If people say, the hero Aldous Mobile Legends similar to Saitama in the anime One Punch man. In fact, the counter is very easy. You can read this article to find out how to beat him and make him useless.
The presence of the Aldous Mobile Legends hero in the Land Of Dawn has brought terror to various heroes, especially the missing heroes like Lesley, Miya, or even Natalia. He has the skill Ultimate Contract: Chase Fate which allows him to see the position of all heroes and chase them mercilessly.
Not to mention that if the first skill, Contract: Soul Steal has got a lot of stacks, non-tank heroes will die instantly with one hit like Saitama in the One Punch Man anime.
Even though he seems very strong, he turns out to be very easy to counter and paralyze. It has various weaknesses that make it almost useless in the game other than tracking the opponent's position. Want to know anything? Here are tips on defeating the Aldous Mobile Legends hero.
How to Beat Hero Aldous Mobile Legends
Unlike the other life steal heroes, Aldous is not the case. The problem is that he will get stacked when he last hits and kills enemies or minions or creeps with his first skill.
It is capped at 500 stacks but one stack adds 6 damage making it 3000 damage per hit. In a few hits, he will kill any hero. Slick heroes will die in just one hit.
The second skill is just as annoying because it can stun the enemy and when the skill is activated he will not receive basic damage and gain movement speed.
Purchase Twilight Armor Items

Its huge damage is a nightmare for almost all heroes, especially non-tank heroes. By gathering the right stacks and items, he can deal up to 4k damage with one hit.
To anticipate this, buy Twilight Armor so that the greatest damage your hero can receive is only 900 damage. There will be no One Punch Man!
You can also use items such as twilight armor to take no more than 900 damage and Immortality to kill him after you are reborn or to escape.
Use MM Heroes with High Attack Speed Skills

Even though he has high damage, he is almost never able to do 1 hit kill in various conditions. At the very least, he could only make non-tank heroes die if he had an equivalent item.
To anticipate this, use a marksman hero and make items that provide high attack speed. Don't forget to also combine it with lifesteal so that your HP can be full again when facing him one on one.
He is very weak against stun and skills that disable his first skill. You can fight him easily using heroes like Chou, Argus, Franko, Saber and Masha.
Chou can use his ultimate to finish him off, Masha can use his second skill to paralyze him from doing any basic attack, Argus with his 5 second immortality can clean it and Franco can use his ultimate to hack it for 1.8 seconds when our other teammates can finish it.
Approach Your Targeted One Team Partner

With his Contract: Chase Fate, he can see all the heroes and move towards them immediately. When you or your teammates become targets, quickly get closer and stick to each other. He wouldn't dare get close and his ultimate cooldown would be even longer.
Marksman can use Wind of Nature and Mage can use Winter Truncheon to avoid damage for 2 seconds.
One more way is to stop farming. Don't let him collect piles and he will be useless. Whichever path he pushes, keep our two teammates distracting him from farming. Use long range heroes like marksman.
Never Split Push

The most important thing to remember when facing him is to never do a split push unless your hero is stronger than the opposing team. The reason is, he can easily chase down a hero who does split push and kills him quickly.
One of the weaknesses that this hero has is that it can only attack targets when war, can take advantage of this weakness by always joining a teammate. By always being together, he would not dare attack, guaranteed to be spared from his brutality.
Also read: How to Use the Gloo MLBB Hero on the Sideline, Check Here!
Use the Battle Spell Weaken

If the things above are too difficult for you, maybe the simplest way you can use is to use the Weaken battle spell. When you are approached by the Aldous Mobile Legends hero, immediately use Weaken on him and hit him. Reducing physical strength by 70 percent makes the damage tickle.
There is one more way and that is to finish the game before you reach the end of the game. Use early game heroes like Jawhead, Paquito and destroy them as soon as possible. Focus on aim and just push it so you will end the game before he even starts flying.
Also read: The Painful Build Aldous in Mobile Legends Season 8! Do not believe?
That was how to beat the Aldous Mobile Legends hero in the game. Have fun trying the game and making it useless! Keep up with VCGamers social media for more information about Mobile Legends.