Crowd control, pity, or hard pity is probably the term in Genshin Impact that you hear the most.
Genshin Impact is open world game An RPG released by miHoYo, which has now changed to HoYoVerse, in 2020.
Games This is immediately popular to get various awards. Even now, Genshin Impact is still increasing in popularity.
Because of this popularity, it brings a wide variety of players, starting from players who are already reliable and experienced in playing games RPG, to novice players who are just really playing and unfamiliar.
There are various terms in Genshin Impact that are often used among players, as well as in games.
This may be difficult to understand, especially for beginners who have never played before games RPG from 0.
term in Genshin Impact quite a lot. The sources of the term also vary, ranging from games to the players so it's quite difficult for beginners to know.
This Genshin Impact glossary will sort various terms arranged by letters of the alphabet with a note that some letters do not have a word that starts with that letter.
Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact AE

Terms in Genshin Impact : A
- A0, A1, A2, etc. : Refers to the Ascension phase (ascend)
- Abilities: Another term for Talents
- AoE : Stands for "Area of Effect", how big the area of the attack is about the enemy
- AR : Abbreviation of "Adventure Rank", your account level (eg AR 56 means your account is level 56)
- ATK : Abbreviation of "Attack"
- Ascension: Can also be called ascend, when your character is upgraded. There are 5 ascending phases where each ascend requires certain materials and levels.
Terms in Genshin Impact : B
- Banner: Another term for Wish or gacha where you can get rare characters or weapons (5 stars) with primogems exchange tools
- Battery: A character that is used to fill or provide energy to other characters so they can use it skills.
- Battlepass : Can be shortened to BP. These are daily, weekly and special missions which, if completed, players will get certain prizes.
- 'Best in Slot (or BiS): The weapon or artefact that you best use for a character.
- Bleeding: Due to the effects of enemy attacks that can reduce a character's HP, for example the Corrosion effect.
- Bot : When you make a character for one ability (ability) and increase one talent only. For example Zhongli as Shieldbot means you use Zhongli as shields just.
- Buff : The positive effect that a talent gives to a character or team. Like increasing ATK.
- Build: Specific combinations suitable for upgrading characters such as priority of talents, weapons, and artifact combinations
- Burst Support: Character intended for the team to produce damage biggest of elemental burst.
Term in Genshin Impact : C
- Carry : Used for one or more characters in the resulting team damage the tallest
- CBT : Abbreviation of “Closed Beta Test”, a trial from Genshin Impact that was conducted before games release or updates.
- Constellation: A term in Genshin Impact for a constellation where if you reach a certain constellation a character will get an additional or buff big on character. For example Chongyun constellation 2 can reduce Cooldown
- Co-Op: Co-Op is a term used when you play with other players together.
- Cooldown: Can be shortened (CD) Time used by skills before it can be reused by the character
- Crit DMG : Enormous damage which can produce the most damage
- Crit Rate : The attribute used in achieving the possibility of a character to reach Crit DMG.
- Crowd Control: Abbreviated as CC, one of the functions of a character where you can fight a large number of characters, such as gathering enemies in one area, etc.
- Crystalize : Elemental reaction between geo and other elements usually produce particles for shields.
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Term in Genshin Impact : D
- Daily Commission : Tasks or quests what you get from guilds every day. There are a total of 4 quests and every time you finish you will give prizes in the form of Primogems, groceries, mora etc.
- Damage Dealer: a character that is designed to produce damage big
- Debuff: The negative effect of skills especially enemies that can reduce character abilities
- DEF : Abbreviation for the attribute "Defense"
- Dolphin : Summons for characters who spend money for games but still in moderation.
- DPS : Abbreviation for "Damage per Second" used for characters damage dealers in a team. Sometimes it is also used as "Damage per Screenshot" when players screenshots screen to show off damage biggest character.
Terms in Genshin Impact : E
- Elemental skills : skills involving elements of a character. Usually each character has a different attack
- Elemental burst : skillsi uilimate of a character. Usually earns damage or other greatest power.
- Elemental Mastery : Abbreviated as EM, the attributes in Genshin Impact that affect elemental reactions. The higher the EM then damage Which produced from elemental reactions the higher it is.
- Elemental reaction: Damage generated due to a combination of elements.
- Electro-charged : Intermediate element reaction hydro and electro which causes the character/enemy to be electrocuted
- Energy Recharge: An attribute in Genshin Impact to fill up energy that can be used for characters to issue elemental skills.
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Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact FJ

Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : F
- F2P = Free to play designation for players who do not spend money while playing games
- Frozen : An elemental reaction between hydro and cryo that causes enemies to freeze.
Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : G
- Gacha: A game system from Japan that is implemented in Genshin Impact, namely in the form of a lottery and it is determined by luck to get something.
Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : H
- Hard Pity — 5 Star guarantee phenomenon on the 90th Wish on the Wanderlust Request and Character Event, or on the 80th Wish on the Weapon Event Request.
- HP — Abbreviation for “Health Points”, “Hit Points”, or “Health”.
- Hypercarry — A character that has a higher damage output than other characters due to built-in scaling.
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Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact KO

Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : K
- Kit : A collection of character talents
Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : M
- Material : An item that you get from world or enemies to upgrade something
- Melt : cryo-pyro, can produce reversed if the application of the elements is reversed.
Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : N
- Normal Attack: General attacks that are given by characters using weapons without elements.
- Nerf : A character, weapon, or item whose effectiveness in a task is reduced due to changes from the developer.
- NPC : Abbreviation of "Non-player character" or "Non-playable character".
Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : O
- Off-field Character: a character that can provide damage when it's not on fields
- Off-field DPS: Same as above but specifically for DPS
- Off-piece : Artifacts that are not from the same set but are used for special reasons such as to fulfill stats.
- Overload : Intermediate element reaction pyro and electro may cause the character to bounce.
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List of Terms in Genshin Impact PT

Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : P
- P2W : Pay To Win, Players who spend money to get things such as characters or weapons
- Pity : Number of wishes or gacha that you do
- Primogems : The gacha exchange tool you need for roll something banners
- Plunged attack: The attack you do when your character is from a height
Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : Q
- Q : Refers to Elemental Burst, having the default key binding on PC.
Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : R
- Reroll : Genshin Impact term when a player creates a new account to get a 5 star character
- Rerun : Character repetition in banners or events having previously been introduced or appeared
- RES: Abbreviation of the attribute "Resistance" which shows the resistance of the enemy or character to an element so that it can survive
- Rolls: Things you do using primogems to get characters.
Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : S
- Soft pity : The opposite of hard pity when you get a character below 90
- Stats: Attributes in artifacts or weapons that you need to make your character strong
- Sub stat : same as stat but used as a complement
- Set : Same set of artifacts as Gladiator Finale etc
- Superconduct : Elemental reaction between cryo and electro which reduces movement
Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : T
- Taser: Call for team which focuses on the reactions of the elements electro-charged. An example is the team between Yae Miko (electro) and Kokomi (hydro).
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Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact UZ

Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : U
- Ult: Another name for elemental burst
- Unit : Summons from a playable character
- Utility Support: Call for characters who can do support such as crowd control, shields,etc.
Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : V
- Vaporize : intermediate element reaction hydro and pyro that causes damage
Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact : W
- Welkin Moon : Card that you can buy to get Genesis Crystal and get 90 primogems every day
- Whale : A term in Genshin Impact that is used for players who spend a lot of money
- World Level : Can be shortened to WL which increases your Genshin Impact world level which also increases the enemy's difficulty level