It is common knowledge that there are many Pokémon which takes the form of fruit and vegetables, one of which is Applin.
On Pokedex, he is registered with number #0840 with a shape similar to an apple. This Pokemon also has a small body with a height of 0.2 meters and a weight of 0.5 kilograms.
In this article we will get to know this cute Pokemon which is shaped like an apple. Curious? Come on, read the article until the end!
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Profile of Applin, a mini Pokemon that is shaped like an apple

Applin is a two-type Pokemon, namely Grass and Dragon, which first appeared in the eighth generation of games, Pokémon Sword and Shield.
This small Pokemon has an appearance similar to an apple. The two eyes shaped like leaves on top of his head give the impression of an apple complete with leaves.
Applin is the lightest and shortest among other Dragon-type Pokemon. He is also one of the shortest Grass-type Pokemon.
After birth, he will hide inside an apple shaped like a Leppa Berry which functions as a home, food source, and shelter from other Pokemon.
The apples occupied by Applin will not rot quickly, this is because the fluid in their bodies can also strengthen the skin of the fruit.
This Pokemon has two evolutionary forms, namely Flapple and Appletun, which are influenced by the taste of the apple it is in.

If Applin runs out of apples to eat or gets separated from his apples, this Pokemon's body will lose moisture and become weak.
Because he hides inside an apple, Applin is often mistaken for food by Noibat, which is a fruit-eating Pokemon.
In the Galar region, giving this Pokemon is a custom that shows one's romantic feelings for another person.
Applin and its two evolved forms are known to be the only Pokemon that can have Ripen as an ability.
Applin Fighting Statistics and Effectiveness

Base statistics are the statistics you get when you first catch a Pokemon. Here are the basic statistics from Applin:
- HP: 40
- Attack: 40
- Defense: 80
- Special Attack: 40
- Special Defense: 40
- Speed: 20
Even though it has a relatively slow speed, the defense statistics of this Pokemon are quite good. He is one of five Pokemon to have base stats totaling 260 points.
What about the effectiveness of using this Pokemon in battle? Following is the complete information:
- Can be attacked by Normal, Fighting, Rock, Dark, Psychic, Fire, Ghost, and Steel type Pokemon
- Weak against Flying, Poison, Ice, Bug, Fairy, and Dragon type Pokemon
- Resistant to Ground, Electric, Water, and Grass type Pokemon
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This Pokemon with a unique shape also has trivia that is no less interesting. Here is the trivia:
- The only Pokemon with two evolutions introduced in Pokemon Sword and Shield
- It only requires 600,000 EXP to reach level 100 and become the Pokemon with the lowest minimum EXP points among the Dragon types along with Altaria.
- Has the lowest basic speed statistics among other Dragon-type Pokemon
- In the 9th generation game (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet) it is the only Dragon type Pokemon that cannot learn Draco Meteor
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Well, that's everything you need to know about Applin, a cute apple-shaped Pokemon. So, are you interested in hunting this Pokemon?
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