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Getting to Know the Tobi Roppo Gang in One Piece

Tobi Roppo in the One Piece anime is an elite group within the Beast Pirates crew led by Kaido.
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Tobi Roppo. Source: Pinterest

Getting to Know the Tobi Roppo Gang in One Piece

Tobi Roppo or Flying Six is an elite group of the Beast Pirates crew led by Kaido.

This gang consists of six powerful members who have eaten Ancient Zoan type Devil Fruits to have the power to transform into powerful ancient creatures.

The members of Tobi Roppo are known to have extraordinary strength and fighting abilities, making them a threat to anyone.

For those of you who don't know about Tobi Roppo, this article will discuss one of the elite gangs in One Piece!

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Tobi Roppo

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Flying Six. Source: Reddit

Flying Six or Tobi Roppo in anime One Piece is an elite group within the Beast Pirates crew led by Kaido.

This group consists of six powerful members namely X Drake, Page One, Ulti, Who's Who, Sasaki and Black Maria who have consumed Ancient Zoan type Devil Fruits to transform them into powerful ancient creatures.

This gang's position is below the All-Star in the crew hierarchy and has the opportunity to challenge for the position through duels.

The Tobi Roppo members also have cool powers and fighting abilities, making them a threat to anyone.

Tobi Roppo was formed by Kaido to gather the strongest fighters who were loyal to him.

Before joining the Beast Pirates, one of its members, X Drake, was once a Pirate Captain.

They play a very important role in Wano arc who was tasked with finding Kaido's son Yamato and facing Monkey D Luffy's gang and the Wano samurai.

As users of Ancient Zoan Devil Fruits, its members have the ability to transform into ancient animals that can increase physical strength, endurance and regeneration abilities.

Apart from that, they are all able to master Haki, making them strong opponents in every battle.

In the Wano region, the gang is tasked with finding Yamato. In return, they get the chance to challenge an All-Star and rise in rank.

Besides that, they also fought against gangs. Monkey D. Luffy or the Straw Hat Pirates and the Wano samurai by showing extraordinary strength and abilities in battle.

Tobi Roppo Members List

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Flying Six. Source: Reddit

Below is a list of Tobi Roppo members and their strengths, including the following:


XDrake. Source: Dee Anime Dude/Youtube

The first Tobi Roppo member is 'X Drake', namely the SWORD Captain of the navy who disguised himself as a pirate member to the Beast Pirates Group.

With the power of the Ryu Ryu No Mi Allosaurus model, he managed to rise in rank and get the highest position in the Beast Pirates as a member of the Tobi Roppo.

As a user of Ryu Ryu No Mi Allosaurus Model, it turns out to have a dark past story. The son of the former Marine eventually became a Pirate named Diez Barrels who has a Bounty of 220 million Berries.

X Drake is a professional agent who shows his loyalty to Tobi Roppo.

However, X Drake's undercover action was discovered by Queen and Who's Who after freeing Law from prison.

Now, he has become a traitor by joining Monkey D. Luffy's alliance to keep Kaido away.

Page One

Page One
Page One. Source: Pinterest

The second Tobi Roppo member is 'Page One', as the youngest member of the other members. He is Ulti's younger brother whose past has not been revealed.

He is very quiet and serious when he is with the Tobi Roppo members. However, he becomes brutal when he transforms into his Zoan form.

Besides that, he also has the ability of the Ryu Ryu No Mi devil fruit, model Spinosaurus.

He had fought Sanji in Raid Suit mode and was kicked by Sanji but was still able to get up even though Sanji was very overwhelmed fighting him.

Page One in the Spinosaurus mods has thick and strong black skin as a sign that its strength is balanced in terms of offense and defense.


Ulti. Source: Crunchyroll

The next Tobi Roppo member is 'Ulti', the older sister of Page One who has a childish and spoiled nature. Despite this, she is a strong fighter.

Ulti herself has the ability of the Ryu Ryu No Mi Devil Fruit, Pachycephalosaurus model, which has a strong headbutt technique.

Ulti's headbutt is capable of destroying her enemy's skull. She had a headbutt clash with Monkey D. Luffy, Usopp, and Nami, but Usopp and Nami were badly battered by it.

In addition, in the manga version, he received an attack from Yamato, but was only knocked down for a moment.

Who's Who

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Who's Who. Source: WikiFandom

The next member of Tobi Roppo is 'Who's Who', a former Pirate Captain who is thin, tall and wears a mask.

He has great power and intends to kill All Star to rise in rank.

Apart from that, he is also seen carrying a long Katana which indicates that he is a strong swordsman.

He ate the Neko Neko No Mi Devil Fruit, Saber Toothed Tiger model, which transforms him into an ancient tiger with 2 terrifying fangs.

In the manga version, he and Queen were the ones who discovered X Drake's disguise and called him a spy.


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Sasaki. Source: WikiFandom

The next member of Tobi Roppo is 'Sasaki', a former Pirate Captain who is aiming for the All Star position.

