Although there are dozens of weapons PUBG Mobile the most effective you have to be smart to choose which weapon is right to use in all situations. Don't be a noob!
Guns are the most important thing in shooting games like PUBG Mobile. To more easily kill enemies and get WWCD, you must know which weapon is right to use in all combat situations.
Here are some tips for choosing the right weapon for close, medium or long range combat in PUBG Mobile.
How to Choose PUBG Mobile Weapons
Melee Weapon

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In PUBG Mobile, the meaning of close combat is when the enemy is right in front of you or less than 50 meters. For this distance, the AKM and M762 are very powerful.
AKM and M762 use 7.62mm ammunition which deals greater damage than Assault Rifle (AR) weapons that use other ammunition. Because close combat has a high risk, you also need protection such as helmets and vests.
Intermediate Weapons

After close combat, there is mid range combat with an efficient range of around 150 meters to 250 meters. The weapon we recommend the most is the M416 with a 4x or 6x scope, depending on your tastes and needs. M416 is the first choice because it has lower recoil than other AR weapons.
If you can't find the M416, you can use a DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) weapon like the Mini14 or SKS. DMR-type weapons have high damage that can make enemies hit, or even kill them in 4-5 shots.
Range Weapons

As the name implies, long-range combat occurs when players shoot from a great distance, more than 300 meters to be precise. There is one special weapon dedicated to long-range combat, namely the Sniper Rifle (SR).
SR is the number one choice for long distance combat because it is equipped with an 8x scope. You can see enemy positions in great detail or from a great distance, making it easier to produce headshots that end in shots or instant kills.
Each SR bullet also has very fatal damage. If equipped with a suppressor, SR in the hands of a reliable sniper will become a deadly weapon that will return the enemy to the lobby in an instant.
Are you still having a hard time finding SR? DMR can also be used as an alternative. Even though the damage per hit is not as high as the SR, DMR can be equipped with an 8x scope which is very important in long range combat.
Choosing The Best Grip For Weapons

When it comes to shooting games, especially on mobile, it helps to have great motor skills and even better basic knowledge. One of the main reasons here is the quick and correct in-game decisions.
Some decisions or rather choices can determine a player's outcome, overriding all other skills related to aiming and speed. Like choosing the right PUBG Mobile weapon for the right combat distance, regardless of how good the player's aim is.
For example, it would not be the smartest choice to use a sniper for close combat. PUBG Mobile players around the world are now growing and improving their skills to find the right grip to take their game to new heights.
The game itself is a hybrid when compared to other shooting style games. You PUBG Mobile can choose several options to improve your skills and aim in winning WWCD. A small but important option to talk about is the option to add attachments and improve one's shooting ability, beyond pure skill.
Weapon grips can be attached to a variety of weapons in play, thereby drastically increasing one's accuracy. But it won't be enough to just flap it and use any grip with any weapon, just because it fits.
Grips are only good if they add value to achieve better kills. Otherwise, a player is fine without it. The main function of the grip is to reduce recoil or kick after the gun fires a bullet.
Even if it's just a single shot, the ability to regain control towards the center, makes one grip better than the other.
Also read: 6 Worst Annoying PUBG Weapons in March 2022
Change the Fire Mode To No Recoil

If you are not aware, know that guns shoot in different modes, there are three types of shooting modes in the game.
The gun fires in Auto mode, Semi-Auto or Three Shot modes, and Single Shot. Changing it to single fire increases the accuracy of the weapon and it's also easier to aim at enemies, single shots don't recoil as much.
While you are holding the weapon, switch the fire mode directly above the weapon to one or at least three shots mode depending on the weapon. This also helps save bullets at the end.
While 'peek and shoot' is one of the useful features of any shooter game, you may have noticed that PUBG on mobile doesn't have those controls. You won't see peek and fire controls, but you are given the option to enable them under settings.
It keeps you less visible than when you open fire for cover. When you hide, you give other players as little area as possible to shoot at you, while being able to hit them.
Also read: The Best AR Weapon in the Santorini PUBG Map, Definitely Lots of Kills!
Those were some tips on choosing the right PUBG Mobile weapon for close, medium and long range combat in this game. Are you ready to win WWCD?