Aloha VIcigers! This time we will discuss one of the stories, namely the story of Gord and Valir. They are 2 heroes with a student-teacher relationship that doesn't get along. Why? What happened? Let's see the story of Gord and Valir!
Gord and Valir's background
The story of the fight between student and teacher, Gord and Valir in the MLBB game (Mobile Legends) one of hero mage that have skills attack with great damage, if it continues to hit the opponent it will make it look like nothing cooldown. Valir is a student at a magic academy located in a western desert. Valir's teacher is named Gord.
Valir is the best student among Gord's other students because of his great abilities which remind him of himself when he was young, because of that Gord taught all of his sorcery to Valir including the power of the arcane.
After Gord's knowledge was transferred to Valir, there was something wrong with Valir, namely he betrayed his teacher. Instead, he united the power of the arcade with ancient fire magic that created negative energy radiating from Valir's body.
Gord was very sorry for what his student had done, he tried to erase Valir's fire magic power so that it would not be abused with all of Gord's strength but the effort failed.
The battle that took place between Gord and Valir, Valir continued to survive and instead he was able to destroy almost half of the magic academy area there because of the very strong battle with his teacher.
Even though during the fight Gord was defeated by Valir, Gord felt successful and proud because Valir could control fire magic and did not let anger control him, even though he was still angry and hated his student. Finally Valir left the magic academy, Gord looked for new students with tools fly with power Arcane his, but he promises to find Valir to return to fight and find him even if it takes a long time.

Heroes nicknamed as Son of Flames this is one heroes which in revamp. Because it is one heroes which is less frequently used at the time ranked mode by para player MLBB.
Hero mage this is one heroes which is said to have enormous strength and is very painful for the heroes his opponent. Heroes it has damage who is also sick. can deliver stun to heroes opponent so very painful.
skills which is owned heroes this is also very much and very troublesome for some heroes if met heroes this is in a game. Passive skills that it has Ashing has the ability to provide a burning effect magic damage. So that you can experience stack for 7 seconds.
On skills one that is Burst Fireball very painful if hit skills this. skills this can remove as much as 50 mana and has cooldown for 1.5 seconds. For skills the two that it has are Searing Torrents serves as a bow if the enemy attacks.
ultimate skills that it has Vengeance Flame give an increase to movement speed and also remove the effect stun.

Hero mage which is also the same as this Valir also has damage which is just as painful. damage a very large given good on late game nor on early game. Have crowd control and also some skills which is just as deadly.
Although not be heroes favorite but some are using heroes this could win the game because skills it has. On passive skills which is owned heroes it will deliver truedamage which is painful and can make the opponent die.
For skills one owned by heroes this can have an effect stun for a few seconds and also damage which is also very large because of the throw Mystic Projectile. For skills two owned heroes this is energy fields in the direction you want to target with damage very big too.
Energy blasts which can be redirected according to what we want to redirect using joystick will give damage which is no less painful in comparison skills which has been explained above. Added with slow effect that will be experienced by heroes opponent.
Second hero mage it has damage which is so big plus more with skills that can make your team win the game. Therefore, let's try the sensation of using these two heroes with teammates in the Road to Mythic mission.
Also Read: Yve and Zhask, 2 National Heroes who Hate Each Other