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Listen! Genshin Impact Characters That Match Aquila Favonia!

For players who get Aquila Favonia, don't worry! Here is a list of characters that are suitable for wearing Aquila Favonia!
Aquila Favonia

Genshin Impact is an open world and multiplayer game by game developer miHoYo. There are various kinds of characters that have their own uniqueness with the weapons of each character. Currently, the available weapons are swords, claymore, bow, stick or polearms, and catalyst. However, this article will focus on a five-star sword weapon named Aquila Favonia.

Many 5-star sword weapons that players can get such as Skyward Blade, Primordial Jade Cutter, Reforged Mistsplitter, Aquila Favonia, and others. Each five-star sword, of course, has its own uniqueness. However, what all these five-star swords have in common is a high base attack, surpassing that of a four-star weapon.

If players get Aquila Favonia and don't know much about suitable characters, don't worry! This article will discuss in full about Aquila Favonia and the characters that are suitable for using these five-star weapons. Come on, see the discussion below!

Aquila Favonia

Aquila Favonia
Aquila Favonia. Source: VCGamers

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Aquila Favonia has a very high base attack, which is 674 for level 90. This sword weapon has an additional stat, namely Bonus Physical Damage of 41.3% for level 90. This high stat is very useful for characters who want big damage and characters who have scaling with base attacks.

This sword also has unique abilities like other weapons. Ability owned named Falcon's Defiance which increases attack by 20%. In addition, if a character using Aquila Favonia is damaged, this weapon will provide HP regen and deal damage of 200% from attacks on nearby enemies.

Players need materials in the form of Decarabian's Tower, Horn, and Arrowhead according to the level level. The higher the level, the higher the quality of the material needed to level up.

Aquila Favonia is a weapon that comes from Mondstadt. This weapon was used by Vennessa, a Mondstadt hero who lived more than 1,000 years ago. This weapon is his trademark weapon and in Latin, this weapon means "Eagle of the West Wind" or "Eagle of the West Wind".

How to get this weapon is quite tiring, namely Gacha. Players can get this weapon through the weapon banner and standard banner. For Vicigers who get this weapon via gacha, don't worry! Come on, see the list of characters that are suitable for wearing Aquila Favonia below!

Compatible Characters Using Aquila Favonia


Jean. Source: VCGamers

Jean is a healer character in the game Genshin Impact. Even though he often becomes a healer, there are also many Jean players who like to use him as a DPS.

Aquila Favonia is perfect for Jean because of its high base damage. Moreover, Jean's ultimate skill has scaling against attacks. So, the higher the attack, the greater the healing that Jean can do through his ultimate skill.

Although it has Bonus Physical Damage, this weapon still matches Jean if the player decides to make Jean a DPS.


Bennett. Source: VCGamers

Bennett is very suitable as a user of this five-star weapon. Because, Bennett has the same ultimate skill scaling with attack, same with Jean. However, apart from healing, Bennett can also provide a higher bonus attack if he has a high base attack.

Aquila Favonia is a perfect match for Bennett. With a high base attack, Bennett can give his teammates additional damage.

Although the supporting stat ie Bonus Physical Damage useless for Bennett, this weapon is still suitable because of its very high base damage.


Keqing. Source: VCGamers

Keqing is one of the five star characters that was first released in the game Genshin Impact. Although not as strong as the other newly released star characters, Keqing still has quite a lot of fans.

Keqing users as the main DPS usually choose to use builds electro or physical. For builds physical, Aquila Favonia is perfect for Keqing. With high base damage, this weapon also has a support stat, namely Bonus Physical Damage.

The bonus might not be very useful for characters using elemental skills. However, if Vicigers uses build physical for Keqing, this gun is perfect. The damage output will definitely hurt more thanks to the base damage and additional bonuses, so Keqing is one of the DPS heroes that is suitable for using Aquila Favonia.

Shinobu cookies

Shinobu cookies
Shinobu cookies. Source: VCGamers

Genshin Impact players might not think that Kuki Shinobu is on the list of characters that are suitable for using Aquila Favonia. This might happen because of Kuki Shinobu's role as a healer. However, Kuki Shinobu with build physical actually quite popular.

Newly released characters on patches previously this could be a DPS with a build physical. Although not as strong as other DPS characters, this build is quite unique and worth a try.

This five-star weapon base damage really helps Kuki Shinobu as a DPS. What's more, the bonus stats are in the form of Physical Damage Bonus also helps Kuki Shinobu provide greater damage output.

Thus the explanation of the five-star Aquila Favonia sword weapon and a list of characters that are suitable for using this weapon. For Vicigers who want gacha, let's top up Genesis Crystal at VC Market by VCGamers! Lots of promos, cashback, safe, and of course legal!

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