The update for GTA Online Criminal Enterprises has finally made most fans appreciate Rockstar Games and how they handled this decade old title.
This is almost a new trend that Rockstar Games has brought to GTA Online Criminal Enterprises, this update is doing its best and getting enthusiasm from GTA game fans.
There are several advantages GTA Online Criminal, especially with this update. Therefore, this article will focus on the five most important reasons and advantages of the GTA Online Criminal game.
GTA Online Criminal Excellence List
The latest update from the developer provides new hope for gamers who play GTA Online. Where there are some very significant changes.
Lots of Game Quality Improvements

Improved game quality is a feature that players may not notice at first, but the impact on gameplay is enormous. This update brings a lot of changes to the title, making the gameplay more accessible and interesting.
Furthermore, tweaks like better ways to consume snacks and equip in-game armor are something players have been hoping from Rockstar Games to implement for a while. Thus, this update finally proves that developers listen to fans.
New Content

This update also brings some highly anticipated new content, such as the all-new Contact mission which lets players become IAA agents.
This is another welcome development as many gamers have been expecting missions involving the IAA agency, which has been in the GTA universe for some time.
Moreover, new cars, items and even clothes have been added to the game with this update, which is sure to please most of the players. Furthermore, updates will continue to add more new content in the coming months.
Criminal Career Expansion

Players also receive new objectives and missions for all of the criminal work in the game, as well as increased rewards, which have been well received.
Today, a criminal career is an important part of making money, especially passive income. As a result, players have more time to work on new missions and more features to try out.
Increased Payments For Theft

Theft is an important part of the experience GTAOnline, and for many, that is also a selling point for this game. Most players will agree that the inclusion of Heist missions in the game is one of the best decisions Rockstar Games has ever made.
But that was nearly a decade ago, so it's poetic that the Criminal Enterprises update gave Heist missions new energy by giving players even bigger payouts.
Now, more players will be willing to join Heist setting missions than ever before because of this increased reward. This is arguably the most valuable addition this update has made for GTA Online, which has taken this update to the next level.
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Suppressor Mk II Dinerf

One of the most talked about topics in the Grand Theft Auto Online community is the strange disconnect between what fans want from the game and what the franchise has provided. Rockstar Games.
This caused harsh criticism from the fans as they always felt that their opinion was never considered.
Because of this, many players have become very cynical of Rockstar Games, especially since they started promoting the use of Shark Cards, rather than fixing some major problems in the game.
Fortunately, the Criminal Enterprises update can be seen as a positive shift in Rockstar Games' philosophy as it has provided almost everything fans have been asking to put in Grand Theft Auto Online for years.
This is clearly exemplified in the Oppressor Mk II nerf, which has become one of the most well-known armed vehicles in the game due to its use by supporters.
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Lastly, this update can also be seen as a sign that Rockstar Games will be more open to criticism and fan input in future updates.