His physical appearance is quite large and very scary. However, his attitude is very relaxed compared to the other members.

Sasaki has the ability of the Devil Fruit Ryu Ryu No Mi model Triceratops. When he transforms into Triceratops, his physique will change to be large and match General Franky.

This power makes him superior and has strong defense and attack.

He was also fooled by Denjiro. However, because of the commotion he was able to free himself from his bonds.

Black Maria

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Black Maria. Source: WikiFandom

The next member of Tobi Roppo is 'Black Maria', the owner of a brothel called Woman Trouble.

Black Maria is very beautiful with a height of 8.2 meters and almost the same height as Kaido.

Besides that, his attitude is very gentle compared to the other members who are serious, fierce and sadistic.

In her brothel called Woman Trouble, she and her men will trap Sanji.

Then he also has the power of the Kumo Kumo No Mi Devil Fruit model Rosamygale Grauvogeli which allows him to transform into an ancient insect.

In the manga, she managed to bind Sanji with her Devil Fruit power. Previously, many Nakama (One Piece fans) speculated that Black Maria was the Titanoboa Devil Fruit.

Interesting Facts About Tobi Roppo

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Flying Six. Source: Reddit

Below are some interesting facts about the Tobi Roppo gang, including the following:

Once dispill Kyoshiro

Kyoshiro or Denjiro first mentioned the name Tobi Roppo after Sanji stopped Kyoshiro's family.

At that time, Kyoshiro asked Queen to send one of the Flying Six members to take care of Sanji.

Taking Care of Sanji

On Queen's orders, Page One and X Drake were sent to the Capital to take care of Sanji who had beaten up Kyoshiro's family.

Sanji in his Raid Suit fought against Page One, but the fight ended in a draw. At that time, X Drake was in disguise so he didn't care much about Sanji, so he only went after the Straw Hat crew who were bathing in the Onsen.

Other Headliner Levels

As a special group created by Kaido, he is still at the Headliner level on par with Holdem or Basil Hawkins.

But actually, Tobi Roppo's power is stronger than other Headliners and is almost on par with All Stars.

Debut in Manga Chapter 978

Aside from Page One and X Drake who appeared earlier, no other members appeared until the Wano Part III arc. After the Oden arc, the entire Tobi Roppo finally appeared in chapter 978.

Members consisting of 6 people, they were called by King on behalf of Kaido to take care of the 'Kaido Family' problem.

However, they did not know that there was a spy disguised as a member of Tobi Roppo, namely X Drake.

Some Members Aim for All Star Position

There are 2 Tobi Roppo members who are aiming for the All Star position, namely Who's Who and Sasaki.

They talk in front of Kaido and the three All Stars. Who's Who is eyeing Queen's position, but Queen wants to get rid of X Drake and make room for others to enter the Tobi Roppo.

Never Listen to Any Commands

Tobi Roppo has strong fighter members and has a reputation among the Beast Pirates.

However, they refused to obey orders other than Kaido's. Therefore, King used Kaido's name to order them, even so they still obeyed his orders.

Some Members Are Former Pirate Captains

It is no wonder why Tobi Roppo is so strong, as some of its members are former Pirate Captains.

Sasaki, Who's Who and X Drake all served as Captains in their own groups before joining the Tobi Roppo.

Ancient Zoan Power

One of the reasons Tobi Roppo is the strongest group is because all of its members have Ancient Zoan abilities.

They can transform into ancient animals and 4 of them can transform into dinosaurs with great physical strength, while the other 2 have powers other than dinosaurs.

Have a Weapon

The Tobi Roppo members have weapons to fight, X Drake uses an axe and rapier, while Sasaki uses the Trick Sword.

Who's Who uses the blade hidden in the Sword, Ulti uses Morning Star and Black Maria uses Polearm. Meanwhile Page One fights without a sword.

Having Horns

All members of the Tobi Roppo wear fake horns on their heads, although these horns are not real horns as Page One has shown before.

Not Getting Along With Each Other

The Tobi Roppo members seem to be at odds, especially when they are together before the fire festival in Onigashima. In addition, they are also ambitious to become one of the All Stars.

Dare to Challenge Your Superiors

These Tobi Roppo members dare to oppose Kaido and the other All Stars. Many members hope that if Queen dies, one of them will become an All Star.

Apart from that, they also insulted Kaido by saying that Kaido was very stupid.

Have Many Bounties

Of all the members, Who's Who has the highest Bounty of 546 million Belly and the lowest Bounty is X Drake with a total of 220 million Belly.

Oldest and Youngest Age

Who's Who is the oldest member at 38 years old. Meanwhile, the youngest member is Page One at 20 years old.

X Drake's Betrayal

X Drake is an undercover spy who joined the Tobi Roppo. Previously, he was a member of SWORD which was formed by the Marines.

After his cover was blown, X Drake switched sides with Monkey D. Luffy to defeat the Beast Pirates.

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