Hero Alpha is the lack of a closer gap that will make it easier for you to fly it. Never get too close to him if you are a sniper. Stay away from bushes because most Alpha players use bushes to approach you. If you are playing as a sniper, stick with your range.
This Alpha Hero is definitely one of the best advantages that you can use. Because of the sick durability, heal, and damage. However, you have to be more focused in using the skills of this alpha hero. Because this fighter is a significant hero moment.
3 Alpha Counters
The hero that you can use as a reference for this alpha counter is the cc (crowd control) hero because a hero who has several skills means that this alpha is very difficult to move. The movement of the hero will also control even more because this hero is very difficult for you to face.
Alpha heroes may also have high damage and pretty good durability. However, this is not a barrier for these three heroes. Here's the review!

This hero is very good for you to use to counter alpha. Ruby is a very flexible fighter. You can make this hero offlaner and roamer. This fighter is quite impressive because you will also be even more skilled in its use.
This fighter is also even better for dealing with alpha. Because it has heavy spell vamp and high durability, Alpha will have a hard time dealing with ruby.
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Don't doubt this fighter/support hero. This Kaja has high damage. You are also more able to lock the game from alpha. This fighter is quite impressive with the use of build magic that is similar.
You can also combine skills from Kaja with other heroes. Because of this, you will also be even better because kaja is very hurt by the damage!

This Wanwan hero is very good for you to use more than other alpha counters. This Marksman is agile enough for you to use. This can certainly make one of the heroes quite brilliant and troublesome for Alpha.
Alpha Playing Tips

Early Game

When a fighter goes up/Exp lane, clear the first wave of minions between towers. Then grab the Lizard at 0.45 seconds grab the little gold crab. If your mid-laner provides support, buff the enemy, or return to your lane and clear the minions.
Prioritize Bloodlust Ax after buying boots (250 gold) and try to tag enemies with beta for extra damage. Remember, If you are playing as a jungler, hold the middle lane and focus on farming for the first 4-5 minutes. Work on the following skill combinations to get an early edge.
Mid Game

This is a major phase for Alpha. Don't feed the enemy and don't waste your skill 3 like other skills. Skill 3 is the main skill for dealing with escape/damage. Try to master it to avoid all kinds of ganks. .
As an Offlaner, your main task is to push the turret and every time 2/3 of the enemy heroes die, help your team to take the turtle. Don't leave your lane wide open but if necessary do a quick rotation mid and help your carry to get kills. Perform the following skill combos to get a big advantage.
Remember to Spam Skills 1 and 2 properly during the ultimate causing the marked target to take more damage. You can use Flicker to change the direction of your ult or you can force the enemy to knock your ultimate down whoever tries to gank from behind.
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Late Game

Alpha's weakness is Crowd Controlled by enemies. So try to play it safe in this final phase. His 2nd skill helps him to regen very quickly with Bloodlust Ax, so spam the enemy properly. Try to gank the enemy's ADR first, once the enemy is stunned and airborne they can't move. Don't be afraid to charge or start a fight if necessary to save your luggage.