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Front Mission 3 Guide, The Legendary PS1 Game

The guide for playing Front Mission 3 contains tips for choosing weapons, skills, and items when fighting enemies.

Front Mission 3 is a strategy as well as role-play game available for the PlayStation 1 platform. This strategy game might confuse some players. Therefore, there is a guide for the game Front Mission 3.

This time, VCGamers will discuss the guides that you can follow in the game Front Mission 3. The guides will be in the form of the best weapons, Skills, and Items that you can use. What are you curious about? Check it out below!

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Use One Weapon for One Character

Front Mission 3 Weapons
Loadout Front Mission 3. Source: The Let's Play Archive

The first guide you can follow when playing Front Mission 3 is to use one weapon for one character. Front Mission 3 offers various character and weapon combinations, but it's more effective when you use just one weapon.

Using this one weapon will give you more experience and can give you a slot to use the Shield. Shield is one of the most important equipment in this game.

Shield's ability in this game is felt, especially when you are on a mission late game. Late game missions will contain enemies with long-range weapons. Therefore, the Shield will be very useful against these enemies.

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Best Weapon in Front Mission 3

Miho Front Mission 3. Source: The Let's Play Archive

Speaking of weapons, you can use one of the most powerful weapons in Front Mission 3. However, you need to know that all characters have a special class of weapons that are more effective.

These special weapons will be different for each character, so you have to look for each one. In conclusion, you should try for yourself which weapon suits each character best.

According to Cyath from GameFaqs, the special weapons for Ryogo and Miho are Machine Guns and Shotguns. Apart from that, Emma also has the same special weapon, namely Machine Guns.

If you're still confused, don't worry. There is the best weapon for beginners, namely Shotgun type weapons. The shotgun can deal damage to the enemy's wanzer area.

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Skill Front Mission 3

Front Mission 3 Gameplay
Front Mission 3 Gameplay. Source: YouTube/John GodGames

Apart from special characters and weapons, Front Mission 3 also has a Skills mechanic that you can use to eradicate enemies. According to Cyath from GameFaqs, you can use Skills in two ways.

The first way is to learn and use the most powerful Skills. However, strong Skills will take up a lot of space or slots in COM.

After using these powerful Skills, you can use a Computer that has a high activation level.

The second way is to use weaker Skills like Zoom I and High activation Combo on Computer. However, the second method will be more difficult because the available combos will be more difficult for you to execute.

There is a third secret way that will use COM10. COM10 can add a level of Skill income and some Parts that can provide useful Skills.

When you enter into combat with the enemy, you will get all the skills you use and may get new skills. This new skill will be very useful because it deals higher damage.

Finally, you should know that the maximum skill you can learn is up to 6 skills.

Front Mission 3 items

Front Mission 3 Gameplay
Front Mission 3 Gameplay. Source: GameFabrique

The last guide for Front Mission 3 is about Items. One of the most useful items in this game is the Item-Carrying type.

This type will give you more Items which will restore HP, parts and ammunition. Even though the enemy will have more wanzers and more power, you can use Items to win the battle.

Thus the discussion regarding the guide to playing the legendary PS1 game, namely Front Mission 3, I hope this is useful.

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