Dunsparce is a Pokemon that was first introduced in the second generation of games and it has two different evolutionary forms.
This Pokemon has one type element namely Normal. Based on data from Pokedex, he is registered with number 026 and is known to be 1.5 meters tall and weighs 14 kilograms.
This article will discuss everything you need to know about Dunsparce and how to make it evolve. Curious? Follow the article until the end!
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Pokemon Dunsparce profile

Dunsparce is a Pokemon that has a physical appearance similar to a combination of a snake and an insect. He has a yellow body with blue and cream stripes on his back.
The head is round with a wide mouth that extends in the middle of the face. There is a unique round and branched feature on its blue chin.
Dunsparce can hover slightly in the air with its two wings which scientists believe were used for flying in the past.
This Pokemon lives in caves and rarely moves. They live in a nest that is shaped like a maze. In order not to get lost, Dunsparce walked while sniffing the scent of the land around him.
They have a close relationship with the Pokemon Diglett. The two even share a tunnel with each other.
In the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet game, you can find this Pokemon in the areas in the following list:
- Southern Province: Area One, Area Three, Area Four, Area Five, Area Six, and Alfornada Cavern
- Northern Province: Dalizapa Passage
- Western Province: Area Two, Area Three, and Asado Dessert
- Eastern Province: Area One, Area Two, Area Three, and Tagtree Thicket
Dunsparce and its evolved form, Dudunsparce are the only Pokemon known to be able to learn Hype Drill.
Dunsparce Statistics

Dunsparce is one of the Pokemon with a high total base statistic of 415 points. Furret is the only Pokemon with the same total stats. Here are the details:
- HP: 100
- Attack: 70
- Defense: 70
- Special Attack: 65
- Special Defense: 65
- Speed: 45
For the fighting effectiveness of Dunsparce, here is more complete data for normal fighting conditions in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:
- Gets normal damage from Normal, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Steel, Water, Fire, Electric, Grass, Psychic, Dragon, Ice, Dark and Fairy types.
- Weak against Fighting types.
- Immune to Ghost type
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How to Make Dunsparce Evolve

Dunsparce has one evolution with two forms, namely Two Segment Form or Three Segment Form with a 1/100 chance of evolving into Three Segment form.
The way to make this Pokemon evolve is also different from most other Pokemon, where you can't make it change by just raising the level.
How can Dunsparce evolve? The first thing you have to do, of course, is catch this Pokemon.
You can find it in many areas in this game including the Asado Desert and near the Glaseado Mountains.
This Pokemon will evolve into Dudunsparce at level 32 provided it has learned the move Hyper Drill.

The way Dunsparce evolves is similar to Tsareena, but you don't need to use this Pokemon's original attack to attack your opponent several times.
To make Dunsparce achieve evolution as Dudunsparce, you only need to make him master the move Hyper Drill.
Also read: Must Know, This is a List of All Pokemon Games!
So, that's everything you need to know about Pokemon Dudunsparce, including its unique evolution. So, interested in having it?
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