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Tips for Using Gloo Wall FF Max in Close Range Battles

Gloo wall FF Max is one of those items that is very useful in all kinds of battles. He is very useful in close combat.
Plan Bermuda FF
Gloo wall

Don't carelessly use the FF Max gloo wall. each battle range has its own way. Here, you can read some tips on using it in close combat.

Player Free Fire MAX often wonders and jokes about what items are the most useful in the game. In most of the cases, players tend to lean towards FF Max's gloo walls as they can be used in defensive situations and even during offensive situations.

However, unless players adopt a smart strategy to use them, they will not realize their full potential.

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During close combat situations, the item can help provide players with plenty of protection and can also be used strategically to outsmart all opponents.

They can intercept bullets and keep enemies away by creating makeshift barriers. However, to master this item, a lot of practice will be required.

Follow these tips to win close combat using the FF MAX gloo wall. Don't be a burden on the team!

How to Place Gloo Wall FF Max

This item is probably the most unique item in Free Fire MAX. Even though it is a non-lethal utility item, it can easily be used to gain an immediate combat advantage.

Given its versatility, players can use it in multiple ways during matches. However, in most cases, they are primarily used during firefights and combat situations.

Smart Placement

Gloo Wall FF Max

The gloo wall basically acts as cover for Free Fire MAX players to hide behind when enemies attack them. While it may seem that this gloomy wall has no flaws, that is far from the truth. This starts to become more prominent when players don't use it intelligently.

Ducking behind gloo walls can make it very predictable for enemies to spot players. The best way to solve this problem is to install a FF Max gloo wall somewhere in the vicinity of the hardcover.

This will help players stay safe from enemy fire and give them enough space to move around and try different strategies.

Ensure Safety by Using It Against Rushing Enemies

Gloo Wall FF Max
Gloo Wall

As mentioned before, if used correctly, the gloo wall can be used effectively for both offensive and defensive purposes in Free Fire MAX.

Understanding its defense mechanism is quite simple. However, you must have a very rational approach and put safety first when using it during an attack.

When a player is on the defensive, they want to put him as close to themselves as possible. However, when attacking an opponent, this item must be placed far away to block their view and make it easy to advance.

Players can even use the sniper to pin down ambush opponents who have lost their line of sight.

During combat, opponents often urge players to push them out of position or displace them. This makes it easier to secure kills. During team matches, this technique can be used to split the team in half.

While this tactic is effective, players can stop rushers by placing them. If placed directly in the lane or in front of the rusher, the entire momentum of the attack is broken. The player can then counterattack and pin the enemy in place.

Use To Block Doors And Windows

Gloo Wall FF Max
Free Fire

Players can often find themselves in a precarious situation and being fired upon by their enemies in Free Fire MAX. This can especially happen when there are no boundaries or obstructions in the opponent's path, when they attack the player. Taking cover in buildings and enclosed spaces alone will not be enough.

Players need to strengthen their defense by using it. A well-placed FF Max gloo wall should be enough to stop any enemy in their tracks.

They can be used in many ways to block enemies. This can be done by blocking spaces such as stairs, windows, doors and other entry points.

Often during battles in Free Fire MAX, players tend to occupy buildings for safety. Since bullets cannot penetrate walls, they are immune to damage. However, enemies can still enter the building and attack.

Layering Can Block Penetration

Gloo Wall FF Max

Although very durable, this item can be destroyed relatively easily if the enemy uses grenades and special weapons such as the M82B sniper. However, there is a way to avoid this failure in Free Fire MAX.

By layering or placing two of these items in front of each other, players can create a buffer zone for defense. If one falls, the other will stand firm and offer protection. In this scenario, players will have a higher chance of survival and can either retreat or fight back.

Also read: 5 Tips for Gloo Wall in Free Fire MAX to Rush Enemies!

Crouching, While Using It

Gloo Wall FF Max

One of the most common mistakes Free Fire MAX players tend to make is using it while standing straight. This can take a toll on players, especially in close combat situations where they might end up dead within seconds from enemy rifle fire.

Planting this item while crouching can help players produce the ideal defense, during close combat. Crouching can trick enemies and make it difficult for them to know the player's position. This element of surprise can help players to comfortably withdraw from risky situations.

Also read: Tips for Using Gloo Wall FF Properly April 2022

So, those were some simple tips on how to use FF Max's gloo wall in close range combat. Please write a comment if you have your own way.

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