Scaramouche or Wanderer requires various materials scattered throughout the game region Genshin Impact. Including Sumeru. Inazuma, and Mondstadt.
The former Fatui Harbinger, who was previously ranked 6th, is an Anemo character DPS which is also very good for exploration.
For those of you who have already gotten this character or are planning to get Scaramouche, here the author will discuss the complete materials you will need to build the character.
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Scaramouche Or Wanderer Material

The character that might be better known as Scaramouche before changing to Wanderer is a character that depends on the maximum level of talent.
So you will need the maximum talent level (level 10 without constellation and level 15 with maximum constellation) where the last ascension level or level 6 is needed.
Scaramouche will need the following list of materials to reach character ascension level up to a maximum of level 90 (ascension level 6):
- Perpetual Caliber x46
- Vayuda Turquoise Sliver x1
- Vayuda Turquoise Fragment x9
- Vayuda Turquoise Chunk x9
- Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone x6
- Rukkhashava Mushrooms x168
- Old Handguard x18
- Kageuchi Handguard x30
- Famed Handguard x46
Maximum Ascension talents (all talents including Normal Attack, Elemental Skill, and Elemental Burst) require the following materials:
- Daka's Bell x18
- Old Handguard x18
- Kageuchi Handguard x66
- Famed Handguard x93
- Teaching of Praxis x9
- Guide of Praxis x63
- Philosophies of Praxis x114
- Crown of Insight x9
You also have to prepare Mora besides farming materials for Scaramouche. That's because all ascension or level up will require Mora as a fee. The total Mora you need for Scaramouche is as follows:
- 420,000 Mora for Scaramouche's ascension level
- 1,672,530 Mora to level up (from level 1-90)
- 1,625,500 Mora to max level from 1 talent x 3 talent (Normal, Elemental Burst, Elemental Skill) = 4,965,500 Mora
Also read: Genshin Impact Hu Tao Material: Resources, Bosses, Farming Locations
Boss Sources, Locations, and Routes for Scaramouche Farming Materials
Scaramouche is a unique character where the materials for this character are widespread in almost all Teyvat regions.
Usually, a character from a certain region will need material from the region the character comes from.
Broadly speaking, you have to farm Sumeru and Inazuma to get materials from Wanderers. However, Mondstadt can be a farming option especially for Vyuda Turquoise.
Vayud Turquoise

You can get the stone used for the ascension of all Anemo element characters by enemies who attack with Anemo elements.
There are 3 enemies that you can face, namely: Anemo Hypostasis, Setekh Wenut, and Maguu Kenki.
The author prefers to farm this stone by fighting the Normal Boss Hypostatic anemia and Setek Wenut course not Maguu Kenki.
Maguu Kenki will also give Shivada Jade which is used for Cryo character ascension so that your chances of getting Vayuda Turquoise decrease.
Hypostatic anemia you can find it in Stormbearer Mountain, Monsdtadt. You can Teleport west of Stormbearer Mountain to the Teleport Waypoint near the river.
From the Teleport Waypoint you can walk north until you find the Anemo Hypostasis arena.
Location Setek Wenut located in the Desert of Hadramaveth in the Sumeru region. The closest Teleport Waypoint to this enemy is the Wenut Tunnel Teleport which is between the Passage of Ghouls and The Sands of Al-Azif.
From the Teleport Waypoint you can glide to the hole to the north of the Teleport Waypoint. Next, you can dive down and Setekh Wenut will appear.
The weekly boss who also drops Vauyda Turquoise is Shouki no Kami, The Prodigal and Dvalin (Stormterror).
Perpetual Caliber

Perpetual Caliber is a drop given by Normal Boss Aeonblight Drake. This enemy is located in Sumeru, precisely on Devantaka Mountain.
You can Teleport to the northernmost Teleport Waypoint of Devantaka Mountain and you will find a plant called Cluster Leaves.
This Cluster Leaves will issue a Four-Leaf Sigil for you to use to fly. You can fly following the Four-Leaf Sigils and will reach a cave.
Go straight into the cave and you will find an Aeonblight Drake in the middle of the cave.
Daka's Bell

Daka's Bell is a material only provided by Weekly Boss Shouki no Kami, The Prodigal.
This enemy, which can also be called the Scaramouche enemy, will only be unlocked if you have completed the Sumeru Archon Quest: namely Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies in Chapter III: Act V – Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises.
After completion, a domain called Jourori Workshop will automatically open near Sumeru City for farming this material.
Also read: 6 Facts About Scaramouche Genshin Impact You Should Know
Praxis Book

You can get the Praxis set of talent books (Teaching of Praxis, Guide of Praxis, Philosophies of Praxis) at domain Steeple of Ignorance.
This domain is located in Chatrakam Cave, in Lokapala Jungle to be precise. You can reach the domain by walking from Sumeru City's northernmost Teleport Waypoint.
In this domain there are 3 different talent books and a schedule for farming Praxis Book you can do in days Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.

Hanguard be materials Scaramouche the farthest you can get is in Inazuma.
The normal enemy that will drop Hanguard is Nobushi and Kairagi. This enemy is found in almost all parts of Inazuma except Enkanomiya and Tsurumi Island.
Nobushi and Kairagi are most widely distributed in Tatarasuna, Kujou Encampment, Nazuchi Beach, and Fort Fujito.
This samurai-like enemy will drop Old Hanguard at level 1+, Kageuchi Hanguard at level 40+, and Famed Hanguard at level +60 and above.
You can use the Adventure Handbook to make it easier to find enemy farming routes that VCGamers previously discussed on the route Ayato materials.
Also read: Genshin Impact Ayato Material: Locations, Costs, and Farming Tips
Rukkhashava Mushroom

This purplish-blue mushroom is a specialist plant that you can only find in Sumeru.
Its distribution is in moist rain forest areas and caves in the Sumeru region, especially in the Apam Woods and Wamtiymia Forest.
You can use Tighnari's passive skill which will show the nearest Rukkhashava Mushroom to make farming easier or you can use the Genshin Interactive Map.
Total in one world you can only get 77 Rukkashava Mushrooms and will be able to farm again 2-3 days after you take them.
Thus the guide for farming Scaramouche materials. Top up Genesis Crystal at VCGamers Marketplace to get Scaramouche in this update!