Clodsire is a type of Pokemon that consists of two type elements namely poison and earth. This Pokemon was introduced in games generation IX.
This fish-shaped Pokemon with the predominant colors of dark and light gray is registered with the number #0980 at Pokedex.
This article will cover everything you should know about Pokemon Clodshire.
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Clodshire profile

Clodsire is an amphibian Pokemon that has four legs with a round body that is dark brown on top and light brown on the bottom.
This Pokemon has a pair of black bead eyes, a large mouth, and a pair of small nostrils.
Each leg of this Pokemon is round with three toes. There is a short fin on its back with a large, sturdy tail.
Clodsire may be related or related to Quagsire, a fish-type Pokemon that also has two elements.
If Clodsire is attacked, he will fight back by releasing a large, thick, purple spike from his back.
This Pokemon usually lives in ponds and swamps and often helps the Paldean Wooper to cross the waters by carrying them on his back.

The following are locations or areas that you can visit in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet to meet this Pokemon:
- Eastern province – Area 3
- Western province – Area 3
- Southern province – Area 5 and area 6
- Northern province – Area one and Mount Glaseado
You can also meet this Pokemon in Tera Raid Battles. Clodshire will appear in battle with a level of 4 stars and 6 stars.
Basic Statistics and Battle Effectiveness

If you catch this Pokemon for the first time, Clodshire will have basic stats as below:
- HP – 130
- Attack – 75
- Defense – 60
- Special Attack – 45
- Special Defense – 100
- Speed – 20
Despite its relatively low speed, this Pokemon has high HP numbers and special defense. For the effectiveness of using Clodsire in battle, here is the data.
- Can deal normal damage from Normal, Flying, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Grass, Dragon, and Dark type Pokemon.
- Weak against Ground, Water, Psychic, and Ice type Pokemon.
- Immune to Electric-type Pokemon.
- Has resistance against Fighting, Poison, Rock, Bug, and Fairy Pokemon.
These two types of Pokemon have two main skills with one hidden skill, namely Poison Point, Water Absorb, and Unaware.
Poison Point makes the opponent get a higher chance of being poisoned when using an attack that requires him to make physical contact with this Pokemon for 30%.
Water Absorb functions to provide healing up to 1/4 of the maximum number of Hit Points if he is hit by a water-type attack.
The hidden skill of this Pokemon, Unaware, gives an override effect to the opponent's modified stats.
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List of Moves That Can Be Obtained Through Leveling

This Pokemon has a total of 13 moves that players can learn through leveling. To increase the level, you can take part in regular battles or give them items. Here is a list of moves from Clodshire:
- Amnesia
- Tailwhip
- Poison Sting
- Toxic Spikes (level 4)
- Mud Shots (level 8)
- Poison Tail (level 12)
- Slams (level 16)
- Yawn (level 21)
- Poison Jab (level 24)
- Sludge Wave (level 30)
- Megahorns (level 36)
- Toxic (level 40)
- Earthquakes (level 48)
Well, that's an article about everything you should know about Pokemon Clodshire. Are you interested in getting cute Pokemon with these two types?
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